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Right Wing Evangelicals Claim 'Good Christians' Can't Get PTSD

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posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by logical7

Your idea of Islam is oppressive. Things are very relative when it comes to opinions. What you call as tent is just an idea of modesty. You have your own idea for it. You judging a muslimah as oppressed is the same if some Muslim judges your dressing as revealing. You do know how your react to that and you would consider that individual as ignorant/judgemental etc. How about using some golden rule here??

You don't think those women in Afghanistan would prefer not to be draped in a full burqa with a grill to look out of?

I'm not talking about a brightly colored scarf and jewelry and silk clothes and robes like the Indian women wear. They look beautiful in their Saris and scarves (we white girls can't get away with dressing like that - I've heard it's mocked for Western women to try to emulate the Indian wardrobe).

And Islam IS oppressive toward women. Whether THEY think they are oppressed or not is a different matter.
No driving (Saudi Arabia)? No talking or even looking at men (in various areas)? No schooling? I realize these 'customs' vary and their Sharia codes are different from country to country,

and I know that Muslimah women in the West have freedom to dress how they like, and in other countries as well; the other day I read an article about the "correct" dress for them as considered from various locations. In the West there ARE decency laws, you know.

I'm getting the picture now - your mission is to tell EVERYBODY how they are doing things "wrong" according to you. Correct?

LOL!! Well, I see that in myself when I confront Fundamentalists (of any religion) who shame, threaten, degrade, and control other people. And I don't switch it on and off depending on who I'm talking to; defending them on one hand and berating them on the other.

But I'm right.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

And Islam IS oppressive toward women. Whether THEY think they are oppressed or not is a different matter. 

Now thats interesting!! What Muslim women think is a different matter? So you know better about what they should think. Here in the east freedom of mind is more valued than freedom of dressing.
At my place muslimahs run their own religious organization and are active in it. You would be disappointed to know that they are not the least eager to burn their niqabs.
Even Malala is a devoted muslimah.

There are Muslim women in USA who choose niqabs. Are they oppressed? Converts do that too.

I just say let the women choose for themselves and I dislike anyone who claims that they know better than them.

I do understand why it baffles you that women can choose differently that what you think is good but even then you should respect it.

Do you want to keep drifting from the topic?
And yes stop equating Saudi and Afghanistan as Islam. Christians in Africa still practice witch hunting. Never saw you criticize that as a part of Christianity.
There are many factors that influence education of women. You tend to keep oversimplifying to point at a single factor.

Would sending kids to school be your priority if you were in a war zone and battling starvation everyday?

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by logical7

Christians in Africa still practice witch hunting. Never saw you criticize that as a part of Christianity.


Really? Just like you "never saw me" protest about Iraq in 2001??

I have suggested to you repeatedly to look at my threads in Social Issues. Have you done that? Just because you've missed my many, many posts, and links to the atrocities of Evangelical Christians in Africa doesn't mean I haven't done it.

And stop telling me I'm oversimplifying things. You don't have a grasp of what I'm talking about.

If people are 'oppressed' from early childhood, they think of it as "normal." Like I said, many people aren't AWARE that they are, in fact oppressed.

The Christian Evangelicals (and other sorts as well) do a lot of 'preaching' at people about how awful they are, how corrupted, sinful, barely deserving of life itself...they start this "shaming" and "self-loathing" from day ONE - even "converts" who join as adults are then told how undeserving, sinful, depraved, and low they are. It isn't healthy.

It is capable of causing a permanent state of PTSD; for the victim then to be told it's their own fault and now they're going to hell is ridiculous!

edit on 1/30/14 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by logical7

I just say let the women choose for themselves and I dislike anyone who claims that they know better than them.

Good God; you're funny today!!

You admit, confess, proclaim, declare that YOU claim you know better than others - that YOU are telling Muslims how they are doing things "wrong." So - it's a bit hypocritical of you to sit there and type that you 'dislike' that behavior - which you engage in - routinely. You say Islam is the answer; but not to talk about the ones in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia!

If you don't agree with what they're doing, tell THEM! Stop attacking 'the West' instead!

"I saw my family doing things wrong, and so I told them. I'm still trying to get them to do it right." - You

Also, since you are NOT a woman, you have only what they "tell you" to go on.

But that's not the topic of this thread - this thread is about people suffering from PTSD. The other one is about school.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

If people are 'oppressed' from early childhood, they think of it as "normal." Like I said, many people aren't AWARE that they are, in fact oppressed. 

So people of different cultures who think differently and dress differently than you are oppressed and even unaware of it and you are their last hope!!!!! LOL!!!

There is Islam and there are regional cultural practices that got assimilated in muslims over time and became seen as part of Islam. Some of them are fine, others neutral, while some outright wrong and I am trying to lay them out to people I interact with so that they can themselves see it and do not continue supporting wrong practices thinking that it's Islamic.

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