Greetings Y'all,
I don't post too often, but after cruising through Earth, I began to notice that the whole area around Mohenjo-daro, had seemed to have
been visually "scrubbed". When I bring it up in Earth, into any type of detail, the color and focus changes dramatically. I know this may be
some form of "glitch", but now I also notice that there are no longer any of the pictures displayed, which had shown any of the cool
artifacts. I distinctly remember seeing images posted, which had shown some of the vitrified things, and charred skeletons and such. Now, there
are no such things.... only the same lame ass, long-distance, wide angle scenery shots posted, in every "pic" shown on G-Earth.
Anyways, seeing as how Earth had decided to guzzle-n-swallow more of 'ole Big Bro's baby juice, and sensor the death out of everything....I thought
I'd try to do my part, and post a bit of knowledge about Mohenjo-daro. I think that out of the links I'm posting, the one which talks out
Oppenheimer was definitely the coolest. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy the reads.
Peace out y'all
Here is also a compendium of every sort of info, data, and book on Mohenjo-daro
Could you care to explain what exactly have you meant by "had seemed to have been visually "scrubbed""?
The archaeological excavations & studies in MohenJoDaro commenced in 1922, when it was discovered and still is in progress. What exactly were you
thinking would be visible in Google earth, that which "was not scrubbed out"?
What site are you implying that "are no longer any of the pictures displayed"? Google Earth? its only Panoramio, the add-on to Google earth, which
allows Google earth users to post photographs they have taken on to Google earth server.
Do you think the Archaeological authorities of Pakistan would leave all the artifacts, remains in place, for anyone to come and photograph?
No, all valuable finds would go for being examined, tested and finally end up in museums or special storage.
If , you don't find photographs of archaeological areas, blame it on the travelers who failed to take photographs and post it on Panoramio.
If you didn't find photographs of charred skeletons in mohenjodaro, then there would not have been charred skeletons over there.
What do you think was the predominant method for dealing with dead bodies in the indian sub continent prior to the advent of islam & Christianity?
Cremation by fire of course. Cremation is still practised by Hindus in India.
So, if you find a charred skeleton any place, you got two options
a. The person was dead and he/she was cremated.
b. the person was murdered and he/she was cremated.
if large number of charred skeletons are found, two options
a. all the people died out of an epidemic and there was a mass cremation
b. all the people were killed during an invasion or war and the whole settlement/city was burned down with them in it.
regarding vitrified objects, what do you get when you expose a piece of clay to too much heat in the kiln? vitrified of course.
And what is the quantity of this vitrified objects that has forced woo wwo theorists to claim that there was a nuclear explosion in mohenjodaro?
minimal, which would match the remains from any ancient kiln.
end of rant!