posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 07:03 AM
Huxley - Ape and Essence, Brave New World.
Lovecraft - Anything.
Clive Barker- Cabal and Books of Blood.
Phillip K Dick- Anything, but try and read Valis and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Stephen King - Cell.
Hinduism - Baghadva Gita, Upanishads.
Robert Anton Wilson - Try reading some of the Illuminatus trilogy, even if you can't finish it at first.
R.A. Salvatore - Drizzt series. Lots of fun, better than Tolkien if you're into elves, dwarves and that kind of stuff.
Gibson - Neuromancer.
Dumas - Count of Monte Christo. Must be unabridged, it is huge, but amazing.
Homer - Anything.
Montague Summer - Vampire and his kith and kin, and Werewolf in lore and legend. These are hard going, with lots of Greek and Latin, as these
languages were commonly used in that time among academics, but interesting as texts rather than entertaining reading material. You can't open at
first page and read until the end. Choose the bit you're in to a read it very closely.
edit on 18-1-2015 by UnveilingReality because: (no
reason given)