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Right Wing Evangelicals Claim 'Good Christians' Can't Get PTSD

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by logical7

Do you think people cannot see through what these Evangelists say? and the ones who believe them would continue being that way.

Unfortunately, yes. I think people cannot see through it. And if they weren't talking, there would be none to 'hear' and then 'believe' them.

I'm confused, though - do you have an argument against my 'issues' that you say are so visible?
I would hope people CAN see through it, but obviously hundreds of thousands DO NOT -

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I see all your arguments leading to a conclusion that says "religion is bad because people in it do bad things"

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by logical7

I see all your arguments leading to a conclusion that says "religion is bad because people in it do bad things"

Religion is bad because it DIVIDES people, rather than helping them come together. Knowledge and awareness of religions is something different, and I think every child should be told what the various religions ARE, but NOT have one put upon them.

SOME (too many!) people in "religion" absolutely DO BAD THINGS!!! To other people!!

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Nothing can unite people better than knowing that they have One Creator to Whom all will return.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:01 AM

Nothing can unite people better than knowing that they have One Creator to Whom all will return.

Nothing can divide people better than each of them thinking they know what that Creator wants ... and they all think that Creator wants something different. Enslaving and/or slaughtering millions upon millions of others who 'know that they have a Creator', but who worship that Creator differently.

Religions don't unify. They divide.
Spirituality could unify. But religions can not.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 04:05 AM

reply to post by logical7

I see all your arguments leading to a conclusion that says "religion is bad because people in it do bad things"

Religion is bad because it DIVIDES people, rather than helping them come together. Knowledge and awareness of religions is something different, and I think every child should be told what the various religions ARE, but NOT have one put upon them.

SOME (too many!) people in "religion" absolutely DO BAD THINGS!!! To other people!!

Aren't these ideas of yours based on your assumptions and beliefs about religions and what the truth really is?

There will always be something that divides people because humans have choice and opinions.
You could as well say that having multiple choices of juice divide people.

And what's the objective of bringing people together? Doesn't that also imply to averaging out their opinions and beliefs so that each feels comfortable irrespective of if their opinions are good or bad?

For example, to make atheist feel OK should I say to my kids that "I believe there is God" rather than just "there is God"?

The Language changes to accomodate and make everyone feel ok about themselves.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 04:18 AM


Nothing can unite people better than knowing that they have One Creator to Whom all will return.

Nothing can divide people better than each of them thinking they know what that Creator wants ... and they all think that Creator wants something different. Enslaving and/or slaughtering millions upon millions of others who 'know that they have a Creator', but who worship that Creator differently.

Religions don't unify. They divide.
Spirituality could unify. But religions can not.

I never said religions can unify.
I meant good Christians and good Muslims who really believe that they would return to their Creator can coexist.
The others have their own egos working through their religion and would cause problems proportional to the size of their egos.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 05:49 AM

I meant good Christians and good Muslims who really believe that they would return to their Creator can coexist.

I had a 'good muslim' call me a 'piece of garbage atheist' because I"m a Christian and he doesn't think I"m the right kind of Christian even though he has been educated enough to know that my Christian beliefs mirror most other Christians. He also said that he can't wait for Christianity to die. So would someone who says that be a 'good muslim' or not? He thinks he's one.

The others have their own egos working through their religion and would cause problems proportional to the size of their egos.

Quoted for future reference.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

What do you think about Islam and muslims???

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by logical7

You didn't answer the question or address the post.

Your quote -

good Christians and good Muslims who really believe that they would return to their Creator can coexist.

I had a 'good muslim' call me a 'piece of garbage atheist' because I"m a Christian and he doesn't think I"m the right kind of Christian even though he has been educated enough to know that my Christian beliefs mirror most other Christians. He also said that he can't wait for Christianity to die. So, according to your theory, would someone who says that be a 'good muslim' or not? He thinks he's one. And obviously, even though he thinks he is going back to his Creator ... he can't peacefully coexist.
edit on 1/29/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by logical7

For example, to make atheist feel OK

What? So, you think that 'atheists' don't "feel OK" because of what you believe? That's ridiculous. It's okay for them to have their beliefs, same as it's okay for you to have yours. Just don't peddle it as "truth" - because you don't know that.

should I say to my kids that "I believe there is God" rather than just "there is God"?

You should say "I believe there is God" because that's the truth. You believe it. You don't know for sure that it's fact. THAT'S why you should tell them it's what you believe. Show them your evidence, and let them decide for themselves.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by logical7

Aren't these ideas of yours based on your assumptions and beliefs about religions and what the truth really is?


There is no proof that any one "religion" is the truth. I want to know that "truth" - but I can't. Neither can you. That's why it's called a "belief" based on "faith".
As for whether or not "religious" people do bad things - there is ample proof that it happens. Every day.

These are not "assumptions."

Anyway, I do agree that "good" people can coexist. The Golden Rule is all that is required for that to happen.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I answered your question with a question.
Do you think you are a good Christian and also have the views about Islam and muslims that you hold???

As you may realise coexisting is not about always agreeing to other people's views. It's about respecting them.

I also think that Christianity has got it all wrong but it doesn't stop me from interacting with christians and making sure I don't hurt their feelings unnecessarily. It's a different matter when there is a religious discussion going on and my views are asked for.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

I know there is God/Creator.

You are asking me to say "I believe" because you haven't yet got its proof?

Why does it bother you if I say that I have established that there is a God and so talk about it as a fact?
Why should I be expected to change my language because others haven't agreed upon that proof?
When I talk with people who know that there is God I don't have to say "I believe"
Do you mind as an agnostic when I talk about God as a fact? If yes then should I mind when atheists talk about it as an impossibility?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 06:52 AM

reply to post by logical7

Aren't these ideas of yours based on your assumptions and beliefs about religions and what the truth really is?


There is no proof that any one "religion" is the truth. I want to know that "truth" - but I can't. Neither can you. That's why it's called a "belief" based on "faith".
As for whether or not "religious" people do bad things - there is ample proof that it happens. Every day.

These are not "assumptions."

Anyway, I do agree that "good" people can coexist. The Golden Rule is all that is required for that to happen.

There is a truth! Yes you haven't yet found it.
You claiming that no religion can be true is itself problematic because of the certainty you display about it.

"People" do bad things and many belong to religions as majority of people do claim to follow a certain religion.

And wrong beliefs would obviously lead to wrong actions so yes there has to be a right belief which when sincerely put into actions would make things the way they should be.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:18 AM

I answered your question with a question.

No you didn't. You avoided it and deflected. Answer it straight out.

Your quote -

good Christians and good Muslims who really believe that they would return to their Creator can coexist.

I had a 'good muslim' call me a 'piece of garbage atheist' because I"m a Christian and he doesn't think I"m the right kind of Christian even though he has been educated enough to know that my Christian beliefs mirror most other Christians. He also said that he can't wait for Christianity to die. So, according to your theory, would someone who says that be a 'good muslim' or not?

That 'good muslim' can't coexist. Your theory is blown.

There is a truth! Yes you haven't yet found it.

Neither have you

edit on 1/29/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by logical7

And wrong beliefs would obviously lead to wrong actions so yes there has to be a right belief which when sincerely put into actions would make things the way they should be.

There is.

It's The Golden Rule. All else is fluff and conjecture.

Treat others with respect, dignity, and compassion. Treat them the way you want to be treated (or, if you hate yourself and believe you are a no-good slob who deserves to die and go to hell, I'd say treat them the way you'd want them to treat your best loved one. )

That is the universal, self-evident truth. It's all we need.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:35 AM
Um .... not to play mod or anything ... but back to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and that there are those holier-than-thous who say that 'good christians' can't get PTSD. .... 25% of people on the planet will, at one point or other in their lives, have a mental health situation. Being a 'good christian' doesn't change that fact. It happens. It's an illness ...

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Yes, I know we've drifted.

I'd venture to say that the majority of people living in the Middle East war zones right now will have PTSD - and the kids that have witnessed horror and survived as refugees will have it, probably their whole lives. Actually, it's a natural response - not so much an illness as a "product" of horror, war, suffering, etc. A likely, predictable outcome.

Some people are resilient enough to bypass it, I guess - but no one witnesses horror and comes out of it "as they were before."

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by logical7

You are asking me to say "I believe" because you haven't yet got its proof?

I am asking you to say "you believe" because that's all it is. Your belief. There isn't any proof right now.

Why does it bother you if I say that I have established that there is a God and so talk about it as a fact?

Because it's not "fact".

Why should I be expected to change my language because others haven't agreed upon that proof?

Because you don't KNOW. You BELIEVE. So you must make it clear "this is what I BELIEVE".

When I talk with people who know that there is God I don't have to say "I believe"

You already know that those people believe it. You are all in the 'faith' together - with no proof. So it would be redundant for you to do so. Some Christians say there will be a 'rapture' as though it is fact. It is not. Until it happens, it is conjecture. A Hypothesis. A theory. An idea. It is NOT A FACT.

Do you mind as an agnostic when I talk about God as a fact?

I mind that you are trying to pass it off as "fact." It is an OPINION. A BELIEF.

If yes then should I mind when atheists talk about it as an impossibility?

It's up to you whether you let it bother you or not - but the atheists have every bit as much of a case as you do; and are able to point out obvious discrepancies and problems with the "Belief" in God by groups.

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