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Consciousness is a system

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posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I'm generalizing my point of view. As every person in the end creates their own path, i have no recourse but to lump it together as such.
Your views will be different from mine, as will all your experiences.

As a whole, we all interact on a plane that cant be understood from our physical plane. We will all come to interlink with one another in a grand system. We already are, but the physical causes us to see things from an almost self centered perspective.

Just a few hundred years ago people thought the world was flat and the center of our solar system. We couldn't see things in the light we see them today. Just like we cant see how we will be integrated in the system more tomorrow.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

shaneslaughta Im generalizing my point of view. As every person in the end creates their own path, i have no recourse but to lump it together as such.
Your views will be different from mine, as will all your experiences.

Everyones views must be different to cause change or a new format of thinking, an amalgomom of "maybes" concidered by total strangers meeting.

shaneslaughtaAs a whole, we all interact on a plane that cant be understood from our physical plane. We will all come to interlink with one another in a grand system. We already are, but the physical causes us to see things from an almost self centered perspective.

Ego centered. We just have in the physical this one perseption perspective ("This is my rifle this is my 'gun' this ones for k...g this ones for fun"). In the mental arena everything changes its dynamic as it is not a physical realm as is plastic and can manipulate it.

ShaneslaughtaJust a few hundred years ago people thought the world was flat and the center of our solar system. We couldn't see things in the light we see them today. Just like we cant see how we will be integrated in the system more tomorrow.

You may not see it now but are perfectly able to educate others as to a potencial dream of yours.
edit on 22-1-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 11:28 PM
Everything we see around us is created within the mind through consciousness, so in a very fundamental way consciousness is the creator and the creation. Biocentrism is beginning to explain this concept.

Does anything truly exist outside of the perception of consciousness? How can anything be imagined without the observer there to create the image?

Consciousness is the light we've all been looking for and what we've always had. Vision itself is an image of pure light, so maybe we are the "light of the world" along with Jesus? Jesus' teachings point directly at what we ALL have within us which is the light of life. We are it and it is us.

Consciousness is not "a" system, it is "the" system from which everything arises; all thoughts, feelings, sights, sounds, smells, ideas, theories, truths, falsities, etc. arise through consciousness. We are the universe experiencing itself, we are all One organism experiencing itself from infinite perspectives.
edit on 1/26/2014 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 11:34 PM
I literally saw a link to this on another thread, looked at the page, wondered where I could save it for further reading, came back to ATS, and saw this thread on recent changes. That occurred in a matter of half a minute. Signing off soon, but I'll park it here and check it out later. Until then, please have a look:

Stuart Hameroff, M.D. joined the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Arizona in 1975. Aside from his full-time clinical role, Dr. Hameroff’s academic and research interests have related to the study of consciousness, how the brain produces conscious experience, and how anesthetics erase it. He has written or edited 5 books, more than one hundred articles, and discussed the science of consciousness in numerous TV shows on BBC, Discover Channel, History Channel, PBS, OWN, and in the film “What the Bleep?”

edit on 26-1-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Aleister

Thanks for the link. Reading now.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
I was reading This thread and felt compelled to reply.
Unfortunately i led my self astray. So i decided to take my post and make it into a thread rather than derail the OP.

I hope you all can follow my train of though, its kind of erratic in here.

Yes i know spirit science has been posted here and discussed before.
This is just my thoughts on the subject of creationism.
It borders metaphysical, spiritual, and creationism.

Mods if I'm in the wrong place please correct me.

We are a system within a system. As is everything.

planet to solar system to galaxy to universe.

Just like we have bacteria and virus that live within us.

We are all part of a system.

We might not know our purpose, neither do the bacteria.

Here is where my speculation comes in.

If god created man in his image, was it his consciousness that gave us life?

In turn, does our individual consciousness give others life?

Like the way there are so many solar systems, inside galaxy's,inside the universe?

So I'm here at this thought; "Consciousness is Creation".

For years i thought there is LIFE then DEATH.
Nothing before and after for an individual consciousness.

After seeing the spirit science series and reflecting on what i know,
I have changed my views on the subject.

Don't troll my thread expecting me to change my mind or stance.
I would like to know your thoughts ATS.
I would like to hear from others with similar thought patterns to mine.

As Lord Buddha said, everything is consciousness, even that which seems inanimate. But you are not the consciousnness! You are beyond time and space itself. I will not give you answers to support your theory because it is all ignorance. I understand which platform you speak from. You dont even know that you are not Human. You must first understand that you are the proof of everything, including yourself. My Guru Nisargadatta would say this, God may exist but only if there is an I to percieve him. The I creates God. Therefore you are The God of God himself. Not you as an individual but as the totality of that awareness. That knowledge by which you know You Are is immortal and eternal and all pervading. It is limited because of the illusion of time space creating separate objects thus giving rise to the ego. Until you go through ego death you will not realize that the entire manifest universe exist in you not you in it. You invented life itself from your supreme awareness, You imagine ever atom where it needs to be as it needs to be there. Not just in this universe but every single parralel universe and universe to come as well. You are the inifniti power but just like Jesus Christ You wrapped yourself in this flesh and took on this burden of being a human being but You are not. You are fully God and Fully Human but you don't remember. You are not the body or the mind. You were never born nor will you ever die. In fact no one has ever been born or has ever died. You are the unborn. It's all a conceptual imaginary play of elements and light.It's all an illusion! Because you are in an immortal position to witness them, they cannot be You. The entire manifestation only has a lifespan of 100 billion trillion years. But you are not the manifest. You are the unmanifest. The awareness that you know you are is the only truth in the universe all else is ignorance and a fraud. Who and what you truly are is the only truth there is. You were there before the Big Bang. You will be there after, at the dissipation. Awareness imagines consciousness to be.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: shaneslaughta

You're welcome, and here's a thread with some overlapping information (I've linked this one to it) "Scientist say the wave function is a non physical reality":

edit on 20-4-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

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