posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 06:19 AM
The "spirit " of "antichrist" is alive and well just as John wrote 2 thousand years ago.John is the only one who wrote of antichrist and contrary to
common belief not one time is"antichrist" mentioned in the book of Revelation.
In Greek anti means "in place of" In Hebrew christ is "mashiach (messiah)and means to rub with oil.It was done when a priest,prophet or King was
imbued with the power of the creator God.
The word antichrist means "in place of those imbued with the power of the creator God". The anointed ones is who John was talking about.The only
anointed ones at that time who were "christ" (the few are chosen)were himself and the other apostles.The "antichrists" were the upstarts that were
trying to undermined them by their "religion". Contrary to popular belief neither the apostles nor for that matter even Yahoshua were "christians".
That same "spirit of antichrist is present today it is not THE Antichrist..that "article (THE) was added and not in the original text the scriptures
were translated from however Yahoshua did said who the antichrist are.
MANY will come in my NAME and say I am christ and will deceive many". There is only one group of "many" that come in the "name of "christ" saying THEY
are "christs".,,,
It is not difficult to figure who these "many" are out yet NONE of them can understand it or believe it.That is why so many of them believe these
lies.God has caused a strong delusion that they would believe a lie....There is another scripture they cannot and will not believe is them.
"MANY will come to me in that day and say :LORD LORD" didn't we do Many works in YOUR NAME and he will say depart from me you who do evil I never
knew you".
The"antichrists" are not pagans or atheists or agnostic or Muslims or Buddhist etc etc... Yahoshua was speaking of.John and Yahoshua had it right.
There will be Many in that day (from that time up until now and beyond) that are "antichrist" and will not know it .They think they have done "many"
works in the "name of christ" however it is only in "place of christ"...antichrist....
I am not condemning anyone.It is just the facts..the facts are the "antichrists" can't see the truth so they have "concocted a bogeyman"THE
Antichrist" as a patsy unknowingly.
The fact is there is no"The Antichrist" it isn't in the in book of Revelation( which is ALL metaphors and signs and NOT prophecies or predictions of
past present of future historical events).THE Antichrist is not even in the books John wrote of either only "antichrists" ..those many that are in
place of christ. who believe they are "anointed of God" and are anything but.
edit on 22-1-2014 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)