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Beware of Fake Syria Propaganda – Another Campaign Exposed!

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:34 PM

Corruption Exposed
reply to post by seabhac-rua

I have personally seen pro Assad, and pro "rebel" media pages use this image to paint the other side in negative light. There were several of them going around with different captions many in Arabic which I had to have someone translate for me as I do not read or write Arabic.

In the hopes of illustrating some specific examples I have done a quick search and it appears that they have been taken down since the incorrectly portrayed imaged (hoaxes) have been exposed. All I can find are reports of this exact image, and its incorrect portrayal being correctly resolved.

I know it's difficult to believe a stranger on the internet, but I have seen various forms of this "meme" and so have many others. It was it was a big enough deal where it got so popular that it was worthy of "mainstream news". That alone in my opinion is enough to consider this "viral" enough where it was circulating in various forms. I am not making this up...

I am surprised that no one has said that the kid and uncle from Saudi Arabia are made up yet.

I trust you can see the irony in your post having been the only time I have seen this image... as pointed out in my very first post on this thread.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by DJW001

The incursions are mutual, yet another reason for the US not to get involved.

The US is behind it.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Since you seem to think answering a question with a question is appropriate, could you provide an example of the "fake propaganda" I spread here on ATS " on a daily basis?"

Yah, in this thread alone you have called whats occurring in Syria a "Civil War", a "proxy war" and now in this post I am replying to you just call it "a war".

So which is it?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Thank you for taking it on yourself to spread the propaganda.

Explain in brief detail and pointing out the propaganda he's (CE) spreading.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by intrptr

So which is it?

I don't know! Which is it?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:19 PM

reply to post by intrptr

So which is it?

I don't know! Which is it?

You know, the while time during the Vietnam war the media never called it that (a war). Instead they steadfastly referred to it as the Vietnam conflict (until it was over).

Does that shed some light on that predicament?

After all, if its a "war" then its full on, no holds barred, win it it at all costs. Which was not the sort of money maker desired by the industrial military complex. No, the best kind of "conflict" is the slow rolling boil that consumes materiel over a protracted period without any hope of actually "winning". GI socks, ammo and gasoline forever.

Errm, how long has the "conflict" in Afghanistan been on? Longer than Vietnam even. The warmongers pipe dream.

Propaganda that misleads is designed to get you to believe whatever they want you to in order to protract it as long as possible.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 06:05 AM
Using photos like this is a well known propaganda technique in that area of the world and has become known as "Pallywood"

Pallywood, a portmanteau of "Palestinian" and "Hollywood", is a coinage that has been used by some media watchdog advocates, among others, to describe alleged "media manipulation, distortion and outright fraud by the Palestinians and other Arabs designed to win the public relations war against Israel." The incidents of the Muhammad al-Durrah tapes and the 2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies (dubbed "Hizbollywood" or "Hezbollywood") are notable events which have been cited as examples. The term has been publicized in part by Boston University professor Richard Landes, as a result of an online documentary video he produced called Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources, alleging specific instances of media manipulation. Wikipedia (Pallywood)

Professor Richard Landes Documentary on YouTube;

And an article by him in the Telegraph; Telegraph Pallywood Article

Many MSM organisations have been caught out by this including the BBC and CNN; Honest Reporting Canada On The CBC,BBC & CNN Bening Caught Out By Pallywood.

As such any and all images & reports of this kind from this area and the ongoing conflict should be taken with a pinch of salt until they can be independently verified by numerous sources, as it is fair to say that all sides have an agenda to advance and are not above using any methods to get their way.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by DJW001

You still have not pointed out where I have said that Syria has no orphans, not that it has anything to do with the thread. I asked several other questions as well but they were in response to your posts which were off topic so I will let those ones slide as I have ignored your off topic, deflective questions (for the most part).

I missed the "portrayal response" but at least you answered that one regardless that in my opinion you sidestepped the "meat" of the question but at least you tried.

Please feel free to list any questions that you would like me to answer but make sure that they are relevant to the OP or I will simply ignore them as don't have the time for meaningless, circular arguments that have nothing to do with the OP, nor do I have the time.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by DJW001

I trust you can see the irony in your post having been the only time I have seen this image... as pointed out in my very first post on this thread.

There is no irony, just because you have never seen it does not mean it does not exist. As previously stated to another member, this was floating around on a massive scale and even I came across it on several different occasions and the exposure of this blatant false portray, hoax, propaganda was a big enough deal that it has been discussed on many mainstream and alternative outlets.

You can thank me now since if you had ever come across this image, you would now know it that was not what it was portrayed to be so unless you advocate false propaganda with the aim of misleading people, you should thank me for deconstructing this information.

The only irony I see is you accusing me of spreading propaganda and misleading people when it is you who has clearly done so by focusing on irrelevant topics in regards to the thread and falsely portraying what I have said.

Many members have noticed this and pointed it out as well.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:22 AM

Corruption Exposed
reply to post by DJW001

You still have not pointed out where I have said that Syria has no orphans, not that it has anything to do with the thread. I asked several other questions as well but they were in response to your posts which were off topic so I will let those ones slide as I have ignored your off topic, deflective questions (for the most part).

I missed the "portrayal response" but at least you answered that one regardless that in my opinion you sidestepped the "meat" of the question but at least you tried.

Please feel free to list any questions that you would like me to answer but make sure that they are relevant to the OP or I will simply ignore them as don't have the time for meaningless, circular arguments that have nothing to do with the OP, nor do I have the time.

Once again, you have still not said that there are orphans in Syria! What's the matter? Is your supervisor breathing down your neck? Okay here is a quick list of relevant questions for you to dodge:

1. Why did you post this picture?

2. Specifically, what social media have you seen it posted to?

3. Is there anything wrong with using a touching image to motivate people to take interest in a cause?

4. What is the nature of the "campaign" you reference in the title?

5. Who do you believe is behind it?

6. Why should people "beware" of this campaign and its sponsors?

7. What negative outcome would befall someone who did not realize that this photograph is "fake?"

8. Do you understand the difference between documentation and illustration?

9. Are there orphans as a result of the civil proxy war "insurgency" in Syria? (You still have not said whether there are!)

All of these questions are relevant to the title alone! When you finish with these, we can start on the main thrust of your post.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:25 AM

reply to post by DJW001

Thank you for taking it on yourself to spread the propaganda.

Explain in brief detail and pointing out the propaganda he's (CE) spreading.

Corruption is attempting to legitimize Bashar al Assad's corrupt regime by portraying its opposition as lying and corrupt. Haven't you got that yet?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Once again, you have still not said that there are orphans in Syria!

Yes, I have never denied it either as I first want you to point out where I have implied this. There are orphans in Syria, are you saying there are no orphans in Syria?

1. Why did you post this picture?

Already answered several deconstruct disinformation.

2. Specifically, what social media have you seen it posted to?

Already answered several times...mostly Facebook and Twitter but have also seen it on Reddit and other people's various pages such as Tumblr and Pinterest.

3. Is there anything wrong with using a touching image to motivate people to take interest in a cause?

Already answered...yes there is something wrong when it has been used as the image illustrated in OP.

4. What is the nature of the "campaign" you reference in the title?

Already answered...both sides have been using this image to paint the other party in negative light by falsely portraying it.

5. Who do you believe is behind it?

I wouldn't be surprised if it was you to be honest.

6. Why should people "beware" of this campaign and its sponsors?

Because it is dishonest and deceitful.

7. What negative outcome would befall someone who did not realize that this photograph is "fake?"

The answer to that question is based on opinion and interpretation.

8. Do you understand the difference between documentation and illustration?

Yes, do you?

9. Are there orphans as a result of the civil proxy war "insurgency" in Syria? (You still have not said whether there are!)

Already once again, please point out where I implied that there are no orphans in Syria as you first brought up this obvious deflection.

All of these questions are relevant to the title alone! When you finish with these, we can start on the main thrust of your post.

No, all of these questions are relevant to your intent of derailing this thread and causing disregard of the actual topic of the thread which is to expose this hoax, instead you are promoting it and falsely portraying it and my posts.

Now that I have answered all of your questions, even the off topic ones, I will ask one last time...please point out where I implied that there are no orphans in Syria, or at least explain your reasoning behind asking me if there were?
edit on 1/21/2014 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by DJW001

LOL this one made me laugh.

Corruption is attempting to legitimize Bashar al Assad's corrupt regime by portraying its opposition as lying and corrupt. Haven't you got that yet?

That is incorrect, I clearly indicated that both sides have been using this type of propaganda during the conflict .

Just in case you missed it...

So there you have it, another Syria propaganda hoax exposed, and there have been many from all sides.

I have taken no sides in this thread, if you disagree, please point out where I have done so.

Your dishonest, deceitful debate tactics have been factually exposed versus your unjust, unfound, incorrect accusations which you have directed towards me.
edit on 1/21/2014 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:57 AM
@DJW001 Its pretty obvious what your intend was when u entered the thread. You managed to derail a very interesting thread on your own, Kudos I suppose. You event said on the previous page you have no quarrel with the thread perse but with the OP, and honestly I don't even know why the moderators haven't put a sticker on your posts.

@CE : You don't know me, but I have been a major fan of your threads. I haven't seen the photograph popping up here on the social media, however the propaganda machine is running at full speed. Even now on BBC world the big news is about " an alleged famous photographer" who has been taking pictures of concentration camps in Syria. Pure BS.

And just on a side note: Remember all, a few months ago the US lifted the propaganda ban. Just putting it out here, not saying this was fueled by US government agencies. Just saying lots and lots of propaganda.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:04 AM

Corruption Exposed
reply to post by DJW001

LOL this one made me laugh.

Corruption is attempting to legitimize Bashar al Assad's corrupt regime by portraying its opposition as lying and corrupt. Haven't you got that yet?

That is incorrect, I clearly indicated that both sides have been using this type of propaganda during the conflict .

Just in case you missed it...

So there you have it, another Syria propaganda hoax exposed, and there have been many from all sides.

I have taken no sides in this thread, if you disagree, please point out where I have done so.


I have personally seen pro Assad, and pro "rebel" media pages use this image to paint the other side in negative light.

Why the quotation marks?

Your dishonest, deceitful debate tactics have been factually exposed versus your unjust, unfound, incorrect accusations which you have directed towards me.
edit on 1/21/2014 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

It's hilarious the way you keep illustrating the points I make about your bullying rhetoric. Now please stop deflecting and start answering questions. This is the "Deconstructing Disinformation" forum, and it is your disinformation that is being deconstructed.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by MessageforAll

@CE : You don't know me, but I have been a major fan of your threads. I haven't seen the photograph popping up here on the social media,

Interesting, Corruption... even your fans have not seen this alleged meme until you posted it here. Originally, I thought you were telling the truth when you said it was being posted to social media. Now I'm not so sure.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by MessageforAll

Thank you for stopping by.

It certainly appears that all sides have their propaganda machine in high gear, more than ever it seems.

You raise an interesting point about the US allowance of propaganda, but it seems all regimes use this tactic in its various forms to forward their agendas. I have not heard about the Syrian concentration camp photographer that you mentioned so perhaps I will look into that. My own government here in Canada viciously uses various forms of propaganda with the sole intent of misleading people into believing their side of things.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Why must you completely ignore the orphan part?

I have been asking you since page one, I am eager to read your response as to where I implied this and what were your intentions for asking me if there are orphans in Syria?

I have answered your questions as you sidestep is your turn "DJWOO".

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:13 AM

reply to post by MessageforAll

@CE : You don't know me, but I have been a major fan of your threads. I haven't seen the photograph popping up here on the social media,

Interesting, Corruption... even your fans have not seen this alleged meme until you posted it here. Originally, I thought you were telling the truth when you said it was being posted to social media. Now I'm not so sure.

Cheap shot mate, way to take something way out of context to support your own personal vendetta. Its not like my Social media is the same as OP.

@CE : On my local news channels I do seem they themselves are confused as hell, even now with the talk about concentration camps they always use an acronym of alleged or supposed. Even news channels ( except say a fox news network ) are very cautious when it comes to Syria.

BTW those photos of the concentration camps are an exclusive scoop from FOX network, makes one ponder.
edit on stAmerica/Chicago121uk2014 by MessageforAll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:24 AM

Corruption Exposed
reply to post by DJW001

Why must you completely ignore the orphan part?

I have been asking you since page one, I am eager to read your response as to where I implied this and what were your intentions for asking me if there are orphans in Syria?

I have answered your questions as you sidestep is your turn "DJWOO".

It took five pages of confrontation before you could admit that there are orphans in Syria. You still cannot bring yourself to admit that Loyalist troops are responsible for some of them. Did you not see this post:

What other questions have you raised? (And in case you haven't noticed, even your most dedicated fans can see that I always answer your questions immediately, while you sidestep and evade. It is the whole point to this exercise!)

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