posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by DeepVisions
It depends on the exact conditions, how much background radiation, the ambient temperature in the region of space, how much solar heat and shadow
exposure, not all forms of decomposition need active bacteria as chemical interactions can still take place and the body is essentially a large
collection of molecules, now expose a molecule to enough radiation and you will potentially have atomic seperation and molecular breakdown but it
would probably take a while longer than say on earth and as the bacteria would be killed or dormant you can cancel out any biological activity, I
suspect you would end up with a freeze dried husk slowly turning to dust through a process of molecular destabilisation but it would take a good long
while to complete it's disintegration and the dust of it's break down would likely clump together, maybe retain it's original shape but become more
and more brittle and fragile.
There may or may not be a soviet capsule which was rumored to have overshot an attempt at a moon orbit and become lost in a solar orbit, the soviets
were paranoid about secrecy and such a failure would likely have been expunged from there records but it is most likely just an urban legend, still
they did cause the death's of several cosmonauts and there oposite number at NASA had an entire luner astronaut team in training whom as you know were
killed in an oxygen fire in the most horrible fashion as there space suits would have made there deaths slow and painful, after there team leader gus
grissom had expressed reservations publicly about the abillity to land the lunar lander module as even a few weeks before they had been unable to land
a mockup safely on earth, he said this publicly and upset some very powerful people which is probably why he needed to be silenced and a more
compliant agent put in his place for the apollo missions.
It is a story that resonates even today with the moon conspiracy theorists and weather the first missions to the moon where actually real (I believe
many were but they were vastly exagerated in cost and many of them may have been fake altogether while they money was syphoned off but black
operations during the vietnam war.
So Are there any examples of a decaying human body in space, possibly if the soviet story is true but as far as we know not any American body's.
Then again it may have all happened before a long time ago.
Now you hear about the scam of the body on the moon, well that is probably dis info but although most people say rock study this,
And here is what I make of it,
It is an interesting question you ask but not easily or readily answered.
edit on 20-1-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)