posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 05:02 AM
Hello everyone,
I "discoverd" ATS in 2007 and have been a regular reader ever since. I've seen the format changes, the general shift from scientific conspiracy to
political ranting, the left wing conspiricies (under George W.) swing to the far right conspiricies (under Obama), the rants, the 2012 doomsday
predictions (nope - still here!), the mainstream flirtation (Robbie Williams discussing ATS on British Radio) and all the other ups and downs this
site has seen.
What I have also seen is the community spirit - the support many of you guys give each other. The debate - 90% of which is extremely thoughtful and
respectful. I have learned about so many areas of the things I am interested in, but never knew where to look. I have been constantly surprised,
amazed, repulsed, filled with wonder/horror at the things that may or may not exist in this world/ universe/ plain of existance.
Why Join now? Today? - I have no idea - Something made me click that button after 7 years - Not any specific post - just an impulsive feeling.
I probably won't be starting any threads soon, but I will hopefully have a thoughtful contribution or two to make to threads that stir my
Be gentle with me
"Sink into the mire. Embrace the butcher. But Change the world....It needs it" - Bertolt Brecht