posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 05:10 AM
Hey. wow. groovy! and these so called "rocks" are actually, verified, completely, unmistakeable, SOLID rock yes? They have been weighed, handled,
and researched by the excellent mars rovers that are basically, well, highly sophisticated versions of a robot lawn mower right? and there is NEVER an
occasion over a seven day period on mars were there might be very high or swirling winds? somethng like a "dust devil" if you will? and there has
NEVER been an occasion observed ANYWHERE in the solar system where large rocks, have been moved, apparently, by wind only? and even if there were
oceans and lakes and bird baths a long time ago on mars, that would have made what kind of difference, on a planet with NO MAGNETIC FIELD, a very low
pressure atmosphere, and is constantly bombarded by radiation LETHAL to "most", not all forms of life? You know, I could be wrong, but arthur c
clarke was a pretty forward thinking guy. why don't we take a closer look at Europa, and stop wasting time on planet that, IS DEAD. WAS DEAD. AND for
any practical or other purpose, WILL ALWAYS BE DEAD. Even if misguided people go there in the future. the solar system is LETHAL all by itslef. we're
running out of time. Nothing to see here folks. when it comes to mars? maybe use whatever useable water is there for an automated filling station.
imagine if you will, a coffee or ice maker, PERMANENTLY hooked up to a water supply. if we can do that with a coffee or ice maker, we can do it with a
robot gas station. Europa? looks like a better bet. Also, the name is just way cooler. Also, A.C. Clarke? if we go, the machine we send should be
awesomely cool, named after clarke or one of his books or one of his characters and be totally awesome, all in one lander, explorer, ascent stage to
return samples! and it should look absolutely cool like something right out of the "thunderbirds" and be powered by a huge nuclear reactor. or to
paraphrase another great sci-fi author that goes by the name of vonnegut, maybe it could be powered by UWTB, a property known as "universal will to
become" SOLID!