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Have You Had a Mythical Beast Encounter?

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posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 10:16 AM
Sorry about the wait, but first I was snowed in, then I had to replace a tire, my nephew's birthday...basically life thought it would be absolutely hilarious if it threw everything at me all at once. But any who. Here's the picture. The paper is a normal printer paper folded in half.

These are from Mrs. Terrifying bird thing... but the more I think about it, the more it seems like a Mr. Terrifying bird thing. It had a crest & colorful under wings. Possibly it's trying to show off during mating season? It was spring... Maybe it's screech is like a rooster crow, showing off & impressing the girls... O_o... I'm just guessing... but it seems some what logical...Who knows!

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by catiepiller

Thanks for getting back with the pictures.

Well, at least it had pretty colors.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:03 PM
Here is an encounter a member in my paranormal thread had. It was a bird man! I think this is considered to be an alien-type creature.
Mindless1980 posted this in one of my other threads. I had forgotten about it until I saw the post again.

I was walking and it was early morning. I had no reason to be suspicious and the entities were so none threatening it was as natural as talking to my Dad or my closest friend. Sometimes when an experience is not first hand we tend to interpret with our own systems. Of course we do what else?

But if you consider this you will understand that feeling extremely safe with these entities was what made me move towards them. Even the one that appeared to be very scared!

I had a sense that something was wrong but, the entity was suffering and I think even dying, so my human instincts “to help” took over and that is when I saw the face that bit me. Before it bit me he was just a naked old man in a bush in the mountains between Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 05:24 AM
This is a further to my own experience with a big cat in Australia in the early 90's. The original post can be found here

So the original reason I never told my folks about my encounter was because I was smoking at age 15, and my folks would have killed me if they found out then I was smoking at all.

So recently I had my folks visit, and we somehow wound up on the subject of mythical beasts, seeing as the town of Kilcoy in Queensland is not too far from my place, and is the home of the Yowie and the centre of many sightings. They even searched this area on the Finding Bigfoot show, although they said it was the Gold Coast region much further to the south. Needless to say I've never heard anything.

I finally told my folks the actual story of how I came across the big cat. Then my dad told us his own story.

It turns out around the same time, my dad was on the property outside the house just on dusk, when he spotted what he thought was our dog sitting half way down the driveway. We had a big black German Shepard at the time, and he called out to the dog to come back up to the house.

Next thing the dog nuzzles his hand, and he looks down, the dog was standing right next to him. This animal then turns and looks at dad, and the dog starts going nuts trying to get at it. He said the cat then stood up, and turned toward him and the dog. He grabbed the dog and basically dragged him inside. From the window he said he watched this cat standing, looking at them for a good few minutes before it turned and ran off down the driveway, across the road and off into the valley.

My dad said the cat, because it clearly had a cat's tail, was all black, and he had mistaken it for a large dog, making it bigger than any feral cat in the area at the time. He said he never saw anything like it since, but he was totally freaked out by it, and this coming from my dad, who is the most logical and skeptical person in the entire universe.
edit on 27/2/2014 by 74Templar because: fixed link

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by catiepiller

nice pics. Thanks. Nothing comes to mind right off the bat, but from the robustness of the feathers, it had to have some size to it. I will do some digging.

I hate to ask, but would you be willing to take a second pic with a tape/ruler along side the two feathers. I think the white background is great. Maybe lay them both parallel on an open sheet of printer paper with a ruler alongside. I realize the paper was designed to hep with scale, but having a fixed measuring device will help with everyone's 'perceived' size. Thanks.

edit on 27-2-2014 by Halfswede because: added question

(post by Bangorak removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:18 AM


posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:21 AM


posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:38 AM


posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:41 PM
Bumping thread.

Anyone else out there seen anything similar to the creatures depicted in these shows in the OP, or one of your own not on the show?

We would love to hear your story!!!

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by catiepiller

The only assumptions that really can be made here are that you :

A: misjudged the size and it was some kind of exotic pheasant or parrot.
B: You say a mythical or unknown-to-science bird that may not be a native to Kansas, but is extremely rare and came through on a botched migration.
C: You judged size correctly and saw something 'mythical' in the strict sense (phoenix etc.)

I was unable to find the combination of the two feathers that matched both color and feather type for any parrot or pheasant, although the combination of colors is not hard to find. It appears that the two feathers are two different types of flight feathers. The blackish/green looks to be an inner primary, and the yellow seems to be an outer secondary mirror. This would imply that the underwing was yellowish then transitioned to a dark set of primaries. Depending on the actual position of the feathers in the primary-secondary sequence, the size could very well be several (3-7 feet guess without ruler for scale) in wingspan. Do you remember anything about the tail, or length of neck?

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 06:37 AM
Here are just a few of the monsters on season 2 of Monsters and Mysteries on the Destination America Channel:
Anyone encountered any of these?!!! Apparently, someone has!!!

See more at the source site:

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:50 AM
bump this to the top I LOVE IT

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 07:44 AM

You can watch most of the shows that air on t.v. here, or at least, a clip showing the monsters and part of the story:

Anyone have a personal encounter to share?

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by sled735

Hi sled. I found your post. I personally think that you have had all of the experiences that you claim to have had. The funny thing is I told you about the sascuatch encounter without having ever read your original post. I hear clearly the spirit telling me what to say to people and so it was about your bigfoot story. Do you know what My business card has on it? A prancing unicorn with a crown above it's head so when I saw your unicorn it just was a confirming sign. Sign have followed me all of my life. My name is Sigmund and it means protector. I have had a protective feeling about you the first time I ever read anything you posted. It takes me just a couple of seconds to get a feeling about somebody and it remains forever imprinted on my psyche. You said something about a flying creature. My spirit tells me that there are creatures that are born with recessive genes from evolution that appear in real life from past evolutionary genes that are now extinct in nature such as giant birds. They of course are genetic dead ends that just live a life time and then die never having offspring. I also am inclined to believe that some rogue alien scientist that are violating galactical laws about non interference with existing evolutionary processes do experiment with living creatures on this planet. Maybe for reintroduction of extinct species on their home planet or just because they are into strange hybridization research. The chimera type creatures half one thing or the other. Then you have true freaks of nature like based on human DNA gone wrong. I remember about a clinic in Italy where the Catholic church would collect monsters with human DNA for doctrinal purposes because they believe that anything slightly human should be allowed to live. The worst case was a soup type of creature that had two eye balls floating in it. As for real life aberrations of nature I had a student who was a scientist and he never allowed his daughter to play. Only study. No comic books, no games, no childhood. Only studies. She got sick and the doctor said she had a tumor that had to be removed in her uterus. She was twelve and when they removed it the doctor showed it to the father and it was a one kilo giant eye ball with hair on it. She reverted back to a mental age of about three and had to start school all over again. Real story.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by allthings2allmen

OMG!!! How awful!!

Thank you for your reply. Interesting, as usual.

As for your unicorn... WOW! Very interesting, indeed.

I'm sure there are experiments of all kinds of hybrids being done out there. It's sickening!
Poor creatures!!!

edit on 3/5/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by sled735

Ask me anything you want I will answer it and if I don't know I will tell you what my spirit tells me to answer.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by allthings2allmen

Let's do this on my paranormal thread.
This one is about mystical creatures.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Clairaudience

Yes but was the article actually about an escaped chimpanzee? Or did soemone actually see this thing and attribute it to what they knew lets say a chimp? I am very well versed in the occult and one attribute of these creatures is their ability to evade capture and even clasification. One aspect of the phenomena is its ability to negate itself. I'll give people a hint on something, melanistic pumas are very rare but that is what people describe over and over. What does this mean? I know what it means and I have also seen one once pretty close, we chased it into an area that had recently been logged and all of the equipment in the area had open doors and looked like it had been abandoned in a hurry. Someone or something had scared the loggers and they had run off it looked like. On the ground all around were yowie [ australian bigfoot ] prints, big ones and little ones. The strange and magical truth is that there are interdimensional forces that penetrate our world sphere and just kind of hang around I guess. They have favorite forms to take and don't seem to do much except scare people and kill animals. I have come to this inescapable understanding after 35 yrs of research. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 07:26 AM

The strange and magical truth is that there are interdimensional forces that penetrate our world sphere and just kind of hang around I guess.
reply to post by Bilky

I think they came in alien spaceships. Maybe they're the alien's pets? LOL
I say this because I saw soooooo many UFOs during the time these two creatures were in the woods at my childhood home.

The big foot could make itself disappear. Yep! Definitely other-worldly!!

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