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We do NOT live in a police state! Please move on.

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:39 PM


See, you post a few vids OR names. So can I of hundred and thousands of officers who have done something heroic for the public or lost THEIR lives fighting the bad guy.

If you could be bothered to read ever post from start to finish you will see I acknowledged the few troubling incidents but that doesn't make up the whole. So MR Vforwhatever go back read EVERYTHING clearly and slowly.

Being convicted of a crime in a court of LAW is not down to the Police....that believe it or NOT is the JURY of CIVILIANS!!

You in no way shape or form acknowledged the "few" troubling incidents other then calling the poster a no good lazy bum that thinks every one is out to get him...

And people that are getting convicted now a days ARE NOT judged by their peers.... You wouldn't know, like you said you have never been through the system. So please don't speak to how it works

The process of the civilian trial gets skipped because the judge, DA and Public Defenders are all in a racket to stop cases of going to court, Cases have been posted on this thread, which you ignore as well.
edit on thSat, 18 Jan 2014 17:40:22 -0600America/Chicago120142280 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:49 PM
There's not as many blatant beatings like those other countries because the US is great at psychological control and rigging the system.

Take 9/11, sure the government doesn't drag 9/11 truthers out of their home and beat them. Instead, they use the media to discredit them. The investigative agencies are stocked with people who would expose people in positions of power.

They offer a number of topics that people can disagree about. Example: Obamacare/no health care, prochoice/prolife.
This gives the illusion of freedom.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

Theres more beatings and violence from the police then the criminals.

I have witnessed it in the jail system and watching people get arrested.

The videos we see are just the ones that get recorded. The reason why it seems like it happens a lot if because it does. If EVERYONE recorded every beating and post it online there would be 1000's more.

Ive seen cops bring people outside and torture them and bring them back into the jail crushed. Its sick.

Dont get me wrong it isnt all of them but its most.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:04 PM
Well until I read this I didn't actually think people honestly thought this was a police state. I had always thought when people said that they were inferring we are moving towards or that actions seemed like a police state.

I have been to a lot of countries in my life and while I will say there are many changes in this country that do concern me I can not honestly claim our nation is anywhere near a police state.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:09 PM
No we are not a Police State per say . But the Civilian Police Force that Obama talked about creating that was provided for by Bush with the Patriot Act can and does circumvent the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America . The Home Land Security / Army of Contractors not unlike the Pinkertons answer to no one . They do not respect the Posse Comitatus act . They are not the American Military but are being armed as such . Homeland Security is also branching it's operations into local law enforcement as you should be able to see.
Call it what you will but we are now living in the coming police state . And to say we are not is to ignore reality . Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are under attack by the NWO . The NWO is real and lives already in your daily life if you just look for it .
reply to post by projectbane

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:10 PM

WE DO NOT LIVE IN A POLICE STATE, for those continuously profess that we live in a police state, it funny that you can say that without a smile or a smirk. It highly amusing to me that you can be so plied with ignorance. So far away from reality and so far under the tin-foil umbrella.

I'm fairly certain that many "police states" didn't start under that title. There were changes being sold to the public as reasonable adjustments for public safety, changes in policies to help combat terrorism, all sorts of little chips and cracks in the increasingly thin veneer of liberty.

A "police state" is usually declared after the fact. The people living through the beginning never stop it, because they are too busy yelling that whatever it may be, it's certainly not a police state!

There's a very clear line you have to cross before it's officially a police state. For example, it can't be a police state unless it has secret courts. Oh? They already have those? Well, in that case, the very clear line is the ability to detain people indefinitely without charge or trial. Really? They can do that as well? Then the very clear line must be widespread systematic monitoring or access to communications without warrants. Seriously? As well? Hmm. Well I know for a fact that there is a very clear line that proves it isn't a police state, I'm just struggling to find it. But whatever it is, I can guarantee you it hasn't been crossed. No police states here!

But you're right, I suppose. You don't need to be worried until your local police start rolling around in military vehicles and dressing up like SEALs. Oh... wait...

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:12 PM

Well until I read this I didn't actually think people honestly thought this was a police state. I had always thought when people said that they were inferring we are moving towards or that actions seemed like a police state.

I have been to a lot of countries in my life and while I will say there are many changes in this country that do concern me I can not honestly claim our nation is anywhere near a police state.

Do the laws that are getting passed right now match said laws or practices that are being carried out in the countries that you've seen? I'm assuming you've seen it since your brought up the fact you have been to many countries. And most here disagreeing with OP are simply stating that we are in no way a full blown police state, but in the toddler stages of it

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:14 PM


WE DO NOT LIVE IN A POLICE STATE, for those continuously profess that we live in a police state, it funny that you can say that without a smile or a smirk. It highly amusing to me that you can be so plied with ignorance. So far away from reality and so far under the tin-foil umbrella.

But you're right, I suppose. You don't need to be worried until your local police start rolling around in military vehicles and dressing up like SEALs. Oh... wait...

Lol that made me chuckle

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:15 PM
We are the serious underpinnings of a police state.

We started becoming a police state when they started regulating what you could do with YOUR property and taxing it and also telling you what could do on it.

Fundamentally in america we are suppose to enjoy MORE freedoms then the rest of the world and be protected by the constitution. But we aren't, and we actualy have less! Talk to member Erongauricaro about what he thinks about the US and why after a lifetime of military service he left the country. Maybe that will help people understand.

This is a police state not according to other countries but according to what the US is suppose to be and represent.

Its all about perspective bro.
edit on 18-1-2014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:22 PM

reply to post by beezzer

That may very well be true, but if we still have the means and freedoms to do something I about it, so I wouldn't say we're quite there yet. If we as a people continue to let governent continue unchecked, then I think we could easily end up as a police state in the near future.

But hasn't it always been the job of the people to keep the government in check? You can pretty much expect people in positions of power to get out of line if no one holds them responsible, which is supposed to be our job, and I don't see that happening.

But nonetheless, I believe its possible to turn things around using the freedoms we currently have, which to me, tells me we aren't quite a police state.

Then again, I might be wrong. I guess we will never know until we try.

What if your in the 100 mile zone? Then everything you just said is out the window because you are basing it off the constitution correct? No one against the idea of the police state in this thread has addressed how that doesn't quialify...
Does it need to be 3500 mile zone till we are in a police state? Like someone said before, that term is usually put there after the fact.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by projectbane

the patriot act and DHS = N.K.V.D. Yes, we didn't live in a police state before, but we sure as hell do now! if you consider the patriot act and the DHS were created to combat, wait for it, terrorsim. which we had been victimized by in the past, but all of a sudden, it requires the patriot act and the DHS ? Terrorism? which has achieved it's goal exactly how many times? ZERO - you are one hundred percent incorrect.
yes, the suspension of habeus corpus in this country is the same as having a police state. its not about the police. its about the lords and ladies and king you vote for. if i was transported to some other place and time and still an analyst for the NSA, and the USSR and USA were put side by side? if the USA had the patriot act and the dhs at the same time the USSR had the NKVD? you'd have to consider both police states. remember. the police only follow orders. they don't decide to put a stake thru the heart of the constitution. thats what our elected officilas did, without so much as a by your leave from the electorate. after all, the lords and ladies and king are the ones that always say "never let a good crisis go to waste".

edit on 1182014 by tencap77 because: spelling / content

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Yes, we live in a police state. They have simply chosen, at this point in time, not to exercise the laws that they have already passed to deny us any movement and/or freedoms.

Selective policestate?

or is that the same thing?

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

You would need to be specific as to which laws you are talking about so I could reference them.

And yes I have lived in countries where there were permanent and mobile checkpoints throughout the country where everyone was stopped cars and persons searched, papers shown and it wasn't unusual to have authorities come into residences to have a look around where again papers were shown at least until they knew your face. I will start drawing true comparisons once the US starts blocking websites and censoring youtube.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

The point isnt to draw comparrisons the point is to understand what we represent.

We are suppose to be a nation of freedom, with that perspective we are obviously a police state by the standards which we have set out to achieve.

Comparing ourselves to a police state to determine weather or not we area police state or not is a sure path to totalitarianism because we wont care until we get to that point.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:39 PM

reply to post by Sremmos80

You would need to be specific as to which laws you are talking about so I could reference them.

And yes I have lived in countries where there were permanent and mobile checkpoints throughout the country where everyone was stopped cars and persons searched, papers shown and it wasn't unusual to have authorities come into residences to have a look around where again papers were shown at least until they knew your face. I will start drawing true comparisons once the US starts blocking websites and censoring youtube.

Ya again those are signs of a full blown police state IMO and I never said we were at that. Laws like the patriot act, or NDAA. The admitted spying on everyone that now is taken care of because a secret court will decide if is being used correctly. I live right next to a immigration check point that they double as a drug check point often. And any one that so happens to use a side street or the road specifically built for residence not get stuck in said check point traffic is circumventing the checkpoint and is now under suspicion. The 100 mile constitution free zone that no one against the idea of a begging police state will acknowledge

And why do we need to wait until they start blocking websites? How is that a more essential freedom then due process of the law???
edit on thSat, 18 Jan 2014 18:40:28 -0600America/Chicago120142880 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Well in my post I said I didn't know people actually thought we already were a police state which some claim that we currently are.

As long as we are drawing comparisons to see if we are then we are not. If we ever do become one we will not need to draw comparisons the question will not need to be asked we will know without a doubt.

I was just a bit shocked that some people think we are already there.

You know in a true police state we wouldn't be casually talking about it online.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

You know I never said everything was okey dokey.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:44 PM

reply to post by onequestion

Well in my post I said I didn't know people actually thought we already were a police state which some claim that we currently are.

As long as we are drawing comparisons to see if we are then we are not. If we ever do become one we will not need to draw comparisons the question will not need to be asked we will know without a doubt.

I was just a bit shocked that some people think we are already there.

You know in a true police state we wouldn't be casually talking about it online.

So since the group of people right now are not affected by it that means it can't exist?

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:45 PM

reply to post by Sremmos80

You know I never said everything was okey dokey.

And i never said we were in full blown paper showing SS troopers down my neck police state

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

See previous post.

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