posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus
I have young kids, so I think I am the target audience for this product. I recently saw a ad for this once on a sidebar...I thought it was a link to
an Onion article or something. Seriously! It seemed to crazy to be true. It reminded me of that old SNL sketch - the toilet built for two. (Just in
that it is along the lines of toliets that really never need to be invented.)
I understand how hard potty training can be for some kids/parents. I really do get the desperation some parents can get in. One of my kids was
especially resistant to it. And screens do, in fact, mesmerize kids. It will keep their butts in place. So I do, in some ways, "get it." Now,
I don't want to overstate things - like say that this iPotty illustrates everything that is wrong in parenting today... but... really? This iPotty
illustrates everything that is wrong in parenting today. (I didn't
want to overstate things, but I did.)
The thing that bothers me about it is this modern notion that kids cannot be bored. Ever. Not even for sitting on the potty. They have to be
scheduled for back-to-back activities. When they don't have activities, the parents better make sure they are busy an entertained. It's sad.
It's robbing a generation of their imaginations. I make sure my kids have lots of hands-off unstructured time - even my preschool age kids. And the
games they come up with when bored and not in front of a screen are awesome. Actually, they are very rarely bored.
For my kids, I kept them on the potty the old fashioned way. Duct tape. (Not really.) I had some amazing conversations with toddlers sitting on
potties. Lots of frustrating moments, but enough hilarious and sweet moments that I wouldn't ever trade that experience in for this fancy-shamcy
Soon to be released - iParents!