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Dr. Jacques Vallee ~ The Control System

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posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 03:44 PM
By Odins Raven...Is this true? Lol.

And spirituality/mythologies and technology seem to go hand an hand these days...Or did it always.

Even looking back tribal periods, they try to create understanding an disciplines(whether good/bad, smart/stupid). Like hunting, or learning to handle swords, or even making equipment like blacksmiths in old villages.

Or is it like a child with an imaginary phone. No matter how bad ass you think you are, pick it up.

By Zeus`s title of being an absolute eternal douchbag...Is this true. lol.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Specimen

Best not to think of myth in true/false either/or black/white terms, imho. Best to think of it as a clue to our own potentialities. A metaphor for a level of truth that people might be able to accept without going crazy.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by The GUT

A giant tree is showering us with gold leaves

This is code that any good mystic can read.
If you are a student of 'The Golden Bough' by Frazer,
then you know that at the root of all the ancient
mystery traditions, post egypt it's seen more clearly..
but even in the case of egypt in the story of osiris,
it's the 'sacred tree' which is the central imagery
of the mystic path.

The gold leaves is both part of the reference,
and also probably references hermeticism
i'd say.

I'd wager that Dr. Vallee is a practicing member
of a hermetic order, or at least very friendly
with one.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I'm reading "Passport to Magonia" now, truly fascinating stuff...but that's a whole 'nother thread, heh. Cheers!

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by The GUT

BTW, my thought process is not 'disjointed' to another
liminal/mana personality.. and i've met others..

I probably don't explain the basics and launch into
advanced topics.. my bad..

I guess I do use rhetoric.. LOL. Thanks for keeping
me honest. LOL


posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:11 PM

The gold leaves is both part of the reference,
and also probably references hermeticism
i'd say.

I'd wager that Dr. Vallee is a practicing member
of a hermetic order, or at least very friendly
with one.

Good catch and, yeah, Vallee does identify with hermeticism. Hynek even more so. His poetic phrasing was probably aimed at those that would understand it.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by AutOmatIc

There are different factions attempting to program the human racial unconscious.

1) The machine future faction.
2) The 'war in heaven faction' who are the biggest feeders on human 'souls'.
3) There does seem to be a 'navtive american' friendly faction.
4) The spiritual hierarchy/maitreya/jehovah/theosophy faction.
5) The 'Buddha's faction'
6) The 'Ra collective' (sort of a crossover of several groups).
7) One crazed / Thule society / Government / military industral complext faction
8) One crazed intelligence and ex-intelligence faction
9) A handful of shaman's

Those are the ones I'm aware of personally.. on some level anyway.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:20 PM

reply to post by BlueMule

Well fairs fair.

You certainly listen to my observations.

I'll watch that video.


Hey thanks brother. I'm sure I'll find your feedback very interesting!

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by olaru12


I never got my freedom to a full liminal and mana personality type
until I underwent the trial of 'the problem with evil'.

There is no tricky answer. There is no deep understanding.

What most people would call 'god' is just as much 'evil' as anything..

and until you can accept that.. and in fact 'become one with that'

you are a slave and a victim.

Now, 'god' is not 'evil' per se. But nature is cruel. That's just how it is.
Might makes right is the law of all the universes.

Now some choose to be kind.. but they better be 'mighty' to afford that.

Humans are trapped in the control system, because they postulate hypothetical
worlds which don't obey the laws of nature.. become obsessed with them..
and thus lose the ability to see clearly.

It's just that simple.


posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:24 PM
First post. Wanted to share a few things from the occult world I believe are relevant.
The first is from a vision of Aleister Crowley's. The 2nd is a video by an American rock band heavily influenced by Crowley.
I'm a member of a Mystery school as well and had 'run-ins' with 'aliens'. I find Kelly's posts to be most insightful.

The cry of the 20th Aethyr

"A voice comes: For he is a jocund and a ruddy god, and his laughter is the vibration of all that exists, and the earthquakes of the soul. One is conscious of the whirring of the wheel thrilling one, like an electric discharge passing through one. Now I see the figures on the wheel, which have been interpreted as the sworded Sphinx, Hermanubis and Typhon9. And that is wrong. The rim of the wheel is a vivid emerald snake; in the centre of the wheel is a scarlet heart; and, impossible to explain as it is, the scarlet of the heart and the green of the snake are yet more vivid than the blinding white brilliance of the wheel. The figures on the wheel are darker than the wheel itself; in fact, they are stains upon the purity of the wheel, and for that reason, and because of the whirling of the wheel, I cannot see them. But at the top seems to be the Lamb and Flag, such as one sees on some Christian medals, and one of the lower things is a wolf, and the other a raven. The Lamb and Flag symbol is much brighter than the other two. It keeps on growing brighter, until now it is brighter than the wheel itself, and occupies more space than it did. It speaks: I am the greatest of the deceivers, for my purity and innocence shall seduce the pure and innocent, who but for me should come to the centre of the wheel. The wolf betrayeth only the greedy and the treacherous; the raven betrayeth only the melancholy and the dishonest . But I am he of whom it is written: He shall deceive the very elect. For in the beginning the Father of all called forth lying spirits that they might sift the creatures of the earth in three sieves, according to the three impure souls. And he chose the wolf for the lust of the flesh, and the raven for the lust of the mind; but me did he choose above all to simulate the pure prompting of the soul13. Them that are fallen a prey to the wolf and the raven I have not scathed; but them that have rejected me, I have given over to the wrath of the raven and the wolf14. And the jaws of the one have torn them, and the beak of the other has devoured the corpse. Therefore is my flag white, because I have left nothing upon the earth alive. I have feasted myself on the blood of the saints, but I am not suspected of men to be their enemy, for my fleece is white and warm, and my teeth are not the teeth of one that teareth flesh; and mine eyes are mild, and they know me not the chief of the lying spirits that the Father of all sent forth from before his face in the beginning."

edit on 26-1-2014 by Aleph111 because: YouTube link didn't work

edit on 26-1-2014 by Aleph111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:28 PM

reply to post by Eidolon23

I think your spitballing is somewhat on the right track.

Only I'd say that the purpose of the control system does NOT
have anything positive in it for human beings; in the long run
not even positive for TPTB. Of course they don't know that
they are being deceived. I'd say that Vallee knows TPTB is
being deceived however.. and he's afraid to just say that
for reasons of self preservation.

Or simply he is afraid of the consequences in a wider sense, much in the same way as the so-called PTB possibly are. If we take the 1 in 5 ratio of those who are born with leadership qualities, that leaves 4 in 5 that require leadership and therefore direction. That is, they require a structural basis under which to function. Remove that structure and they cease to function effectively, ie, they panic. 'Control System' is simply another means by which to describe 'structure'. A society is a control system, a culture the set of norms and values by which to 'control' society. So given that the vast majority of the people on the planet require a set of instructions on how, when and why to behave, removing the basis by which those people adhere to such behaviours would result in a breakdown of functionality. In theory. One cannot simply remove the operating system. One can reprogramme it, or replace it, but unless anarchy is the goal, total removal would lead to breakdown. Vallee perhaps knows enough to cause breakdown, but does not know enough to reboot, or rebuild the system under the parametres that he has established via his research. He therefore recognises the current control mechanism, has identified that it is flawed, but does not have a solution as to how it can be fixed. Self-preservation may be embroiled in that motive, but in a wider sense, destroying belief in the current system, would take the chance for him to solve the problem completely out of his hands. I would therefore guess self-preservation is of lesser importance to him than his being hailed as the genius that cracks the problem and offers a solution. Intellectual territorialism it seems to me.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:28 PM

Although I haven't read much regarding the behind the scenes development of Ancient Aliens, a curious angle to consider is "UFO Hunters" also for The History Channel. Here is a very interesting account from Jeff Harvey (s1, e1) in which they examine and remove an implant...

So UFO hunters position the story as though Jeff Harvey genuinely believed he was abducted by aliens. Yet an accounting of the experience by Mr Harvey offers a much different storyline altogether...He goes on to state that never once was it brought up that he (Jeff Harvey), worked in the intelligence community:

Very interesting. I suspect that if he was actually implanted, it was by his own peeps. The intelligence apparatus has been known to cannibalize their own. For example, the CIA MK-ULTRA project manager Dr. Sidney Gottlieb slipping the unwitting Frank Olson a dose, days before his mysterious death.

Whether Jeff Harvey was implanted or not, I'd say it wouldn't be too far-fetched to consider whether his head was tinkered with in some way.

edit on 26-1-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

All myths spring from the human brain/nervous system/energetic infrastructure
at the point where human suffering intersects wtih the physical world.

These are the 'control points' or 'universal built in control points of humans'.

This is why it's good to understand mythology. It's a sort of a 'master key' to the
human psyche.

What all the factions are trying to do, including the human factions, is to create
a new universal mythology, that they are in control of.. as mythology is what
controls human beings.. even most materialistic reductionist atheist scientists
to some degree... they are prisoners to 'beauty' and 'math'. Math is an archetype
as much as anything.. and the new 'string theory' and 'many universes theories'
and 'explanations for quantum physics' are just another form of control system
for atheists and scientists and their followers.


posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

That is an excellent analysis! Top rate.

Yes, it's obvious that Vallee would love to reprogram the control loop,
but he knows that he doesn't have the skill or ability to do it 'properly'.

Of course there is no 'properly'. Any ethical person who even MIGHT
be willing to attempt this probably wouldn't attempt this.

On the other hand ,fools jump right in.

This is why the only inputs into the control system have been NEGATIVE.

Perhaps it's time for an ethical group to say screw it, and let the bombs

It's the old "all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing".


posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:38 PM


What all the factions are trying to do, including the human factions, is to create a new universal mythology, that they are in control of.. as mythology is what controls human beings.

Just suppose for a moment. What would happen if every single person knew everything that every faction knows? That every shaman knows?

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:45 PM


Whether Jeff Harvey was implanted or not, I'd say it wouldn't be too far-fetched to consider whether his head was tinkered with in some way.

Well apparently it's not just the marines that are "the first to go, last to know" under this umbrella. At least they can take solice in at least knowing they don't

I think what would concern me most about this story, if true, is the level of sophistication in regards the implant. Nerve endings connected to the device symbiotically isn't something I was aware our government was capable of. I will leave it at that to prevent any further topic drift.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Aleph111

Well welcome to the mad house!

I myself am not much for crowley. He was a puppet to a certain
class of entities which deeply influenced his unconscious mind.

The thing which esoteric groups who channel and summon never
seem to realize, is that by forming bonds with 'entitites', that over
time they compromise your body..

All beings of a certain class, and this includes perhaps most of them
are very tittilated by the human energy system and body.. they
desperately want to put hooks into it... in fact most entitites of
a spiritual nature will fade out of existence without a physical
host to feed upon in some world..

This is why only a fully liminal personality, that acts as a conduit
for the raw fire itself.. which is the fire that the Trickers entitites
come from is 'safe' from influence.

A fully liminlal shaman or sorceror is functionally a trickster entity
and i guess is rewarded wtih professional courtesy by the motley
crew of spiritits and entities.

I've always wanted to instruct a promising esoteric group.. but
i've never come across a promising one..

Again, welcome... and your thoughts on Gut's topic would be


posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:57 PM

reply to post by KilgoreTrout

That is an excellent analysis! Top rate.

Yes, it's obvious that Vallee would love to reprogram the control loop,
but he knows that he doesn't have the skill or ability to do it 'properly'.

Of course there is no 'properly'. Any ethical person who even MIGHT
be willing to attempt this probably wouldn't attempt this.

On the other hand ,fools jump right in.

This is why the only inputs into the control system have been NEGATIVE.

Perhaps it's time for an ethical group to say screw it, and let the bombs

It's the old "all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing".


As the system stands, control of resources limits opportunity, thereby limiting the ability of most to rise to the challenge of leadership, whether they fall into the 1 in 5 or not. This is how any control mechanism, within a capitalist structure works. By creating a middle-class, those PTB effectively create a buffer which renders themselves untouchable. Any uprising against the system only hits the middle-class. The middle class therefore is the spinal column of the current system, supporting both the head, and controlling the function of the limbs, in order to maintain their own position. The middle class have the most to lose, and therefore, work hardest at maintaining the mechanism. That is civilisation as we have known it since it's dawn. Those who control the resources can rebuild by creating a new middle class if the old one is destroyed and will do so based upon the one that was broken, by simple replication, they lack the ingenuity to do otherwise. Likewise, the workers can recreate based upon skills and 'might' of numbers, but likewise, would rely on tried methods and systems, as well as take over of current systems. Only the middle group, by inspiring and drawing together the whole in unity of function, can bring about complete change. But, first, they have to understand the need to do so.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:57 PM

reply to post by The GUT

Vallee certainly does present some interesting theories to be sure. I'd like to expand upon my previous reply. In his attempt to explain the UFO phenomenon he uses multiple theories, the Control System theory being possibly influenced by his computer programming skills. As though the UFO's are manifestations of a sort of "higher programming layer" in our existence. This layer being manipulated by certain humans who have perhaps figured out how it works. It is postulated as being a sort of "automatic correction system" for equilibrium of human society as a whole. Yet if someone, or some group figured out how to use this system to achieve their agendas, then I could see where this would be extremely valuable, even dangerous information.

In his book Messengers of Deception, Vallee uses examples from multiple UFO religious "cults" to show how such a system could be manipulated into changing the entire social construct of the planet. He cites that the various groups/religions/cults have a very similar theme to their belief systems that they have "received" from either direct contact with, or by channeling through several different ways with some form of physical "saucer people", or from an extra-terrestrial consciousness. He believes that this "source" is being used to change the entire social construct of humanity, whether by the MIC, TPTB, or a super secret cabal. This "Control System" is basically the theory that thought energy, or "psychotronics" can, and does alter our physical reality, and that some have figured out exactly how to accomplish this.

All that deserves to be read again, imo.

That's pretty much the way I understand him, too, with the caveat that he does propose the involvement of some form of non-human intelligence behind it. Or that's what he leads us to believe he's saying.

That's one area where I think he slips us a mickey and somewhat disguises that he's talking about some of the subjects K-Bear, BlueMule and others are theorizing on.

A careful reading and he always ties that "intelligence" to our own consciousness and thusly, it seems, reveals the mysticism behind his own proffering. Trying to wrap the mystical in science as it were. It could be considered somewhat disingenuous. Not saying that mixing science and mysticism doesn't have the potential to be noble, however.

As far as the hope for utopia on earth, KilgoreTrout brought up a point that I was musing on once again as I was breaking the speed limit on my errands.

That being the notion of whether society can function without some controls/leaders in place?

The globalist may phrase their goals in utopian ideals, but we can be pretty sure they neither want--nor can provide--a cashless and peaceful society. They only know entitlement and control, and control only works for so long before the controlled get belligerent.

Doesn't stop 'em from trying though.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

There is core code in the operating system so to speak, whereby the
entire system will rise up against anyone who attempts to 'pin the grand illusion'
to the wall and show it for what it is.

I'm pretty safe, because most people think I'm just some confused, rhetorical
personality spouting nonsense.

I've only revealed myself to a a few people.

I'd like to make a point that I seem to be endlessly making.. that also applies
to this thread.. as this thread is about the trickster control system in part.

That being.. and lets call him/her/it "god" for purposes of this.. has gone to
an ENORMOUS bother to break into little bits, in order to experience him/her/itself
in totality, which includes being limited and hurting.

The 'unknown secret' is that 'god' does NOT WANT ANYONE TO BECOME 'ENLIGHTENED'.

All this crap about a great cycle of everything coming back together into 'god' is pure

This tricker state is supposed to be pretty much permanent.

The only people who get to see behind the curtain, are the ones who won't spoil
the party.

Now.. could there be a kinder, gentler party? Sure. And I'd love to see that come
to pass. "the entity" is not just an ass. Also very loving.


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