posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 04:20 AM
As a gay male myself, the reason why infections are on the increase is very straightforward.
Its men having sex with men.
Men's sex drives as typically high and what you get in the gay 'community' is a situation whereby a huge proportion of guys just want to have as much
sex as often as as they like: its part of the culture. This doesnt happen as much in the straight communitis simply because women do not sleep around
as much as men. The gay culture, permits, promotes and expects men to 'fill their' boots when it comes to sex, its a unspoken rule. Look at grindr
for example....shameful.
Porn has a role to play. The fashion in gay porn is 'barebacking' or sex without a condom. This is teaching gay men of all ages, but especially youg
and sexually active men, that the sexiest and most exciting type of sex is without a condom.
Then you add in the view that many YOUNG gay men believe: HIV/Aids is a minor infection, it wont kill you and no longer is an issue. Its sooo 80's. If
more men are 'pos' then having sex without protection makes hooking up and casual sexual encounters even more rife.
Its a cocktail of problems. To cure we need proper gay sex education and promotion of self respect and of monogamy.
edit on 23-1-2014 by tombkh
because: (no reason given)