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Ancient Sites & Monuments Aligned To "Ancient Equator"

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:02 PM
What if it wasn't a pole shift?

What if the builders didn't use magnetic north for orientation?

It looks to me that the line crosses the most land, instead of using longitude and latitude as we know them.

They had different writing and language, why not a different global mapping system.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:04 PM
What an interesting Thread.
Love those pictures diagrams & videos.
Keep up the this great work everyone.

edit on 19/1/2014 by ProphetZoroaster because: (no reason given)

(post by ih8harte removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:09 PM


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:09 PM

This isn't true of Gobekli Tepe, though it is true of the other sites you mention.

So, now, isn't it true that the observed alignments of Stonehenge and Nabta Playa - not to mention the hundreds of other stone circle alignments that have been found, would not have been so aligned if this "old equator" was factual?

So, did the builders of Stonehenge (for example) then see into the future - noting future solstices and positions of sunrise on the horizon, thereby aligning their stones for our us

This is a condensed version of - "Revelations of the Pyramids" -
which is (IMO) an extensive research of Carl Munck's - "The Code" theory.

You might enjoy this vid of Gobleki referencing Pleiades and Orion -

Seems history as we know it is always changing.
Quoting Napoleon; "History is a set of lies agreed upon!"

Be well

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by ProphetZoroaster

We might have a GP. which is far older than currently agreed on. Built by people that knew all there was to know about just about everything. Then having constructed what appears to a repository of mathematical knowledge, in the centre of the Earths landmass, which couldn't be replicated today .Encoding PI the Golden ratio and the speed of light, disappeared from the face of the earth and left the great unwashed to duplicate less well engineered structures. Who incidentally used all the capping stone to build mosques with because they couldn't understand the devils writings. Who as an afterthought used the best library in the world to heat the baths. A few diligent people held on to a few maps, most likely for there own profit. The prognosis isn't good.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:04 PM


While this is a fun idea, one must sacrifice all the CURRENT speculations about star alignment, winter and solar solstice alignments, and every other positional alignment deemed Canon in both accepted paradigm AND fringe speculations.


Because if the Earth had an alternate equator, then, the Sun, Moon, Stars, and every other everything in the sky would rise and set at completely different positions in the sky.

Probably the last major impact event that could have had a significant effect on equatorial location was 65 Million years ago.

Otherwise, we'd need an extremely significant Chandler Wobble event to occur and a deviation that drastic would cause every ocean on the planet to slosh, basically destroying everything, not to mention the slosh results that would occur with magma chambers, and other places of liquified rock which would likely result in wide ranging Continental Flood Basalt events.

Basically, a change that big would result in the extinction of most life on the planet, similar the Permian-Triassic extinction event which had the Siberian Traps Flood Basalt to thank for some of that.

I enthusiastically encourage some study in Geology and Planetary Physics as opposed to going straight for the box of crayons to draw lines all over the planet because it looks cool.

A very educated and straight forward answer.
I was thinking the same thing before I came across your post.
It would take a catastrophic event to change how the earth rotates.
And we would not be here to debate it.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:17 AM

Take your favorite virtual globe (eg. Google Earth), draw a path from Easter Island to Giza Plateau and extend that line around the globe. You'll probably be just as astonished as I was when realizing that many of the most mysterious and famous ancient sites are aligned to that 'alternative equator'.

no.. really you just picked some of the more impressive talked about places and created a line connecting them.
i mean come on, they were all built at different times in our history, a lot of them hundreds if not thousands of years apart.

the moai were built between 1250 ad and 1500 ad, the giza pyramids around 2500 bce, unless you want explain how that is magically possible or deny that human dating methods based on physics is wrong, go for either because what you came up with is impossible.

by the way, unless the moai, the egyptians, the greeks, the romans, and like 90% of the cultures that ever existed knew the earth was hit by an object 200 million years into it's existence, or about 5.3 billion years ago, give or take, which isn't likely, since they believed the moon was a god/goddess, your idea... it's wrong.
more than likely the earth had only one time in it's history were it didn't tilt the way it does, about the same time when the moon was created, when a proto-planet hit it billions of years ago creating the moon.

this is a basic issue of physics, objects in space have no friction, so they keep moving and will continue for a long time. if an object hit us hard enough to alter our tilt, it wouldn't be a tiny affect it would be huge! the last time created the moon! i doubt humanity would survive such an event, it would be like billions of nuclear bombs striking the earth, the dinosaurs barely survived and that was only a small object, a planet would more than likely break the earth in half.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:23 AM


A very educated and straight forward answer.
I was thinking the same thing before I came across your post.
It would take a catastrophic event to change how the earth rotates.
And we would not be here to debate it.

nope it would more than likely break the earth in half. since the last time it happened, the moon was created from the earth.
the consensus is, the earth had it's tilt altered when another planet hit it that knocked a chunk out of the earth. it's got to be remembered that planets take millions of years to cool, and that was only 200 million of the 4.65 billion, so it was still pretty molten, so it would have been a lot easier to bash a chunk out of it. now... not so much, an object hitting it closer to now would split it i think.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:37 AM

reply to post by ProphetZoroaster

We might have a GP. which is far older than currently agreed on. Built by people that knew all there was to know about just about everything. Then having constructed what appears to a repository of mathematical knowledge, in the centre of the Earths landmass, which couldn't be replicated today .Encoding PI the Golden ratio and the speed of light, disappeared from the face of the earth and left the great unwashed to duplicate less well engineered structures. Who incidentally used all the capping stone to build mosques with because they couldn't understand the devils writings. Who as an afterthought used the best library in the world to heat the baths. A few diligent people held on to a few maps, most likely for there own profit. The prognosis isn't good.

this is just crap.
the egypians didn't even know what the golden ratio was, they for sure didn't know what the speed of light was, and every source that claims they did is fraudulent or playing with numbers.
there is nothing sadder than a wanna-be historically ignorant bigot who does nothing more than spew garbage about dead people.
the "devils writings"? you mean EGYPTIAN, the language of MUSLIM AND CHRISTIAN EGYPTIANS, whom you are calling the great unwashed?
you mean the PEOPLE who helped SAVE the greek and roman texts we have today? THOSE PEOPLE? oh yes because CLEARLY noone else tried to burn the libarary of alexandria down before them right? both CHRISTIANS AND PAGANS?

just shut up, and stop posting you have no clue about history, just bias and stupidity, you insulted just about everyone with your idiotic tripe.

there isn't much point in posting how i really feel to a person that can't even make the effort to know the difference between "there" and "their".
at most it confirms to me how much of a waste of time some people are to educate on history.
edit on 20-1-2014 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

This site may interest you a lot
edit on 20-1-2014 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

Seems the line doesn't cross China.
but thanks, it was fun drawing the line.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

It makes sense to me if you look at it strictly from a climate point of view. Humans are not born with fur to keep warm, so we must find ways to stay warm in cold climates. The Equitorial regions are very warm and the seasons to not change. It takes more effort to survive in a colder climate (especially without modern technology).

It does not surprise me that cilivizations would have made permanent settlements and monuments along or close to an equitorial line. Humans still for the most part prefer warmth over cold though technology has made it way for us to live in harsh climates. Most people if they have the funds.... and live in a cold climate like here in Canada, go on vacation to tropical locations. Unless they are hardcore then they will go camping in the winter, hunting, fishing, skiing etc.

There are some poeple who enjoy the cold, but I think most humans like it a bit warmer.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:07 AM
I've read many theories that megalithic buildings were built not on an equatorial line but on the Earth's grid system or Ley Lines, which are believed to harness and distribute the earth's energy.

These sites explain it further with maps:

Earth's Energy Grid

Earth's Grid Systems
edit on 20-1-2014 by CINY8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:27 AM


no.. really you just picked some of the more impressive talked about places and created a line connecting them. i mean come on, they were all built at different times in our history, a lot of them hundreds if not thousands of years apart.

I drew the line between Giza and Easter Island. Then I noticed that some very famous monuments and sites are also located within a perimeter of ~30km along that very same line. Coincidence? Maybe, but that's hard to believe IMO ...

The moai were built between 1250 ad and 1500 ad, the giza pyramids around 2500 bce, unless you want explain how that is magically possible or deny that human dating methods based on physics is wrong, go for either because what you came up with is impossible.

This is highly debatable ... do we really have conclusive proof for the construction dates of the monuments you mentioned above? I don't think so, and especially the Moai on Easter Island and some of the structures on Giza Plateau (or Sacsayhuaman) can certainly not be traced back to their very origins using the dating methods we currently have.
edit on 20-1-2014 by jeep3r because: text

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:35 AM

I've read many theories that megalithic buildings were built not on an equatorial line but on the Earth's grid system or Ley Lines, which are believed to harness and distribute the earth's energy.

These sites explain it further with maps:

Earth's Energy Grid

Earth's Grid Systems
edit on 20-1-2014 by CINY8 because: (no reason given)

Exactly like these excellent links , UFO`s allegedly "tap in" these vortexes to gain elecricity, thats why most of the sites are supposedly UFO hotspots

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

Now go the Next Step.... Locate using the New Equator where the North & South Poles would have been ... What you will find is that this would explain why the North American Continent was cover with a Mile thick layer of ice while Siberia has Mammoths feeding on temperate plants at higher latitudes ... And why we find all the remains of human sites in northern Europe dated to the same time as Ice covered North America... If there were a True Global Ice Age those areas would have also been covered in the Ice Layer and scrubbed clean of such finds... This also explain why Sea Levels rose so quickly at the end of the last ice age... As the Ice Cover over N.A. was over a land mass and once a shift occurs it is moved to today's location in a warm temperate zone.. the New Ice that would start forming and the New Pole would be over the now Arctic Ocean ... Same with Antarctica as even a shift of 30deg would still have had most of the southern ice cap over land or very shallow seas ...

This is the Crustal Shift the Charles Hapgood theorized and had the support of Einstein in the theory.... It is the Only theory that fits the evidence found around the globe...

It would also explain why megalithic structures used such large stones as any survivors of such a cataclysmic event would build with the memory of +10 earthquakes, 1000 foot tsunamis and all of the other earth shattering events that would have continued for 100's if not 1000's of years after such a shift...

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 11:11 AM
@Athlon -
Once again, thank you for your considerate help!
(much apreciated)

Seems the line doesn't cross China.

This pic shows '2' lines crossing China -
(pic appears as one line but is actually TWO LINES)

One line connects to the Xian pyramids while
the second line intersects the the China 'tree-covered-pyramid'
and the Terra Cotta soldiers.
(notice the Grid relation towards Yonaguni monument and the Japan TRIANGLE)

RED lines are Monoliths & Geoglyphs.
Green lines are 'points of interest' (i.e; sunken cities, etc.)
YELLOW & BLUE lines are 'grid lines' pertaining to artifacts laid out on Earth.
Japanese Triangle is in alignment with the Alaskan Triangle which is in alignment
with the Bermuda Triangle and the line up shows there should be another 'TRIANGLE' which
falls directly upon Antartica. (..hmmm..)

ALL Lines have been drawn from the Giza Pyramid and the Geo-Metric math
that was incorporated is simply amazing.

It's a tedious process, but rewarding.. and certain 'finds' have been quite entertaining!
There is a REASON why these monuments and geoglyphs are where they are - but I will
keep that hidden for now until this virtual map is completed!

Enjoy.. and - Be Well

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 11:42 AM
I have never thought about this subject before ... But yes it's true that we are figuring out a solution for the old Maths.. My assumption on pyramids is how to suspend a object in even neutral force. If I am right on my assumption ..each pyramids diagonal is north and south .. And in east west in equator ..and wide on bottom for enough to hold magnetic force and sharp on top to control the galactic force .. With compensation of angle.. For the in and around pyramids which is away from equator ..I mean which is out of equator , coming to the real discussion yes equator is the high force of energy .. Any place with other added resources .. Like water , cultivating land and human race .. Excuse me if I am wrong as I am a engineer by profession.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 12:07 PM

reply to post by jeep3r

I saw a program the other night,that said if you draw two circles on the base of the great pyramid an inner and an outer then divide the circumference of one into the other, you end up with the speed of light.

You either misheard or the program didn't have a clue what they were talking about. The ratio of the circumferences of two such circles, one whose radius is the distance from the centre to a corner of a square and one whose radius is the distance from the centre to the midpoint of a side of the same square, is the same no matter how big or small the square is.

That ratio is the square root of 2, which is roughly 1.4142135623. This ratio does not correspond to any measurement of the speed of light that I know of.

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