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Putin - Russia Must 'Cleanse' Itself of Homosexuality

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:36 AM
Twice in one week ... Putin has opened his mouth and inserted foot in reference to Homosexuality.
His latest ... Russia must 'CLEANSE" itself of homosexuality in order to 'increase the birth rate'.
Also he said - (paraphrase) don't talk about homosexuality with kids or they'll turn gay.

1 - YES, Russia can run itself anyway it wants. It's their country ... so their rules.

That being said ....
2 - "Cleanse' out the homosexuals? Shades of Nazi germany.

3 - Even if he were to magically get every homosexual man and woman to stop having same sex relations, that doesn't mean they'd go out and start having relations with people of the opposite sex. THEY DO NOT WANT TO. It doesn't work that way.

4 - You can't turn someone gay by talking about homosexuality. It's not 'catchy' or anything.

Putin - Russia Must Cleanse Itself of Homosexuality

Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered new assurances to gay athletes and fans attending the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics next month. Yet he defends Russia's anti-gay law by equating gays with pedophiles and says Russia needs to "cleanse" itself of homosexuality if it wants to increase its birth rate.

Putin's comments in a TV interview broadcast Sunday still show the wide gulf between the perception of homosexuality in Russia versus the West. A Russian law passed last year banning "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" among minors has caused an international outcry.

Putin refused to answer a question on whether he believes that people are born gay or become gay. The Russian law, however, suggests that information about homosexuality can influence a child's sexual orientation.

SIDE NOTE .... Lets try to stay on topic - PUTINs comments.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:52 AM
I have no opinion on Putin's "Open mouth insert foot" self-mandate. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, be them right or wrong.

However, speaking on Russia's population growth, I can see Putin's concern.. Russia is 9th in the world, with an estimated 143 million people in the largest country in the world. The Russian population growth is only 0.4%. Not a horrible state, but I am curious as to why he wants a population growth boom. That does make me curious.

So I can see his concern, but at the same time, I do not find his comments on the homophobic side to be helping things either, as non-heterosexual people still gain children through adoption and such.

Far be it for me to understand the mind of a former KGB officer now turned leader of a country..

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:58 AM
If he wants to increase the population he should encourage immigration. Trouble is foreigners don't really want to live there. Its not a very attractive country culturally. I believe he originally came out with the anti-gay propoganda law to be anti-western rather than anti-gay .The anti-gay thing has back-fired as he is now reduced to talking rubbish.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:08 AM
This is a bad report.

russia does not have any anti gay laws. That is media hype. They passed a law banning sexual propoganda of any kind to minors. How is this anti gay

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:14 AM
Putin is claiming a need for Russia to increase her birth rate.

Putin is claiming a need for Russia to protect her children.

Both are laudable and easily understandable (and supportable) efforts for the leader of a nation.

Neither has anything to do with discriminating unfairly against gay and lesbian citizens or removing them from Russia (by whatever means).

Even if widespread "exposure to propaganda" were happening, sexual orientation is likely set pre-natally according to scientific study. There is no scientific proof that someone can be "recruited" to become homosexual.

A decreasing population is not addressed by removing more people from it.

FInding and condemning a "common enemy" is a fundamental technique of authoritarian regimes to consolidate power. By slowly and carefully making a certain group of people (homosexuals) seem "reasonably" dangerous, a public is conditioned to believe even more ridiculous and radical things about THEM.

Given the continuing escalation of this kind of rhetoric, I now actually do fear that is what Mr. Putin is really up to in Russia.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:16 AM

This is a bad report.

russia does not have any anti gay laws. That is media hype. They passed a law banning sexual propoganda of any kind to minors. How is this anti gay

Sexual propoganda? Sexual education/knowledge is more accurate. They are banning sexual knowledge to minors. Russian children are not more vulnerable to "deviant behaviour" than anywhere else in the world. This law is just anti-western propoganda.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:27 AM

If he wants to increase the population he should encourage immigration.

There you go. Exactly.
The USA just changed Syria's status so that we would be able to accept tens of thousands more immigrants.
And foreign gov'ts are constantly pushing the USA to throw wide open the doors and let everyone in.
Perhaps Russia should advertise that they'll take all these immigrants that are being pushed upon the USA.
That'll solve Russias declining 'population' issues.
(or would Putin rather have traditional 'Russians' .... and not other ethnic peoples??)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by ispyed

"We have no ban on nontraditional sexual relations. We have a ban on propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia, I want to underline that, on propaganda among minors," he said.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I am gay and raised 2 perfectly straight boys, did not molest them and gave them a good home and education. They love me like their biological father. We have separated my ex and I, but the now young men and I talk and FB regularly. They will always love me for being their sports dad. They played baseball, football, basketball and the youngest is a Goalie for an Ice Hockey team. So for years our lives revolved around them and sports, also both GREAT students, and now in college.

The boys were never ashamed of us, in fact we would all kind of make fun, and joke about the situation, because it was unique. Anyway, Putin is old school and should not be so closed minded. Some of the greatest people in history were gay.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:18 AM
Hey FlyersFan, have you ever been to Russia? If you have had any extended contact with Russian society then you would know that Putin's position on restricting what is taught to children is HEAVILY supported by the vast majority of Russian society.

Now personally I think homosexuality isn't a choice that opinion is NOT widely accepted in Russia, where people are dead set convinced it IS a choice. Quoting scientific studies to devout Orthodox Christians isn't very convincing...believe me!

That being said ....
2 - "Cleanse' out the homosexuals? Shades of Nazi germany.

Personally I find comparisons to Nazi Germany abhorrent and typically a method to sensationalize rather than discuss. If you really think banning a topic of education to children equivalent then start comparing the situations in detail. I'd rather not however.

All countries have a variety of things that children are restricted from accessing. Cigarettes, alcohol, and on and on and on. Even 'normal' sexual relations are regulated for children in most countries. Educational curriculum is quietly debated in each and every country around the world. Russia is a very religious society and it is little surprise that the population does not accept homosexuality. It is little surprise that they do not want their children being 'taught' about something they do not like.

Personally I know that people who are homosexual are wonderful and some of the nicest people I know actually. Many Russians don't know that however and Putin's law is a reflection of that society. Don't shoot the messenger applies in this case I think. Working to help Russians understand the truth about LG life instead of what they hear from the Church is the best way forward.

Of course there are lots of other decisions you can Roast Putin for...he has done lots over the years...

edit on 19-1-2014 by noeltrotsky because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2014 by noeltrotsky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

It looks like the Westboro Baptist Church may have a new Mecca in Russia!
You know, other than the real Mecca where they will publicly execute you for homosexual stuff cuz that's what their God wants.

edit on 19-1-2014 by the owlbear because: jeebus maed me type rong cuz I touched myslf

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:23 AM

Hey FlyersFan, have you ever been to Russia?

Nope. I'd love to go ... but nope.

If you have had any extended contact with Russian society then you would know that Putin's position on restricting what is taught to children is HEAVILY supported by the vast majority of Russian society.

- How do you know? The press there is heavily censored.
- If people say that Russia must be 'cleansed' of homosexuality in order to increase the birthrate, then they are all under educated. It doesn't work that way.

Personally I find comparisons to Nazi Germany abhorrent ...

As do I. That's why it is something that I RARELY use. When Putin used the language 'cleanse homosexuals' from the country, it does indeed bring up the pre-WWII Nazi Germany campaign against homosexuals and gypsies and catholics and jews. They used that terminology.

Of course there are lots of other decisions you can Roast Putin for...he has done lots over the year...

Actually, I sung his praises for a few months back when he saved the world from World War III - which Obama was trying to start in Syria.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:30 AM


If you have had any extended contact with Russian society then you would know that Putin's position on restricting what is taught to children is HEAVILY supported by the vast majority of Russian society.

- How do you know? The press there is heavily censored.

I've been there. Multiple times and for many months. And the press there is about as censored as it is in the US, just censored differently (government vs Corporate).

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:33 AM
Hey heres a idea why dont Russia and the USA have a Citizen swap? Russia can send you its gays and you can send them you Chritisan hate mongers like the westbro baptist church?

Win Win

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:36 AM


Hey FlyersFan, have you ever been to Russia?

Nope. I'd love to go ... but nope.

If you have had any extended contact with Russian society then you would know that Putin's position on restricting what is taught to children is HEAVILY supported by the vast majority of Russian society.

- How do you know? The press there is heavily censored.
- If people say that Russia must be 'cleansed' of homosexuality in order to increase the birthrate, then they are all under educated. It doesn't work that way.

Personally I find comparisons to Nazi Germany abhorrent ...

As do I. That's why it is something that I RARELY use. When Putin used the language 'cleanse homosexuals' from the country, it does indeed bring up the pre-WWII Nazi Germany campaign against homosexuals and gypsies and catholics and jews. They used that terminology.

Of course there are lots of other decisions you can Roast Putin for...he has done lots over the year...

Actually, I sung his praises for a few months back when he saved the world from World War III - which Obama was trying to start in Syria.

Why does Obama want to start World War Three? It is your thread and you brought it up so I find it valid to ask this question. He isn't part of the military industrial complex, has no military ties in his political career. I just feel shades of "Dr. Strangelove" whenever that is brought up.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:45 AM
He sounds extremely homo phobic. And I think people are sick and tired of the bad ideas, and dictatorial methods used by the leaders in this world, shoved perpetually down their throats when if they had the technology and access to the backing and funding, they could easily create heaven on earth. So, these other guys are massively failing their tests.

Homosexuality has 2 components: one is born that way, and he can't change that. What he can do is stop GMO and the poisons that dark hats have been working on that increase the number of homosexuals, he could reveal to the public the full extent of what the evil at the top and in black operations is doing and what their agendas are, and then work on being a shining example in the world, cleaning it all up, having good food and nutrients, and taking the higher tech to clean up the raidaiton.

Russia could shine its light in the world in a major way.

The second component has to do with ritual compartmentalized abuse by Mengele type training, that the elites do to their kids and others.

So stop this insanity. Stop it!

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:47 AM
How can anyone even think to utter the words "shades of Nazi Germany" when they themselves are doing everything to stifle any opposition to their agenda?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:53 AM


If he wants to increase the population he should encourage immigration.

There you go. Exactly.
The USA just changed Syria's status so that we would be able to accept tens of thousands more immigrants.
And foreign gov'ts are constantly pushing the USA to throw wide open the doors and let everyone in.
Perhaps Russia should advertise that they'll take all these immigrants that are being pushed upon the USA.
That'll solve Russias declining 'population' issues.
(or would Putin rather have traditional 'Russians' .... and not other ethnic peoples??)

Ahhh but Russia does not want immigrant ( non Russian) population growth... he wants RUSSIAN population growth. That way immigrants arent sending the money out of the country, he isnt overrun by Muslim/North African immigrants who put a strain on the country( as he has alluded to in the past) and much much more .

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:02 AM
Hmm, i think he doth protest toooo much ! wink wink

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

He also banned GMO crops and tainted meat from entering Russia. Shame on him for giving two hoots about the health and welfare of his people.

Actually, if you're a Russian looking at current US trends you'd probably consider the direction those fools in the US congress are going is depraved on many levels, and with an approval rating of less than 10% you'd have to say a lot of Americans agree with the assessment that we are ruled by moral midgets.

Also, social decay isn't limited to sexual activity, gay or straight, but I'd like to see a comparison of STD rates among the youth country by country (not limited to Russia and the US), although I'd suspect that's not something we're going to see ballyhooed in the media anytime soon because that's one statistic where the US and the west would probably be considered exceptional.

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