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Was Gene Roddenberry a time traveller?

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posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 11:44 AM

This is interesting as Gene Roddenberry included many time traveling exploits in his many Star Trek franchises. One of the first I remember, was Star Trek's (TOS) "Assignment: Earth" with Robert Lansing as Gary Seven and Terri Garr. It was about a man from 6,000 years in the future sent back to save earth from various foul ups. It was supposed to be one of the first spin-offs of Star Trek (TOS).

Now, I'm wondering???? Could that have been a glimpse of the real Gene Wesley Roddenberry?

Save earth from various foul ups?....You got that right, UPS is always fouling deliveries up these days.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:21 PM

He created Star Trek, started a huge cultural shift toward equality, and through his show predicted dozens of "science fiction" technologies that became reality. Cellphones for one thing. If I'm remembering correctly, Martin Cooper's inspiration while developing the first cell phone was a communicator from Star Trek. Tri-corders? Optical tweezers? Phaser guns? Telepresence?
The list goes on and on.

I'm not one of those crackpot conspiracy theorists, but I've often flirted with the idea that maybe, just maybe, Gene Roddenberry was sent from the future and decided to make a TV show about it

Arthur C Clarke was ahead of Roddenberry when it came to cell phones

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:23 PM
I was under the impression he was a self proclaimed channeller of aliens and that is where he got his ideas for the show..

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by AFewGoodWomen

Everyone realizes that Get Smart was a SPOOF of the spy genre, right? The shoe phone was a silly idea on purpose.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:34 PM

, and through his show predicted dozens of "science fiction" technologies that became reality. Cellphones for one thing. If I'm remembering correctly, Martin Cooper's inspiration while developing the first cell phone was a communicator from Star Trek. Tri-corders? Optical tweezers? Phaser guns? Telepresence?
The list goes on and on.

I think it's more Star Trek inspiring people to try to achieve the technologies than Roddenberry predicting anything. many sci-fi movies have inspired others to try to make the fiction a reality.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 03:11 PM

reply to post by AFewGoodWomen

Everyone realizes that Get Smart was a SPOOF of the spy genre, right? The shoe phone was a silly idea on purpose.

I realize that.
Thanks for checking though...


Where is my Kitt car?
Onstar doesn't count.
Michael Knight had a watch-phone too...but he could only talk to Kitt.
All the bad-guys word suits and flipped limos...and never got the slightest there some kind of rapid-healing technology we're supposed to have too?
I'm asking this because I'M NOT SURE if I should be taking Knight Rider SERIOUSLY...

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 05:00 PM
i dont think he was atime traveller, just a member of a group who was interested in changing things..

that thread changed my mind about everything i thought i knew about start trek...

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 06:32 PM

He created Star Trek, started a huge cultural shift toward equality, and through his show predicted dozens of "science fiction" technologies that became reality. Cellphones for one thing. If I'm remembering correctly, Martin Cooper's inspiration while developing the first cell phone was a communicator from Star Trek. Tri-corders? Optical tweezers? Phaser guns? Telepresence?
The list goes on and on.

I'm not one of those crackpot conspiracy theorists, but I've often flirted with the idea that maybe, just maybe, Gene Roddenberry was sent from the future and decided to make a TV show about it

Gene was just a visionary. Not a time-traveller. Sorry.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:53 PM
ITS ERGONOMICS! not time travel.

maybe, just maybe, Gene Roddenberry was sent from the future and decided to make a TV show about it

reply to post by SpongeBeard

It is certainly uncanny that we have star trek type technology.

no its not.

the most efficiently functional "form" that accomplishes a given purpose, is the one that manifests in the long run.

do our cell phones look like basketballs? do they look like floppy fried eggs with glass shards sticking out of them? do they look like a baseball bat?
NO. they look like something someone else thought up, for the same reason, .. to communicate and fit on a person's body in the most efficient way.. a slim form, with a flip-out expanding funciton, as the technologiy minaturizes..

cell phones appear the way they are because it's the most efficiently functional and useable "form" successfully used by humans.

it is NOT uncanny in any way. if there are other humanoids around the universe at our similar stage of technological development, then at least one of them thought of a communication device that you cary on your humanoid body.. and they went through numerous designs until one form worked the best and was carried the most easily (not basketball shape because that's a pain to cary around everywhere and doesn't fit in your pocket)

Do you think that because chinese cave men invented the wheel at the same time as certain European cave cultures did on the other side of the globe, that somehow one of the two stole the "round" design from the other?


it works because it works the best ....being completely a spinning transportation part.
roll anything around enough on the ground and it will even out all around and "invent itself"

for people to miss this concept, o think because something from a tv show looks like something that developed in our culture means they time traveled... BECAUSE NOBODY ON EARTH COULD HAVE THOUGHT that maybe the designs would parallel one another because people in the hollywood scene would have already brainstormed it, and people in the communications industry would have brainstormed it.... AND it would just evolve to its most "comfortable and functional form" through consumer feedback.

another thing to mention is that these "flip out phone communicators" are from the old school 60's star trek.
next generation had lil blue-tooth clip-ons.
like we don't have those either..... oh yeah.. those developed into that form because someone said hey its more convenient this way...

either way.. whenever the person who thought it up.... thought it up... they thought it up with it's most efficient ergonomic aspects they could.. and those factors dictate the form.

"Tri-corders? Optical tweezers? Phaser guns? Telepresence?
The list goes on and on."

yeah and the list of "WHATEVER WE CAN imAginE, WE CAN EVENTUALLY CREATE" will go on and on as well.

and not to say time travel is impossible.
i just think you miss the most blatantly obvious explanation for all this... the one i just gave.

i believe the same about intelligent life on any other earth-like planet...a humanoid body would exist for intelligent land dwelling lifeforms, because it's the most functional and efficient design for its purpose. ( to house intelligent life) but that' for another thread

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

But , it is not impossible. The timelines are so intricately entwined, that you may wind up in a close version of the universe where the only difference is that your cat has shorter hair and your car has older windshield wipers, because you failed to replace them.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 01:33 AM
By that logic Stanley Kubrick could've been a time traveller too.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 08:57 AM
Yes... to the folks that have alluded to Gene's access to "channeled" information. This is where Gene himself claimed to get many of his ideas. Whatever you personally feel about channeling as a phenomenon, Gene Roddenberry was into it BIG TIME. He sat in on many, many channeling sessions and asked questions of the entities being channeled. A great many of the "big ideas" that we believe to be "science fiction" actually originate in those channeled sessions.

Indeed it is understood that Gene was actually asked to write stories that would be a vehicle for the information from these channellings.

Make of that whatever you will.

For what it's worth I personally do think Gene gained access to some pretty remarkable info in this way. I think something distinctly "paranormal" was happening there. But of course skeptics have every right to disagree and call it snakeoil nonsense. There is no proof of anything either way.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 02:03 PM
Heh, nah, he just read many things and kept up with the latest tech trends, like any canny, normal person.

True, he gets kudos because he popularized space travel, equality, tech making life better, the probability that the universe is littered with life, etc.

But ultimately, he was 'just" a smart, aware man who was forward thinking and a supreme optimist... and happened to make a TV show that appealed to others like him... and we need more folks of that ilk, too.

It would be great, though, if he were a time traveler and that future is what we have to look forward to... rather than the dystopian, Orwellian path we are taking right now... but heck, even Roddenberry thought we had to nuke ourselves to start over correctly, but I'm hoping a few stupid TV shows might spread the idea before a total reset is necessary!

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 06:23 PM

SpongeBeardI'm not one of those crackpot conspiracy theorists, but I've often flirted with the idea that maybe, just maybe, Gene Roddenberry was sent from the future and decided to make a TV show about it

I think it's the Star Fleet Technical Manual that says in the into that it was received from the future. Maybe he's not the time traveler, but only the person that found it.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by CryHavoc

I though the USS Enterprise had a curious resemblance to Nazi Germany's BMW Flugelrad:

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 03:33 PM


reply to post by AFewGoodWomen

Everyone realizes that Get Smart was a SPOOF of the spy genre, right? The shoe phone was a silly idea on purpose.

I realize that.
Thanks for checking though...


Where is my Kitt car?
Onstar doesn't count.
Michael Knight had a watch-phone too...but he could only talk to Kitt.
All the bad-guys word suits and flipped limos...and never got the slightest there some kind of rapid-healing technology we're supposed to have too?
I'm asking this because I'M NOT SURE if I should be taking Knight Rider SERIOUSLY...

The truth is that Knight Rider was a kids show...

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 08:38 PM

He created Star Trek, started a huge cultural shift toward equality, and through his show predicted dozens of "science fiction" technologies that became reality. Cellphones for one thing. If I'm remembering correctly, Martin Cooper's inspiration while developing the first cell phone was a communicator from Star Trek. Tri-corders? Optical tweezers? Phaser guns? Telepresence?
The list goes on and on.

I'm not one of those crackpot conspiracy theorists, but I've often flirted with the idea that maybe, just maybe, Gene Roddenberry was sent from the future and decided to make a TV show about it

Let us hope so - his vision of a democratic socialist future for humanity is.appealing. It would be reasuring to know that the current conservative/libertarian paradym is a temporary reactionary response to human progress.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 12:16 AM


He created Star Trek, started a huge cultural shift toward equality, and through his show predicted dozens of "science fiction" technologies that became reality. Cellphones for one thing. If I'm remembering correctly, Martin Cooper's inspiration while developing the first cell phone was a communicator from Star Trek. Tri-corders? Optical tweezers? Phaser guns? Telepresence?
The list goes on and on.

I'm not one of those crackpot conspiracy theorists, but I've often flirted with the idea that maybe, just maybe, Gene Roddenberry was sent from the future and decided to make a TV show about it

Gene was just a visionary. Not a time-traveller. Sorry.

perhaps in the true sense of the word..

however, those that 'see' the future, or 'futurist / Visionaries' see time as well...because they look 'forward' to the future.. his mind traveled forward in time to see the future..

Traveler as physically 'traveling' through space .. no.
edit on 27-1-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by SpongeBeard

Dont forget Project Starwars. The US government has all sorts of goodies That came out of that project.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 07:27 AM

He created Star Trek, started a huge cultural shift toward equality, and through his show predicted dozens of "science fiction" technologies that became reality. Cellphones for one thing. If I'm remembering correctly, Martin Cooper's inspiration while developing the first cell phone was a communicator from Star Trek. Tri-corders? Optical tweezers? Phaser guns? Telepresence?
The list goes on and on.

I'm not one of those crackpot conspiracy theorists, but I've often flirted with the idea that maybe, just maybe, Gene Roddenberry was sent from the future and decided to make a TV show about it

For those who may not know, Gene Roddenberry was a reader of The Urantia Book. Half of this vast book on Science, Philosophy and Religion talks about the Universe that God created. It discusses the Trillions of inhabited worlds and how the ideal planet is fostered from the earliest days to develop a culture of equality.

Check it out: (

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