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Are they reading our post?? (another one)

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Hahaha Randy.

Maybe they are trying to make consciousness biomechanical(assuming that its not), by making us act and think more instictively and easier to control?

Just another angle. Makes sense if you look at everything else thats going, how people are all educated idiots, all skills and education and no original or creative thinking.
edit on 20141America/Chicagoq000000America/Chicago1431512014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

edit on 20141America/ChicagoquAmerica/Chicago4131512014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by onequestion

ok gotcha! yes they are!
the supposition being, "aliens" have either infiltrated or are working openly with "the government" when i say government, if you DON'T think APPLE and microsoft are "on the hook" with the government, you might want to look at that relationship, and other corporate relationships the government has. I sure, that if we angry monkeys are capable of building things like ECHELON and PREDATOR that intelligences far beyond our capabilities may be able to do the same things without intsrumentality. for an example, I give you, GOD! who is purported to know all that is, was, or ever will be. I'm sure the mysterious hand of the divine doesn't need a really good interweb provider to take advantage of it's capabilities! this is what i suspect. based on the "idea" that our universe leapt into existance at the same time, then ALL intelligent life, if there is any out there besides us, shouldn't be more markedly advanced than we are, and that the Universe itself tends to mold and "steer" advanced orginisms. Currently I'm working on a sci-fi book (illustrated novel) that uses this concept as part of it's basleline plot. But if we, and I'm saying the inquisitive little outside the box thinking monkeys here on ATS ponder questions that we do, intelligent beings we aren't (at this time) able to detect would probably be interested just what we're getting up to. after all, i believe curiosity drives many creatures. not just angry monkeys. as a matter of fact, I'm sure they'd call a lot of the posters on this site "clever little monkeys".! and as far as that other stuff? yes, there are some incredibly smart and talented people that work at the NSA, who only really do what they do based on a single concept. if you can't win the information war, you can't win any war. i'm just glad those guys are on my side ! it's very seldom the people who do that kind of work will ever try and harm any of they're fellow citizens willingly, it's almost always without a doubt the policy makers that do. and if aliens ever do show up? we're are definitely gonna need those guys !

edit on 1192014 by tencap77 because: spelling i think! that last glenn fiddich is kickin in !

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by tencap77

Maybe they are using the ideas that make astrology possible to try and narrow down our choices for the paradigm we collectively choose to experience by studying our behavior, ideas, communication, and whatever else can extrapolated from all this data their collecting?

You know, studying cycles and indvidualy identifying patterns with those cycles and using them to predict and understand the subject of whatever they are meant to symbolise.

The I-ching, and astrology and all that comes from somewhere, who knows how they collectivised the information required to build those systems?
edit on 20141America/Chicagoq000000America/Chicago4131032014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:06 AM
Like writing future programs for graduating and taking into account their past to assist in design of their future existence? Interesting...

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13


Its like learning their code to preprogram their future and its almost as if the more people that it can manipulate to its benefit, the easier it is, or what i dont know what the end result of the story is yet?

Its most easily related to by this....

Soul siphoning. Very vampiric, wonder what it could be doing if that were actually true and not just some random crazy idea because im bored and lonely on a Saturday night?

But first it has to get them operating instinctively and without the freedom of choice.
edit on 20141America/ChicagoquAmerica/Chicago0331102014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

edit on 20141America/Chicagoq000000America/Chicago4231102014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:16 AM

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13


Its like learning their code to preprogram their future and its almost as if the more people that it can manipulate to its benefit, the easier it is, or what i dont know what the end result of the story is yet?

Thinking on those terms it would remember the programs from point of their Creation so no need to manipulate to any degree as it would be only assisting in the cycling the programs again.


Soul siphoning. Very vampiric, wonder what it could be doing if that were actually true and not just some random crazy idea because im bored and lonely on a Saturday night?

Hopefully a random thought indeed

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:17 AM

reply to post by elouina

Based on the idea of the thread i would say that they already have your patterns established and predictable based on your point of view about Obama being the problem.

I mean that with all due respect not to incite some sort of argument or attack you. More as an example.

And I can predict that given the right circumstances that I would have said this also, right along with your comment. It's called using your noggin. But can they truly predict that Elouina will pull herself away from her website work to comment at ATS today? And that Elouina will stop by this one thread in particular? Or that Elouina will even be at ATS this month? Not a chance. Humans are unpredictable.

PS. Elouina is psychic and knows that Obama is up to no good. It's not that I am some old sour woman with a grudge. I just wish to let everyone else know what is obvious to myself. Like I mentioned previously, the US will see its first nuclear bomb in the US thanx to his incompetence also. I think it will be a bit of a dud though... You know it will take many years for our military strength to recuperate and until it does that window will always be open. Watch for it...

edit on 19-1-2014 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by elouina

And I can predict that given the right circumstances that I would have said this also, right along with your comment. It's called using your noggin. But can they truly predict that Elouina will pull herself away from her website work to comment at ATS today? And that Elouina will stop by this one thread in particular? Or that Elouina will even be at ATS this month? Not a chance. Humans are unpredictable.

Hmmm. I see what your saying, but maybe its not that deep yet. I dont really want to push it that far. Maybe that level of control isn't necessary. Just a heavy sphere of influence to keep you acting and making fear based descisons and keeping you in a state of survival. Thats got to be the easiest way to manipulate someone, through the survival mechanisms.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:24 AM
Here's my crazy theory. First, of course they scan sites like these. They already have scanning software, so it costs them little or nothing in variable costs to run. And they probably have a list of people who are 9/11 truthers, anti-government, dislike taxation

No they don't want recruits but sites like these do provide a lot of info about a person - their core values and beliefs. So they could probably predict how posters who act in a specific situation. They also know frequent posters would be likely to write about an usual experience.

I thought about this when I read Alex Jones had family members come down with the flu.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by onequestion

Glad they aren't trying to mess with my soul. The gorgeuous hippie chick/wiccan priestess snoozing over on the couch REALLY doesn't like that kind of stuff, so here in out little home, and everywhere else i go, i am, protected. I think spiritual countermeasures are just like AMEX! DON'T leave home without it !

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Daughter2

gave you a star. for you post and your cool avatar pic !

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:30 AM

reply to post by elouina

And I can predict that given the right circumstances that I would have said this also, right along with your comment. It's called using your noggin. But can they truly predict that Elouina will pull herself away from her website work to comment at ATS today? And that Elouina will stop by this one thread in particular? Or that Elouina will even be at ATS this month? Not a chance. Humans are unpredictable.

Hmmm. I see what your saying, but maybe its not that deep yet. I dont really want to push it that far. Maybe that level of control isn't necessary. Just a heavy sphere of influence to keep you acting and making fear based descisons and keeping you in a state of survival. Thats got to be the easiest way to manipulate someone, through the survival mechanisms.

Perhaps I am the one doing the manipulating.
No need for fear or survival anything for me.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Daughter2

Yeah i agree. Im just thinking once they have collected the data theres no reason to stop there. The next step to having so much data is to study it and learn ways to apply it.

Just a result of it moving onto the next step. Like oh now i have all this data, how do i know how to use it? Oh lets grab one of these fools and play with their heads.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by elouina

Damnn! Right the predictive programming was how i would respond to you thinking Obama was the problem. You basically invoked a certain point of reference to get me to automatically respond with the obvious hardcore conspiracy response.

Good one. Fun.

Damn now i have to think about what im saying deeper now. Crap.
edit on 20141America/ChicagoquAmerica/Chicago1531352014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:58 AM
I like all of the OP's threads lately. That adrenaline rush works on deep thoughts - a study in that already underway starting now.

Anyone can study patterns here on ATS given that it's a site that deals with the exchange of ideas. It is a site unlike say...Facebook for example, where all one can really learn is what you had for breakfast and that you started your monthly cycle - this site has depth and consistently sees people exploring controversial topics and breaking news.

Without even trying patterns of thinking have jumped out at me - there was a run on biker threads for a day. Then there was a run on police behaving badly another day. It comes in waves. Are people getting cues that lead them to ask more questions? Probably.

To read everything on ATS everyday would be a full time job with few breaks. I can see someone following a few select posters though - who seem suspicious or interesting to the seeker of knowledge. Or picking topics relevant to the task at hand - I. E. - what are people saying about Obama; NSA, Kim Jong (and I believe he reads it).
I can see people using algorithms or studying the tendency to shift opinions (what does and doesn't work). So many possibilities. Good thread to generate as many as possible.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by Dianec

I like all of the OP's threads lately. That adrenaline rush works on deep thoughts - a study in that already underway starting now.

Brush with death/ adrenaline rush= sleepless nights and apparently deeper thinking, or maybe its not deep thinking its just crazy thought.

Anyone can study patterns here on ATS given that it's a site that deals with the exchange of ideas. It is a site unlike say...Facebook for example, where all one can really learn is what you had for breakfast and that you started your monthly cycle - this site has depth and consistently sees people exploring controversial topics and breaking news.

Yeah, deeper into someones process. The site they can choose to have anonimity on and be less apprehensive about being more truthful about their ideas.

Without even trying patterns of thinking have jumped out at me - there was a run on biker threads for a day. Then there was a run on police behaving badly another day. It comes in waves. Are people getting cues that lead them to ask more questions? Probably.

Kind of like measuring the affect? See you already naturally do it, its an obvious evolution for someone aware of what the next step is. That means its probably already been happening. I guess it started however many years ago it was that people started collecting information to create astrology and the I-ching, less precise versions maybe, or maybe not who knows.

To read everything on ATS everyday would be a full time job with few breaks. I can see someone following a few select posters though - who seem suspicious or interesting to the seeker of knowledge.

Maybe it just looks for specific cases and once it identifies certain patterns of thought it begins the tracking and testing phase. Probably like journeying, you know shamanic journeying, and then writing down your story and telling your guide or shaman or whoever it is that understand deep psychology and symbolism(hypothetically) and they can then help you see what your missing based off the symbols present in the journey.

By observing a specific response your able to identify an archetype within the psyche and you can begin hypnotising the subject and studying the affects of this hypnosis.

Guess its underhanded NLP.
edit on 20141America/ChicagoquAmerica/Chicago2431242014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by onequestion

^^^ I always knew Phage was an experiment^^^

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by onequestion

By observing a specific response your able to identify an archetype within the psyche and you can begin hypnotising the subject and studying the affects of this hypnosis.
reply to post by onequestion

This along with the I Ching and the like are deep topics I want to think about some more. I find the I Ching to still be a mystery since I don't fully understand it. Astrology has been cheapened with so many reporting it as a daily thing - in my opinion. I'm sure there is validity to all of it - at some level - coming about by observations of archetypes as you say. Maybe a start would be to look at the accuracy of matching archetypes with people. How well do they fit? How do we know what our archetypes are? For example - an animal a person resonates especially strong with is likely their archetype. What if it's a few things - and then what does that mean? Always something about us that is a mystery. Especially collectively.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by violet

Phage is an easy experiement, its all exact infallible science.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by onequestion

So, maybe this is a "clue", (one should always be aware of what's going on in they're environment)

Theres a post by violet, followed by one by "dianec"

my wife is a high priestess and a witch, named violet, who practices in the diannic tradition. I'm going to spend a few extra minutes at my altar before I retire this morning. I know when the mysterious hand of the divine is trolling the posts !

Is there something that wathces wht we do? YOU tell ME ! Night night !

edit on 1192014 by tencap77 because: spelling and i think i've achieved a state of grace, night y'all

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