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Could Some Alien Worlds Be More Habitable Than Earth?

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

What if its not gravity though, what if gravity isnt real and what we perceive and study as gravity is actually sound frequency that deliniates our appearance based on our position which is determined by our place and our time?


posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:38 PM


reply to post by JayinAR

I guess the final question is WHY? Why in the universe would we broadcast goddamn VAGINAL CONTRACTIONS!!!! Of all the things!!!!

....I'm perplexed beyond comprehension.

Well, Jade could probably offer a better explanation, but I bet the dancers were outfitted with body suits covered in sensors for a cartoon or something like, in order to capture their movements for animation.

Exactly. He created a sensor that was placed there. I found a description of it from the man himself on a Russian astrophysics site:

In 1986, I organized an artistic project to transmit vaginal contractions into space to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence. The project, called Poetica Vaginal, involved artists, mechanical and electrical engineers, biologists, astronomers, professional dancers, architects, linguists and philosophers.

A "vaginal detector" was built in a laboratory of mechanical engineering and consisted of a water-filled polyallomer centrifuge tube mounted on a hard nylon base that contained a very sensitive pressure transducer. Dancers and other female volunteers (unsolicited) hygienically invaginated the detector in order to characterize vaginal contractions (the fastest was clocked at 0.8 Hz). The embedded pressure transducer was sensitive enough to detect voice, heartbeat, and respiration as well as voluntary and involuntary vaginal contractions.

Electronic music software was used to generate real time harmonics of vaginal contractions until that frequency matched one of the frequencies in the set of unique frequencies of English speech. A collaborating linguist bit-mapped those speech sounds (called, "phonemes") so that they could be generated in real time corresponding to vaginal "inputs." A digital map of the analog detector output was also made in real time. Thus, three forms of the message were simultaneously generated: 1) an analog signal directly generated by vaginal contractions; 2) a digital map of same and 3) voice (English phoenetic maps of vaginal contractions).

Collaborating electrical engineers built gating circuits so that Poetica Vaginal signals could be transmitted from MIT's million-watt Millstone Radar transmitter at Haystack Observatory in Groton/Westford, Massachusetts.

Artists, architects and mechanical engineers collaborated in the construction of a "Vaginal Excursion Module" to contain electronics and human operators at the transmission site. A folding structure made of steel, cable, wood, and thatch materials, the Vaginal Excursion Module looked rather like a Native American "sweat lodge" mounted on a Mars lander.

Then they got to tinkering with the data and found that those sensors around the inner thigh area gave off a nice mathematical signature, being the muscle group most used in ballet, then decided to set the stuff to music.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Nah man. Frequency is just frequency. Sound is just one form of the wavelength we can observe, albeit with our ears. That same resonating body, depending on the resonance, can also manifest as visible light or whatever.

I mean, we all visualize this stuff through two lenses we call eyeballs that register mostly (like 99.9999995%) empty space through a quantum processing unit (the brain) to tell us what we are seeing.

They have found computer type code in not only DNA but also in our equations for string theory.

REAL DEEP is the understanding that this is all a hologram and that everything we perceive outwardly can also be found within.

Let's say that our galaxy can be identified to resemble a single atom of hydrogen. Right?
So from there we need to look for other spiral arm galaxies in the cosmos that resemble our own.

We need to look there for answers

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:56 PM

reply to post by JadeStar

Perhaps there is a universal law of biology? We do not know yet. But we're on our way there

Right, and is it possible that what im saying could refute all alien visitation to the earth, potentially im throwing this out there too but, potentially we cant travel that far into space due to the fact that our position in the universe fundamentally determines our physical structure based on your position and how its resonating with its envrionemnt?

I hope i said that right please ask for clarification.

No, it doesn't refute it but it does place a lot of burden on those who seek to prove we are being visited. Interstellar travel is not impossible. Its just very very very hard to do based on measurable things in the universe.

Could it be easier in the future or for a more advanced species. Yes. But how much easier is the question. I suspect it will never be as easy as is made out in sci-fi.

Bone and muscle mass are depleted on long duration space flights unless there is careful and frequent exercise. This is due to the way the human body reacts to a microgravity environment.

Right and is that because of gravity or is because of a resonant frequency that we have with the planet? I know its suppose to be about gravity but please provide me with definite proof of that and how it was tested with scientific peer review if thats what your position confirms.

It's because our bodies evolved in a 1G environment on Earth.

I mean that respectually but i have my own theory in development and im really curious to see how it plays out.


posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by JadeStar

Right and is that because of gravity or is because of a resonant frequency that we have with the planet? I know its suppose to be about gravity but please provide me with definite proof of that and how it was tested with scientific peer review if thats what your position confirms.

Completely agree. If we cant agree on what gravity is then how can we explain the rest of our enviornment or begin to think we know what were doing when we manipulate it?

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:02 PM

reply to post by JayinAR

I went to far with the all statement, but refute all 3d physical alien life that may exist in the same physical plane we do. But other various forms life which are not yet represented here in a scientifically understood manner i dont know because i cant even fathom what they are let alone how they exist.

It doesn't refute us sharing the universe with other alien life. Not at all

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by JadeStar

Oh of course not, especially considering we dont have a grasp on what life even is or how its experienced outside of our own experience of it.
edit on 20141America/ChicagoquAmerica/Chicago5631062014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:05 PM

reply to post by JadeStar

Right and is that because of gravity or is because of a resonant frequency that we have with the planet? I know its suppose to be about gravity but please provide me with definite proof of that and how it was tested with scientific peer review if thats what your position confirms.

Completely agree. If we cant agree on what gravity is then how can we explain the rest of our enviornment or begin to think we know what were doing when we manipulate it?

Just wait until they develop the means to test for parallel worlds and discover that the nuclear forces do not exist there, or are very weak.
Then it will become apparent that the forces are either equal or that gravity is the strongest because without it none of this would exist in the first place.

If there are parallel worlds, gravity holds them still also. Nuclear forces may not exist. There is a reason why we observe it as dark energy...

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

What if its not gravity though, what if gravity isnt real and what we perceive and study as gravity is actually sound frequency that deliniates our appearance based on our position which is determined by our place and our time?

Jayin, i have been awaiting your response to this post and i feel its relevant to your last post.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by onequestion

I answered. But to restate it, it is plainly simple. Gravity, electromagnetism and the nuclear forces are all equal. They are one in the same. Gravity appears to be the "weakest" of all forces here, but the moment we establish the existence of parallel worlds, it will be safe to assume that gravity is an equal force and there must exist a balance.
From there, smarter folks can calculate how many parallel worlds, or dimensions, there actually are.

11 sounds like a nice number. Seems I have heard that a few times.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:17 PM

Why did Mars core cool? Wasn't it already cold due to its distance from the Sun? Couldn't our Suns expansion warm Mars? Couldn't the melting Ice and evaporating waters help facilitate the natural creation of a new atmosphere?
edit on 18-1-2014 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

Anyone willing to give the above a shot?

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by LightAssassin

It was answered.
Insufficient size to retain fusion.

Unfortunate, but it is still warm. We need to manufacture a sustainable habitat on that sucka.

It is closer to the center of the Goldilocks zone than we are.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Well, im kind of disputing gravity and electromagnetism based on the premise that they aren't understood or proven to do what they are purporting to do.

Ill even go as far as saying that maybe they do exist with a function that may seem like its doing what we observe it to do or act in a way that we think we understand, but really we dont because were basing our understanding of that observation on the false premise that gravity has a roll to play.

Forgive me if im hard to understand its really hard to communicate a theory in terms that are understandable by someone else.

edit on 20141America/Chicagoq000000America/Chicago0431222014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Yes, I understand.
"They are one in the same".

I get it. I think the divide between classical and modern physics is the current inability to tie the forces together. Right?

So obviously the answer is to anticipate and demonstrate the discrepancies in the strength of the forces.
Meaning, you gotta show why the gravity function is weaker than the strong nuclear force.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Yes, thank you for adding understanding to what i been trying to say forever.

I get it. I think the divide between classical and modern physics is the current inability to tie the forces together. Right?


So obviously the answer is to anticipate and demonstrate the discrepancies in the strength of the forces.
Meaning, you gotta show why the gravity function is weaker than the strong nuclear force.

Not only what you just said above but why gravity and nuclear force are weaker or, could i even say subservient to our minds ability to creatively problem solve solutions to bending, breaking and manipulating those forces at WILL?

Its not just the inability to tie the forces together, its also that the forces we cant figure out seem for some reason to be the most prominent.

Now i realize we can manipulate nuclear energy and create things constantly but what it comes down to is our ability to tinker and replicate our tinkering process. Its not so much in ability to observe and understand our tinkering.

Its a grave misunderstanding and bad position that most people take on these subjects and one that needs to be addressed before we tinker away our physical universe.
edit on 20141America/Chicagoq000000America/Chicago0931322014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by JadeStar

It would in some respects. A lower solar flux of UV as well as less desertification might make it more habitable. It would also make it slightly less prone to greenhouse warming.

To my understanding UV is important is that that our source of vitamin D, I know reptiles love bathing in it. Vitamin D has an important function in increasing calcium and phosphorus absorption from food and plays a crucial role in skeletal development, immune function and blood cell formation. This does not apply to the Irish though

Actually it is and the graphic I posted demonstrates this. All of that water in the ball spreads out thinly atop the crust of the Earth. So while 70% of the surface area is water, the water layer is thin.

You're confusing surface area with volume. Compared to some other planets which we know have a higher density of water, our planet's oceans are likely shallow.

About 70 percent of the planet is covered in ocean, and the average depth of the ocean is several thousand feet (about 1,000 meters) pretty wet to me.

Why the species chauvinism?

We're talking about detecting LIFE in all its glorious forms. Not just human life.

Other species would evolve perhaps even sooner in a slightly friendlier environment to life...

I was describing all life not just humans, And because we are a prime example of life, as we know it.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:39 PM

reply to post by JayinAR

Yes, thank you for adding understanding to what i been trying to say forever.

I get it. I think the divide between classical and modern physics is the current inability to tie the forces together. Right?


So obviously the answer is to anticipate and demonstrate the discrepancies in the strength of the forces.
Meaning, you gotta show why the gravity function is weaker than the strong nuclear force.

Not only what you just said above but why gravity and nuclear force are weaker or, could i even say subservient to our minds ability to creatively problem solve solutions to bending, breaking and manipulating those forces at WILL?

Its not just the inability to tie the forces together, its also that the forces we cant figure out seem for some reason to be the most prominent.

Now i realize we can manipulate nuclear energy and create things constantly but what it comes down to is our ability to tinker and replicate our tinkering process. Its not so much in ability to observe and understand our tinkering.

Its a grave misunderstanding and bad position that most people take on these subjects and one that needs to be addressed before we tinker away our physical universe.
edit on 20141America/Chicagoq000000America/Chicago0931322014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

Seems like we are diving towards consciousness. Good news is that they are apparently doing a lot of work in that area.
About damn time. The Buddhists are only like 2,000 years ahead of modern western science in that area. Haha

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by muSSang

Dude, the Earth's crust, as a whole, is measured in MILES. That is just the crust.

This is a rocky planet.

There are very likely to be planets composed of MOSTLY water. Like through and through.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

Right, consciousness, but how do we draw the line between the different forces affecting consciousness without discussing it?

Maybe they are more intrinsically connected then we originally think?

My spider on the spiderweb theory comes to mind. Consciousness is the web and we are the spider.
edit on 20141America/ChicagoquAmerica/Chicago3631072014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

Oops, I overlooked it....but what is the theory behind that? Maybe as our Sun expands and Mars moves closer to the centre of the Goldilocks zone then the temperatures will naturally increase on Mars....therefore creating its own atmosphere.

Would Mars maybe expand as it moves closer to the inner HZ? After watching the animation of the expanding earth theory, which granted is very very convincing, I can't help but think that solar systems might function in that they move from the outer HZ to the inner HZ, as their respective Sun expands, they expand until they start getting too close in which case they then shed layers causing the planet to shrink again until it is finally consumed by its parent star.

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