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Bedroom Tax Suicide Victim in Vain: Granny was exempt from housing loss

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by grainofsand

See what you say about ferral kids.

I knew this would happen in 1973.

I was at school and tis pal of mine said Im going to get some money, we said how he said watch.

He phoned this social worker and she came to the school, it was dinner time and we were there.

He said I feel like doing something, she said " oh dont do that" we were 14, and she gave him money for fags and money to go to the pictures. he went on to have kids an they all had social workers now they have kids

I said Fck sake, if I brought the police or a social worker to our door my dad would skin me alive.

I remeber once we were kicking a ball against the kerb and it hit the mans hedge, well my dad went nuts,
Who do you think you are, that man cuts that hedge every week and you think you can kick a ball against it.

my arse was red raw, i deserved it as the park was less than 20ft away.

But he made it clear you have no right to abuse or damage anyone property that they have paid for.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by eccentriclady

I agree... Infact a house is not just a house it is some ones home.

Very surprised by the hard line and spite over all this. There are disabled people suffering over all this as well as adults with learning difficulties being evicted from their homes. This government just don't care as no less most of the posters on this thread ... very sad indeed.


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by grainofsand

If its not cheaper with people with ferral kids to live in their house, they might say lets rent a private house for the same price or a little more, then you will have kids kicking balls against your car where ever you are

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by grainofsand

Its a myth that council houses are subsidised, council houses are paid over and over by tenants, most were built pre war for a couple of hundred pounds now they want more a month than it cost to build it.

if you get help with your rent, we constantly read that the taxpayer is footing the bill.

So if you got help with buying your house the the same must be true,

They are cutting rental benefit to the poorest and helping out people who want to but up to £1/2 million property.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:25 PM

reply to post by grainofsand

If its not cheaper with people with ferral kids to live in their house, they might say lets rent a private house for the same price or a little more, then you will have kids kicking balls against your car where ever you are

That is a really interesting thought, but I wonder would the feral kid families be diluted a bit when dispersed all over a population centre.
I know if a scummy (sorry, we're supposed to say vulnerable now aren't we) family moved into my street and started causing problems there's quite a few working blokes like me who would have a chat with the oldest males in that family.
If there were no adult males then our teen children and below would outnumber them. Perhaps dispersal is the answer, but that would be another topic entirely.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:36 PM


I agree completely and I'm absolutely against any form of hereditary monarchy, but you have clearly ignored my question with this side-track issue?

Sorry...but what was the question again..?
edit on 19-1-2014 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:52 PM

reply to post by grainofsand

Its a myth that council houses are subsidised

Ah, so no need for this tax funded organisation which provides massive grants to housing associations and councils then?
Off topic though, we're discussing social/council tenants benefits being equalised to the same status as private tenants who do not get funding for unused bedrooms.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:53 PM


reply to post by grainofsand

If its not cheaper with people with ferral kids to live in their house, they might say lets rent a private house for the same price or a little more, then you will have kids kicking balls against your car where ever you are

That is a really interesting thought, but I wonder would the feral kid families be diluted a bit when dispersed all over a population centre.
I know if a scummy (sorry, we're supposed to say vulnerable now aren't we) family moved into my street and started causing problems there's quite a few working blokes like me who would have a chat with the oldest males in that family.
If there were no adult males then our teen children and below would outnumber them. Perhaps dispersal is the answer, but that would be another topic entirely.
Let me just say...from experience...those feral families you talk about probably have been involved in crime since they were knee hi to a grass feel free to try and intimidate them.. i can virtually guarantee you would be bombed out your house within the week...not saying they have the right to do this, but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

These people live outwith the law, and a little bit of tussle is not a problem to them. it's simply a need to survive, you on the other hand just like the easy life, No hassle, free and easy, wake up in the morning man to some sunshine life....
Dont pretend you ever come from their side of the street and that you and your neighbours could handle them...simple fact is you couldn't, and most of your neighbours would disappear up there own arse rather than go witness for you in a court of law.

worked with them in the past and believe me, they are one step ahead of everyone... you dont know how deep it runs.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by grainofsand

There is nothing wrong with wanting to live in a nice area and your approach is the best one, if their kids are creating havoc go after the dad, they will soon stop.

But councils are to blame for the state of affairs, they put trouble familes in nice estates hoping that this will encourage them to be decent and the reverse happens and they ruin it and families move out and more trouble familes move in. now all council estates seem to be classed the same, some of the most honest people I know live in council estates.

Years ago people used to be ashamed of police at the door, but now people don't bother.

Constantly reading in the media that they are scum on benefits cant help

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

Well most ferral kids I know are little cowards, if you do not stand up to them in the first instance they take the piss, I live in Birmingham, all the decent kids I know wont back down.

There are a lot of good kids out there who are a lot tougher than the scum that break into someones house and steals.

Just because they have no respect and think they are gangsters most would piss themselves if challanged, they are all mouth.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:01 PM


but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by grainofsand

Exactly, my dad, myself and my kids have never been in a court, most people think that ferral kids are tough because they have a record, only stupid people have police reords

You sound like the kind of person who would be a good neighbour, I live inner city and never have a problem because any trouble is met head on there and then,

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:40 PM


I live inner city and never have a problem because any trouble is met head on there and then,

Same here, I lived in a concrete 60's flats estate in Plymouth some years ago and after I started picking rubbish from the balcony/landing/communal hall, painting white/magnolia over graffiti, bleaching dog # from the stairs etc, everyone else who lived there started taking a bit of interest in keeping it nice and backed each other up against the scum.
It also took a couple of fights with a few key people to make a difference but it's always worth the effort if you want your environment to be nice.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:59 PM



but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

Like me, i'm not from the wrong side of the tracks but through some business deals i have got to know some...well people. and let me say this. you cross the wee man at the bottom of the chain and you are as good as @*%cked, you stiff him then it moves up the Scotland and probably spreading out into England it's the UDA and the IRA you are dealing with as far as Drug dealing goes....go figure.
Be careful. dont think for one minute you can negotiate with these you do yer best for the community and stand up there in court....good luck with that.

edit on 19-1-2014 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 05:12 PM




but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

Like me, i'm not from the wrong side of the tracks but through some business deals i have got to know some...well people. and let me say this. you cross the wee man at the bottom of the chain and you are as good as @*%cked, you stiff him then it moves up the Scotland and probably spreading out into England it's the UDA and the IRA you are dealing with as far as Drug dealing goes....go figure.
Be careful. dont think for one minute you can negotiate with these you do yer best for the community and stand up there in court....good luck with that.

As I said, you have no idea of what I have a clue about or the social circles I may or may not be involved with.
Thankfully the SW coast of England has it's own little grow's to serve our local population, and any trade between this area and other socio/economic/geographic/political groups remains just that, trade, and profit.
Scummy families do not necessarily have the support of organised gangs, these people are simply illegal traders and if profit is not affected then the bitching issues of a particular street are irrelevant to the people who actually matter in a violence context.
The illegal world is much more civil the higher up the food chain you go, as you would know if you were from the wrong side of the tracks.

edit on 19-1-2014 by grainofsand because: spelling n stuff

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 05:28 PM





but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

Like me, i'm not from the wrong side of the tracks but through some business deals i have got to know some...well people. and let me say this. you cross the wee man at the bottom of the chain and you are as good as @*%cked, you stiff him then it moves up the Scotland and probably spreading out into England it's the UDA and the IRA you are dealing with as far as Drug dealing goes....go figure.
Be careful. dont think for one minute you can negotiate with these you do yer best for the community and stand up there in court....good luck with that.

As I said, you have no idea of what I have a clue about or the social circles I may or may not be involved with.
Thankfully the SW coast of England has it's own little grow's to serve our local population, and any trade between this area and other socio/economic/geographic/political groups remains just that, trade, and profit.
Scummy families do not necessarily have the support of organised gangs, these people are simply illegal traders and if profit is not affected then the bitching issues of a particular street are irrelevant to the people who actually matter in a violence context.
The illegal world is much more civil the higher up the food chain you go, as you would know if you were from the wrong side of the tracks.

edit on 19-1-2014 by grainofsand because: spelling n stuff

As i said, i'm from the right side of the tracks, but i have dealt with the...well you you think eccies come from eccy land, do you think illegal vodka comes from vodka land, do you think dodgy fags come from dodgy fag land... trust me on this...interfere at yer own whatever level.
The IRA,UDA.INLA,UVF..most of whom "WERE" those scummy families you talk about. are all over the UK. Do you seriously think they just disbanded and disappeared into the night after the good Friday agreement??...
They use other Scummy, there own kind, to ply their trade you and your neighbourhood watch go for

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 05:43 PM






but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

Like me, i'm not from the wrong side of the tracks but through some business deals i have got to know some...well people. and let me say this. you cross the wee man at the bottom of the chain and you are as good as @*%cked, you stiff him then it moves up the Scotland and probably spreading out into England it's the UDA and the IRA you are dealing with as far as Drug dealing goes....go figure.
Be careful. dont think for one minute you can negotiate with these you do yer best for the community and stand up there in court....good luck with that.

As I said, you have no idea of what I have a clue about or the social circles I may or may not be involved with.
Thankfully the SW coast of England has it's own little grow's to serve our local population, and any trade between this area and other socio/economic/geographic/political groups remains just that, trade, and profit.
Scummy families do not necessarily have the support of organised gangs, these people are simply illegal traders and if profit is not affected then the bitching issues of a particular street are irrelevant to the people who actually matter in a violence context.
The illegal world is much more civil the higher up the food chain you go, as you would know if you were from the wrong side of the tracks.

edit on 19-1-2014 by grainofsand because: spelling n stuff

As i said, i'm from the right side of the tracks, but i have dealt with the...well you you think eccies come from eccy land, do you think illegal vodka comes from vodka land, do you think dodgy fags come from dodgy fag land... trust me on this...interfere at yer own whatever level.
The IRA,UDA.INLA,UVF..most of whom "WERE" those scummy families you talk about. are all over the UK. Do you seriously think they just disbanded and disappeared into the night after the good Friday agreement??...
They use other Scummy, there own kind, to ply their trade you and your neighbourhood watch go for

Ah spread the fear eh.
Bring the sectarianism BS into the topic and promote a defeatist attitude that 'they rule' yeah?
Dealers are businessmen like any other, just illegal. If there is profit to be made then squabbles between families and neighbourhoods are irrelevant to the business plan. In fact such squabbles become a problem in themselves, but if you have never had business with such types you would of course have a different perspective.
Back on topic though, if anyone is advocating a change to benefit rules, so the state funds unlimited unused bedrooms for people out of work, then such changes must include similar protection for those in the private rented sector.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 05:55 PM







but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

Like me, i'm not from the wrong side of the tracks but through some business deals i have got to know some...well people. and let me say this. you cross the wee man at the bottom of the chain and you are as good as @*%cked, you stiff him then it moves up the Scotland and probably spreading out into England it's the UDA and the IRA you are dealing with as far as Drug dealing goes....go figure.
Be careful. dont think for one minute you can negotiate with these you do yer best for the community and stand up there in court....good luck with that.

As I said, you have no idea of what I have a clue about or the social circles I may or may not be involved with.
Thankfully the SW coast of England has it's own little grow's to serve our local population, and any trade between this area and other socio/economic/geographic/political groups remains just that, trade, and profit.
Scummy families do not necessarily have the support of organised gangs, these people are simply illegal traders and if profit is not affected then the bitching issues of a particular street are irrelevant to the people who actually matter in a violence context.
The illegal world is much more civil the higher up the food chain you go, as you would know if you were from the wrong side of the tracks.

edit on 19-1-2014 by grainofsand because: spelling n stuff

As i said, i'm from the right side of the tracks, but i have dealt with the...well you you think eccies come from eccy land, do you think illegal vodka comes from vodka land, do you think dodgy fags come from dodgy fag land... trust me on this...interfere at yer own whatever level.
The IRA,UDA.INLA,UVF..most of whom "WERE" those scummy families you talk about. are all over the UK. Do you seriously think they just disbanded and disappeared into the night after the good Friday agreement??...
They use other Scummy, there own kind, to ply their trade you and your neighbourhood watch go for

Ah spread the fear eh.
Bring the sectarianism BS into the topic and promote a defeatist attitude that 'they rule' yeah?
Dealers are businessmen like any other, just illegal. If there is profit to be made then squabbles between families and neighbourhoods are irrelevant to the business plan. In fact such squabbles become a problem in themselves, but if you have never had business with such types you would of course have a different perspective.
Back on topic though, if anyone is advocating a change to benefit rules, so the state funds unlimited unused bedrooms for people out of work, then such changes must include similar protection for those in the private rented sector.

Back on Topic...The IRA Own over 500 million in private property in the UK that they rent out and the tax payer probably picks up the bill for...... but hey, Blame the poor.

Just for your information....all part of the "Good Friday Agreement"....our government tried to take the property away, but the IRA were having none of it. so they agreed....we dont deal with terrorist my Arse.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:13 PM








but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

Like me, i'm not from the wrong side of the tracks but through some business deals i have got to know some...well people. and let me say this. you cross the wee man at the bottom of the chain and you are as good as @*%cked, you stiff him then it moves up the Scotland and probably spreading out into England it's the UDA and the IRA you are dealing with as far as Drug dealing goes....go figure.
Be careful. dont think for one minute you can negotiate with these you do yer best for the community and stand up there in court....good luck with that.

As I said, you have no idea of what I have a clue about or the social circles I may or may not be involved with.
Thankfully the SW coast of England has it's own little grow's to serve our local population, and any trade between this area and other socio/economic/geographic/political groups remains just that, trade, and profit.
Scummy families do not necessarily have the support of organised gangs, these people are simply illegal traders and if profit is not affected then the bitching issues of a particular street are irrelevant to the people who actually matter in a violence context.
The illegal world is much more civil the higher up the food chain you go, as you would know if you were from the wrong side of the tracks.

edit on 19-1-2014 by grainofsand because: spelling n stuff

As i said, i'm from the right side of the tracks, but i have dealt with the...well you you think eccies come from eccy land, do you think illegal vodka comes from vodka land, do you think dodgy fags come from dodgy fag land... trust me on this...interfere at yer own whatever level.
The IRA,UDA.INLA,UVF..most of whom "WERE" those scummy families you talk about. are all over the UK. Do you seriously think they just disbanded and disappeared into the night after the good Friday agreement??...
They use other Scummy, there own kind, to ply their trade you and your neighbourhood watch go for

Ah spread the fear eh.
Bring the sectarianism BS into the topic and promote a defeatist attitude that 'they rule' yeah?
Dealers are businessmen like any other, just illegal. If there is profit to be made then squabbles between families and neighbourhoods are irrelevant to the business plan. In fact such squabbles become a problem in themselves, but if you have never had business with such types you would of course have a different perspective.
Back on topic though, if anyone is advocating a change to benefit rules, so the state funds unlimited unused bedrooms for people out of work, then such changes must include similar protection for those in the private rented sector.

Back on Topic...The IRA Own over 500 million in private property in the UK that they rent out and the tax payer probably picks up the bill for...... but hey, Blame the poor.

Just for your information....all part of the "Good Friday Agreement"....our government tried to take the property away, but the IRA were having none of it. so they agreed....we dont deal with terrorist my Arse.

Who cares how much property 'they' own, they are still business people who don't want it all going 'on top' because a few thick fooks got a bit too physical while sorting out a minor regional problem.
Your attitude of apparent deference to the most powerful gang is an example of how a society ends up getting owned by said gang. What a sad day when people say 'just do what the Irish/Scottish gang says if you want to live'.
I'm glad the SW coast of England has not lost its idea of independent thought and self sufficiency.
I'm glad I don't live in a part of the UK where people just go on all fours and allow themselves to be raped, or hide away under the stairs.
Businessmen want an easy life to make a quick profit with no hassle. Maybe it is easier to do that where you live by keeping a population in fear of violence, but that is not generally the case here, and I'm glad of that. In fact I feel sorry for you and others who are suffering such oppression from the lower end pond-life who terrorise your area. The guys selling them wholesale equally think they are pricks, but then you'd know that if you ever had real dealings with such types.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:12 PM









but dont, for a minute ~*^k with what you dont have a clue about....

You have no idea of what I have a clue about or which side of the tracks I'm originally from.
I am happy for that to remain the case in this, a mere online discussion.

Like me, i'm not from the wrong side of the tracks but through some business deals i have got to know some...well people. and let me say this. you cross the wee man at the bottom of the chain and you are as good as @*%cked, you stiff him then it moves up the Scotland and probably spreading out into England it's the UDA and the IRA you are dealing with as far as Drug dealing goes....go figure.
Be careful. dont think for one minute you can negotiate with these you do yer best for the community and stand up there in court....good luck with that.

As I said, you have no idea of what I have a clue about or the social circles I may or may not be involved with.
Thankfully the SW coast of England has it's own little grow's to serve our local population, and any trade between this area and other socio/economic/geographic/political groups remains just that, trade, and profit.
Scummy families do not necessarily have the support of organised gangs, these people are simply illegal traders and if profit is not affected then the bitching issues of a particular street are irrelevant to the people who actually matter in a violence context.
The illegal world is much more civil the higher up the food chain you go, as you would know if you were from the wrong side of the tracks.

edit on 19-1-2014 by grainofsand because: spelling n stuff

As i said, i'm from the right side of the tracks, but i have dealt with the...well you you think eccies come from eccy land, do you think illegal vodka comes from vodka land, do you think dodgy fags come from dodgy fag land... trust me on this...interfere at yer own whatever level.
The IRA,UDA.INLA,UVF..most of whom "WERE" those scummy families you talk about. are all over the UK. Do you seriously think they just disbanded and disappeared into the night after the good Friday agreement??...
They use other Scummy, there own kind, to ply their trade you and your neighbourhood watch go for

Ah spread the fear eh.
Bring the sectarianism BS into the topic and promote a defeatist attitude that 'they rule' yeah?
Dealers are businessmen like any other, just illegal. If there is profit to be made then squabbles between families and neighbourhoods are irrelevant to the business plan. In fact such squabbles become a problem in themselves, but if you have never had business with such types you would of course have a different perspective.
Back on topic though, if anyone is advocating a change to benefit rules, so the state funds unlimited unused bedrooms for people out of work, then such changes must include similar protection for those in the private rented sector.

Back on Topic...The IRA Own over 500 million in private property in the UK that they rent out and the tax payer probably picks up the bill for...... but hey, Blame the poor.

Just for your information....all part of the "Good Friday Agreement"....our government tried to take the property away, but the IRA were having none of it. so they agreed....we dont deal with terrorist my Arse.

Who cares how much property 'they' own, they are still business people who don't want it all going 'on top' because a few thick fooks got a bit too physical while sorting out a minor regional problem.
Your attitude of apparent deference to the most powerful gang is an example of how a society ends up getting owned by said gang. What a sad day when people say 'just do what the Irish/Scottish gang says if you want to live'.
I'm glad the SW coast of England has not lost its idea of independent thought and self sufficiency.
I'm glad I don't live in a part of the UK where people just go on all fours and allow themselves to be raped, or hide away under the stairs.
Businessmen want an easy life to make a quick profit with no hassle. Maybe it is easier to do that where you live by keeping a population in fear of violence, but that is not generally the case here, and I'm glad of that. In fact I feel sorry for you and others who are suffering such oppression from the lower end pond-life who terrorise your area. The guys selling them wholesale equally think they are pricks, but then you'd know that if you ever had real dealings with such types.

I'm Starring and flagging...simply because i know they are classed as pond life, well maybe in your eyes, and you may have a point depending on how you look at it..... but it will take a few years for it to change here and i know they will move to the next benefits street to ply their trade....they wont go away. ever.
Maybe middle class street wont have to deal with it...certainly not upper class street, but them's the's left to the Poor and vulnerable to supply the rich with high class hookers and coke. meanwhile the poor get hammered.. Nigela.....?????????????????????????????????????

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