posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 06:34 PM
This is a subject I wanted to talk about, since food is an important factor in life. Seeing a video describing a possible conspiracy is what drove me
to discuss it here, where better. The conspiracy I speak of was mentioned on info wars but is based around the
food4patriots shock advertisement. It motivated me
to look into the notion of a food shortage. The food crisis of
is a lot to blame for the fear out there. If you have seen these advertisements and where alerted, here is some information to calm you back down. The
years following 2008, we have moved away from the immediate dangers of world food shortages. This
link shows the development of records, regarding the world food reserves. It mainly shows
that we are in a much stronger stance to combat food shortages. Though this year may have heavier demands concerning food relief, due to the
quadruple food emergency that is occurring.
So as far as going hungry in 2014, as long as people keep producing, we should have no fears of going hungry. I wouldn't consider anyone with a
emergency stockpile of food to be in any way wrong. Its actually smart to be safe, in ways that are with in reason. Because who knows what next year
or the following will bring. Even a glitch, can be a threat if you have nothing in reserve.
edit on 079Sunday54112-06:00Sun, 12 Jan 2014
18:54:46 -0600201401America/Chicago by blindprometheus because: (no reason given)