reply to post by peter vlar
That is far too off topic.
But for the record, agonising is spelt by the British, and anyone who learned the language correctly, with an S, and by anyone unfortunate enough to
have grown up in a former colony nation, with a Z.
I do not mind if a massive nations worth of humanity wish to spell words incorrectly, but I think it a little crass for anyone to point the finger at
a person spelling words the old fashioned way, and then for someone else to defend them when they are put straight. And yes, we keep the U in some
words too, and that is because the language is, as you so rightly point out, a hodge podge of European languages, including french, norse, and the
thrice cursed Roman Latin, commensurate with periods in history when our island nation was invaded by people from other lands, who are all part of our
heritage as a people.
The thing is, some British persons who love their heritage and their language, may hold a certain grudge toward those who ignore their heritage by
mispelling things out of sheer stubborness, and a need to insist on a level of originality that their homeland cannot truely profess to, but
ordinarily we do not make a "big deal" out of it (to use a familiar vernacular... meeting you half way here!) because most of us realise there are
bigger things to talk about.
But, lets face it, at least the death penalty exists in America, which, along with a right to bear arms, are two of a very short list of things that
the US has continued to do right, despite the errosion of those things in Britain. Personally speaking, I think the lack of a death penalty for murder
in Britain is a shameful thing, because we have had many murderers here who, in my veiw represent such a danger to the public, that to allow them to
live, even in maximum security facilities, poses an unnecessary risk to the life of innocent people. I also think it is inappropriate for such persons
as these to live on the taxes that we pay to our government.
It is not our responsibility as a people to service the needs of those who shun even the merest trappings of societal norms. Of course, I do not mean
that everyone should munch scones and drink tea (although I am partial to both!) at the very same time, wearing the very same clothes, thinking the
very same thoughts, because that would be both spooky, and tedious. What I am however saying, is that barring normal and healthy rebellions against
tyranny, that mark a healthy society, and indeed a well adjusted individual, when a person who proves that they are intent on wanton murder and
destruction of innoncence for its own sake, is convicted of murder, they ought to be terminated as a matter of public safety.
How they come to their deaths is a matter on which there has been significant hand wringing, but my veiw is, the longer the suffering, the fairer in
many cases. If it was not fair for the condemned to plant a nine inch knife through a victims aorta, then why should the condemned receive any more
consideration than they show? What, to make some sort of point about how much better the executioner is, than the person they despatch into the
netherworld beneath this mortal realm? Pish.
Make the bastard scream I say.
edit on 19-1-2014 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical and spelling alterations.
edit on
19-1-2014 by TrueBrit because: (no reason given)