I was wondering if there would be use for a Psychology / Sociology Forum - I have a psychology major and I spend a lot of my time researching
psychological and sociological issues.
In addition - there are a lot of really cool studies being done in that area and the scientific method is really being applied these days - there are
also neurological breakthroughs happening all the time - I have been researching
White Matter lately, for example, and its
relationship to genders and psychopathy as well.
And there is also the advent of the idea of
Quantum Psychology, or the notion that quantum fields might be responsible for people
having perspectives - in addition, we have medication issues, like the
S.S.R.I. issue and people like James Holmes.
On a sociological standpoint, since 2008,
Obama and his team of Democrats has really made a lot of advancements using the
Information Age to help with things like advertising more efficiently - for example, by throwing the "Single" variable into the mix, campaigners are
able to identify people that might not vote, but would vote Democrat if they were visited by a campaign salesman (The Economist).
Both politicians and economists are using meta data on a daily basis to come up with really cool new facts about how society
OkCupid, a dating website, is able to use the meta-data it collects on users accounts and messages to do studies such as ones that show statistics on
which keywords in a message are more (or less) likely to generate a response from your potential mate!
Some of the things in this category might have a hard time fitting into other categories, although they *could* sometimes fit in the "Religion" forum
or "Philosophy / Metaphysics" forum - maybe in "Social Issues" in some cases, maybe in "Medical Issues" in some cases, and maybe in "Science and
Technology" in some cases.
In the future, we are going to be having advancements like
Google Glass causing stories in this general area as well as society
dealing with things like
text messaging, the internet, and
cyborg implants - which could do anything from add
memory / functionality to someone's brain to enhance mental capacity or even help with certain neurological disorders.
Not only that,
nootropics are going to be a big issue - those are drugs that can enhance mental performance - honestly, I think
that psychology and sociology are going to be huge issues here shortly.
Wikipedia: Nootropics
What does everyone think?
edit on 13pmMon, 13 Jan 2014 23:46:26 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)