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Sugar Daddies

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posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 08:55 AM
I am a woman and have no issue at all with these mutually beneficially relationships, in fact, I think it is a great idea.

Some men have needs or desires that are unfilled. Maybe they are unattractive or socially awkward and unable to maintain a long term relationship. They may be perfectly lovely males who are sweet, warm and thoughtful. You know, they are the guys we all put in the 'friendship bracket'. Other guys, attractive players for example, get it for free from multipal sources while the sweet guy gets none. If arrangements are the only way for these men to get a connection and feel a human embrace then i for one am happy to look the other way.

It's the same with the sugar babies. No woman grows up aspiring to this sort of lifestyle.

The girl in the article is doing it to gain an education so that she can support her loved ones in the long run. Her actions may seem shameful to some but what can be more shameful than watching your siblings go hungry?

Both parties have something that the other wants or needs. If two people can get together and ease each others suffering then it's all good to me.

I'm going to go out on a limb now and say these relationships are probably more honest and dignified than those entered into by people that are pretending to be something they are not.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 08:59 AM
I wonder how many male members (and maybe some females) of ATS reading this thread, googled that website?... c'mon boys and girls, we all know what it's about. to feign ignorance or naivete is simply laughable

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 09:49 AM
I met a 76 year old guy who had a girlfriend who would be 20 in a month. She was going to nursing school and he was paying for it. She was happy with the arrangement and lived with the guy when not attending school. He told me that he figured if she hung in there he would be sure she got included in his substantial will which he had already made out unknown to her. He was a young 76 but ..... still 76... some of the older guys are taking pills to help them preform their manly nuptial duties; guess it works! If happiness is love then they seem to have both...

Overseas I know allot of 50, 60, or 70 year old guys married to 30 something (or younger) women and some even have young kids... When 50% or higher of the marriages in the west seem to end in divorce the guys I know seem to be happy and the women have a better physical life than many of their contemporaries. Also, with the divorce laws in the states, many of the really rich guys (top 4%) I know have a very good prenuptial or say they will never get married again.. Been there, got burned, and do not plan on a do over seems to be the general consensus.

I know a girl who was chased by a very rich married dude who wanted to help her pay for her engineering degree. He was 55 and at the time she was 22 (and yes very hot). She could not bring herself to play along so she passed on the deal.. He was wonderful during birthdays and Christmas but lost interest after a couple of years because she would not put out.. He was always a gentleman with her but alas there was no spark and arching on her part...

Met a couple of girls who have paid for their college as strippers (or so they said) even knew some flight attendants who worked as strippers part time,,, or so they said; I never went to their strip club to see for myself; I was married and the wife would not have been happy with me investigating their part time employment .. in spite of some beliefs sex works both ways.. Give and take for an end result

The rich and perceived powerful have always attracted certain women whether due to economic circumstances of the women or through force... If you do a search you will see that approximately 8% of the Chinese and Asian populations are a direct descendant of Genghis khan as indicated by the "Y" chromosome... Probably where the original "make love not war" came from?

What I find surprising is anyone with money who would be interested in a sight like when there are all kinds of girls and women who just wanna have fun and would love and appreciate a little financial help... Usually more sneaky than an obviously in your face web sight...

There is still an unwritten code where many rich have a girl (or 2) on the side who they help financially for their companionship; to much drama for me to consider that kind of deal even when I was single and had a little money...

Overseas in many countries some of the dirt bags have children with a woman and just walk away, no support, no nothing for the kid... My wife's father left when she was less than two and never had any contact or financial support for her or her mother; they were legally married... She grew up poor (small rice farm) and her mother never remarried... Is it right; not in my opinion, but that is the way it is in many countries.

I do have a friend who insists that one should have a minimum of 12 girlfriends; he works very hard at his goal and hobnobs with the private jet crowd.. He seems to drop a girl everytime they want to move in with him or start putting clothes into one of his 3 homes.... Welcome to his world.. He is 68 and made his money in oil and gas.. Used to take money off him playing golf.. His ego refused to believe I could beat him and when I did it was always because he had a bad day... Love those kind of guys!

I do not care what two consenting adults do.... Up to them, their problem, their happiness, their life, and their drama... Many lonely people all over the world just looking to better their circumstances and if they can find happiness and love so much the better.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by pheonix358

I want me a sugar momma. She should be able to rebuild the engine on a pickup truck and be the owner of a working gold claim. It wouldn't hurt if she also had a pilot's license and a plane.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Tsu322

Do you also support prostitution? Or at least feel that it should not be illegal?

I have no problem with this, however I think it is essentially the same as prostitution. While I do not think that is a crime, I do not think there a moral problems that go with this kind of behavior.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 11:57 AM
Two words: consenting adults.

Or until they find a way to tax or otherwise control the basic human right of saying "Yes" or "No"

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 12:48 PM

reply to post by Tsu322

Do you also support prostitution? Or at least feel that it should not be illegal?

I have no problem with this, however I think it is essentially the same as prostitution. While I do not think that is a crime, I do not think there a moral problems that go with this kind of behavior.

Of course its prostitution. However, a mutually beneficial agreement between two consenting adults should be nobody's business.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 12:58 PM
Sounds pretty retarded to me. "Im pretty give me money and i will give you nothing in return". This to me is actually worse than prostitution. The difference between the guy that sits with a sign and the guy that offers to clean your windows for a dollar. A prostitute will use her body and do something for the money. This stupid woman just wants money for nothing. I know there are people out there who will give it to her but it does not make her any less of a parasite.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:01 PM

Sounds pretty retarded to me. "Im pretty give me money and i will give you nothing in return". This to me is actually worse than prostitution. The difference between the guy that sits with a sign and the guy that offers to clean your windows for a dollar. A prostitute will use her body and do something for the money. This stupid woman just wants money for nothing. I know there are people out there who will give it to her but it does not make her any less of a parasite.

I agree with your point. Of course she will be disappointed. No man is going to give her money just because she hangs out. She will either change her position or she will end up with empty pockets.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by jrod

I think prostitution should be legalised to be honest. If it doesn't hurt anyone and it is two adults then I'm OK with it. Obviously I am against child prostitution, forced prostitution and all that but, as I say, if no one gets hurt I'm fine with it.

It's really hard for me to comment on morality because I am an atheist that grew up surrounded by sex everywhere. Morality to me means not hurting people. Sex as a morality issue is something I see as a religious standpoint.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Lice00

She isn't doing nothing. She is spending time with the man. Keeping him company, going on dates, etc. While YOU may view that as nothing worth paying for, this man obviously has a difference of opinion. Believe it or not, women are more than just sexual objects.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:06 PM

reply to post by jrod

I think prostitution should be legalised to be honest. If it doesn't hurt anyone and it is two adults then I'm OK with it. Obviously I am against child prostitution, forced prostitution and all that but, as I say, if no one gets hurt I'm fine with it.

It's really hard for me to comment on morality because I am an atheist that grew up surrounded by sex everywhere. Morality to me means not hurting people. Sex as a morality issue is something I see as a religious standpoint.

Me too, legal prostitution would make the trade MUCH safer for all parties. No more pimps beating their girls for holding out a dollar, mandatory std testing, clean areas to solicit and perform services, don't have to drive to seedy parts of town to get serviced, protection (physical and sexual), and many more. Instead the state insists on keeping it illegal, which forces the market to go underground (like making morality illegal ever gets rid of the problem. Just forces it underground and makes it WAY more unsafe. Stupid Government).

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:07 PM

reply to post by Lice00

She isn't doing nothing. She is spending time with the man. Keeping him company, going on dates, etc. While YOU may view that as nothing worth paying for, this man obviously has a difference of opinion. Believe it or not, women are more than just sexual objects.

I never said women were just sexual objects, nice strawman. Yeah, she is doing nothing and getting money for it. Going on dates? Please this is just showing up to get the money. I would be viewed as a monster if my source of income was finding women with such low self respect that they would be okay with me charging them just for me to associate with them.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:16 PM

Of course its prostitution. However, a mutually beneficial agreement between two consenting adults should be nobody's business.

I completely agree.

When these young girls get older and want to have a family, I think they will have a difficult time finding that connection with a potential partner. They are giving themselves to someone they have no true love for, that causes a person to shut down emotionally imho. While there is no physical harm, I do think being a 'sugar baby' could possibly result in long term emotional and mental problems, again they are both consenting adults and that should never be anyone's business.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:37 PM
Some men just want company, to go out to a nice restaurant and not look like a lonely fool. But to have a companion to go eat out with, or to just go to the mall and go shopping. No harm, no fowl and no sex.

I don't go out anymore to restaurants because I don't want to sit alone looking like fool while everyone else is all happy joy joy eating a nice meal with friends and family.

It gets depressing.

BTW...I am on a sugar daddy site but I have never met anyone off of there.

I think they also have a site where men donate money for women to get breast augmentation. Have you seen that one yet?

edit on 15-1-2014 by Diabolical because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 03:19 PM
Aks ur selfs, would u let/want ur daughter go dating some old sugar daddys like u call em who are looking for much younger girls? These services are just another form of prostituting, exception those who "not want sex" but money for company, its not normal in my mind, to me it sounds quite sick but thats just me, i dont want to judge others, even sometimes its hard not to...

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

...and you completely forgot about the man!!!!

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 07:23 PM

For heavens sake!

All relationships are based on the very same give and take arrangement.

When you go looking for a partner what do you look for. Here is a list both old fashioned and new. Hey, add to it if I have missed anything.

I want a good provider for our kids when we get them


Someone with good career prospects.


Someone my friends will swoon over

I can make that happen

someone that impresses my friends / parents / whomever

As long as they're easily impressed.

someone with big / small / long / shapely (insert body part here)

Not until the second date honey

Someone with money

I got 5 bucks in pocket...........Good enough?

Has to have a (insert brand name) (insert a thing)

That's just silly, but Check

Has to love me.

CHECK!!!! That's BEEN done.

Has to do what they are told / has to take care of me.

Yes ma'am. It would be my pleasure.

Has to like cats / dogs / budgies / other animal

I like animals.........Check

Has to be good at sex / ping pong / tennis

All at the same time??? Good God woman, you're an animal


Has to have a sense of humor

Has to be able to forgive past transgressions

Has to be able to hold a conversation for a half hour at best

Has to love music

Has to be able to meet me halfway on the more serious aspects of the relationship

Has to be able to recognize that I'm a man of routine, and that meeting me halfway is going to be dependant on that.'s that?

edit on 15-1-2014 by DeepImpactX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by DeepImpactX

All good.

There seem to be many who cannot seem to consider such an arrangement without sex. For some a serious indepth conversation could do it. Perhaps lots of cuddles, perhaps the simple illusion of love is better than nothing at all.

If you can only see sex here, I suggest you need to get out of your own worn shoes and try someone else's.

Not everyone revolves around the carnal act.

Love and tenderness go a long way.


posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 08:42 PM

Some men just want company, to go out to a nice restaurant and not look like a lonely fool. But to have a companion to go eat out with, or to just go to the mall and go shopping. No harm, no fowl and no sex.

I don't go out anymore to restaurants because I don't want to sit alone looking like fool while everyone else is all happy joy joy eating a nice meal with friends and family.

It gets depressing.

BTW...I am on a sugar daddy site but I have never met anyone off of there.

I think they also have a site where men donate money for women to get breast augmentation. Have you seen that one yet?

edit on 15-1-2014 by Diabolical because: (no reason given)

Instead of feeling like a lonely fool look at it as a hook-up opportunity ! You never know who or where you will meet someone who arch's your spark or vise versa. A good conversational companion comes in many forms and colors. Also if you are out and about even waitresses that get to know you (and that you are single) will try and hook you up with friends... I guess what I am trying to say, "It is a social interaction kind of thing".

Man, even when I was single, I never felt like a dork eating alone for I was always looking and making contacts... Met allot of fun interesting people.... and that was a couple of years after my wife died so I would have been in my 50s. Being invited to parties and others looking for a hook up for you is a great way to have some fun and meet people who come recommended by your new friends.. Shut yourself in and you undoubtedly will not have much luck ?

I do know some guys overseas who met their wives or girlfriends on the internet and from what I gather, some hit a gold mine and others lost all their gold ! Caution should be advised.. Just like in the states.

Companionship cost whether emotionally or monetarily... I made a couple of mistakes with my poor farmer girl wife.. I stayed in a 3 star hotel where the norm was a no star before, and I bought her something for her birthday once... Now she wants to experience a 5 star hotel and expects something every year for her birthday; thank goodness Christmas is not a big deal to her but there are already hints !

I am old enough I should have known better!
(poor attempt at humor))

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