reply to post by AutumnWitch657
I have the same repeating big wave dreams too for many years. I probably started having such dreams in my teens and had the last one last year.
There's a difference in my dream, however. There are people in the water, apparently having fun in the waves, and they were just floating around, no
surfing, letting the waves break over them... ...But these waves are over 50 feet high! And the water is deep!
Usually I find myself running away from the water. In some dreams, I escape, in some, I get sucked in by the water. It's a nightmare!
In the Christian context, the waves are very clear to me. It is the system of this world. The people in waves represent the people who finds their
life in the system of this world - the education system, the economy, career, technology, dogmas of life, etc. But it is a dangerous set of beliefs
much like giant waves. It tries to get me because honestly, it's difficult to live completely off the grid.
But our system is built upon discrimination. Discriminating the poor, citizenship, skills, education. Makes it utterly more difficult for the poor
to have the same things in life as others who started good in life. It's an unfair system that is deeply flawed. the gap between rich and poor
getting bigger.... It's social time bomb ticking!
Sadly, discrimination is the only thing this system can make a profit, i.e. less skilled, citizen of poor country, less educated = cheaper labor. The
electronics industry won't do a $#@! to address the slave labor conditions of workers in China because it's given what they need - cheap labor!
It's a dangerous thing to like the system/big waves in the dream. The system is evil. Once you think you can have a life with it, you have become one
with evil.
edit on 18-1-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)