posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by AprilFooseball
Yes, but then your hand is covered in slimy egg white, and you have to wash them immediately before touching anything else so as not to spread any
Salmonella or whatever that might be present all over your kitchen and utensils and cupboards. Plus it's gross, and you waste the white that gets
washed down the drain!
See, that's the thing with me and the kitchen. I don't mind cooking, it's the CLEANING UP that I despise. Often, I would rather graze on nuts
and cheese and raisins (or go hungry) rather than cook up something that will require cleaning afterward.
Especially after I've got it all spic and span - but that's the same for the rest of the house, too - after I've cleaned it, I don't want anyone
(human or animal) going anywhere near anything!!