Hey Guys, I did a search but for the life of me can't find the video of this skeptic breaking down when this Guy (psychic) tells him that his friends
suicide is not his fault and that he is with them...he tells the friend how much this guy loved pickles....does anyone know the name of is this
psychic or where I can find the video?
Thanks to Segenam, here is a following interview from the medium's reading. I was unaware of it otherwise. It's moving too, and the "sitter" says he
is still "beyond shocked" from that. I have no doubt persons and animals survive physical death, having experienced several manifestations of that in
my life. I look forward to 'going home' but am not in a hurry to get there, by any stretch. There is an important reason you are in this physical
(per military vernacular) obstacle course. I really don't know what it is, but it is a grand purpose. I never forget what Dannion Brinkley wanted us
all to -know-. "You are powerful spiritual beings having a human experience", or something close to that.