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Ever ask yourself Why you did not Die that day?

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Glad to hear you made it through and what path to take later on. Hopefully my path will come someday in time. Things do happen that change ones life forever is what I have read. Haven't fully understood it myself though.


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Up on the iron a person can see death everyday.
Always down there and you see him everytime you look
down. So you just make sure you keep going in the opposite
direction. But you become very familiar with each other.

You have to believe in your head, that you aren't going to die
unless it's your time. But that doesn't mean you just, lose respect
for him (death) either. Don't temped him. But, I believe it's the same
for everyone. That's why we see so many people walk away from this
or that horrible accident or situation that seems to defy logic.

Well, it does.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:42 PM
Maybe we never die?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Maybe we never die?

It's no secret I do believe there's a choice to be made.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by randyvs

What if every person whos ever lived has always lived forever?

In their physical bodies too not just hypothetically in some distance extra dimensional psuedo paradigm.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

Have you made any sense out of it? It stays in the back of my mind, wondering just how it worked out the way it did.

Hopefully some of the Good ones are allowed to stay around for later when its needed. Going through all that and saving all of them afterwards I send you my blessings!


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Twice. Both times, I had precognition that I used to modify events. The first time, I cancelled an appointment with a counselor who ended up getting shot and killed during my appointment time slot.

The second time, I had a vision of myself spinning out of control on the icy interstate, and then it happened but I was ready. I don't like that at all.

What does it mean? That I'm a ghost? Two times over?
edit on 19pmSun, 19 Jan 2014 22:04:48 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:19 PM

reply to post by randyvs

What if every person whos ever lived has always lived forever?

In their physical bodies too not just hypothetically in some distance extra dimensional psuedo paradigm.

No data ? Ahhh! You almost had me go'in that. You!

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by clearmind

Same here, although having a hard life is not so bad. Most of my life was walking down a dark tunnel, never really taking the time to question what I was being feed anyways. Now somehow in the past 2/3 years I've been allowed to question some of it and some new questions being asked of me.

Some questions forgo the ideas of Fate since if it has been written then I am bound by it and have no say so over the matter. What good is Free Will if Fate already has it planned out for us? Why bother to ask questions anyways? Its a mood and nothing more, something we all have to deal with in our own way or look at how others have made it through. Call it Purgatory, trapped their myself for 3+ yrs and had to wait until the door opened on its own.

Or maybe trying to force the door open; never worked but learned something. In the end, you have to face whats inside and let the outside go about its way. Some call it Soul Work, and it actually is! You are told to seek God and to do whatever it is to find Him!

Found out that finding Myself, one could toss out the ideas of God, Satan and all the stories told from long ago. Not that their is no God, just that the understanding of God is outdated and needs to be questioned. If you can not have Faith in Yourself, why would God even bother but to teach you to learn this on your own.

Of course its my understanding of it anyways. In fact, You Are Your Best Friend and how one treats oneself is hoe they treat another.


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by openedeyesandears


Please do share, since even the crazy, oddball, small stuff actually has been in the Picture since before man created Time. Somethings can not be understood by the mind no matter what words people attach to them. Once you give it a name, then the mind thinks it understands it and Hello Box it goes!

I beg to differ, start pulling out stuff from the Box and start asking questions! Everyone has a different meaning to any one word, most have been the same for ages. Yet the true meaning of said word could go unnoticed, considered as fact and never changes over time.


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by randyvs

What if every person whos ever lived has always lived forever?

Stick with that one for a while randy.

Allow yourself to step away from the illusion of space time while considering this. Like, how paradigms could be peeling away like the lawyers of the onion and how each death represents a manifestation of higher consciousness.

Who knows.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by openedeyesandears

And to tell you the truth friend? I wonder everyday if Im fulfilling my life's purpose. Some days are better than others where I think maybe Im still here because Ive got something as yet unknown to do....where other days, I feel like Im done.

But then I wake up the next day and think "Nope. 'Still here!"


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Where else you going to go man?

People keep believing in death.

Im telling you were almost so close to scientifically understanding the quandries and implications of death.

The world is so much weirder then we can explain.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

I live by one philosophy that works for me. Each day, I try to learn at least 1 new thing, like how high the moon is, or a new word in French. And second, I try to help at least 1 person (or more) everyday.

Im hoping when I go, someone will say "Hey! I knew him and he helped me...." And even if they don't say anything. At least I know I tried to make a difference.

Thanks MS

edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: because

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

So what changed your life back in the day? On what day did you find Christ or at what point in your life did He find You?

Since I have heard people walking the wild side and then somehow finding Christ later on. I can not say I have found Christ and more then likely going to hell myself. If one uses the Good Book and goes by the Book anyways.

Now if I was to being placed in a room judging myself after Death. I would have to say Bite Me! Although most of the time I gave my best as best I could at that time. Had to ask though since asking is learning and understanding other ways on how people understand things in their own way.


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:57 PM
I haven't nearly died but I'm going to lay out a theory I have about life, it has a few holes in it and I've never read about such a theory either. It does have a little basis in multiple realities theory and borrows a little from physics, specifically from the idea that proximity / how close we are to one another can cause us to influence each other.
Ok so my theory is that we all live our lives to a natural death and in most cases our loved ones die before us (but usually not long before us). This holds true for everybody (even those of us that are currently ill /dying, in such a reality we will recover but its quite possible that for other people we died), and yes this means that somehow we are not living the same joint reality - it is slightly different.
Now I also belive that if you hold people closely enough to you either particularly physically but also emotionally then you have the ability to create a joint reality, or close to one - this in effect ensure that you both live longer lives.
Obviously there are holes in this and its something of a cop out, if somebody comes on here and tells me for example that my theory is hogwash because their wife died I can easily (and some might say callously) argue that you aren't in my reality, however, there is another version of you in another reality where this somebody and his wife are living happily.
In effect we are all living what many of us have suspected - some kind of our own Truman show, and yet people are real, our lives aren't fake, our actions have consequences and we will die a natural death. How it works exactly I have no clue, are we automatically living the best (longest) life, or do we somehow morph from one multiple reality to another, say if we attempt suicide.
I'm tempted to not post this at all to be honest, but perhaps somebody might put a scientific name to this type of theory and I'd thought I'd throw it out to the joint reality to see what comes back at me

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:00 PM
Check it out....

You are a snake, when you escaped death it was a parralell to the snake outgrowing his skin. Its cosmic symbology, probably looks a lot like almost dieing.

Did it change you as a person?

If not then im just rambling. But if it did consider....

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Billie828

Oh I remember childhood, club feet, braces and wheeling around like someone driving a race car. Did you know no one even knew I could not see or hear either. I think until I was 5 a teacher actually noticed in class one day. Wax in my ears was the problem so tubes were given, and glasses! I do not think I even knew since trying to get around classrooms were a pain back in the day.

I could go on about how sad my childhood could have been only I never considered it to be that way. One things for sure, I do not get sick and maybe once or twice I've actually been sick that I can remember anyways.

So how are thing going now with your illness or are you cured?


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:09 PM
Sheer chance,conditions.And sometimes intuition.And the stories of things slowing down and your life flashing before you are true!It happened to me as I was thrown into the windshield of a volkswagon doing 60 and was inevitably going to hit another car that ran a red light.I ducked my head so I wouldn't hit the windshield with my face.Not a scratch to me,windshield shattered,metal ashtray had half inch indentation that was my knee bone.I know our car was totaled.And being raised in NY have seen many deaths on the highways.You have to ask yourself if a second sooner or later was the difference between live and death in all accidents.
edit on CSTSunpm01161 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Although fragile at times, we are surprisingly hard to kill. The human body is capable of surviving some pretty tremendous things.

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