posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:23 PM
No pics, no vids, just my view. This is long boring story but nature works that way.
On 2012, people expect end of the world or something new.....nothing happen...or there is ? No, I'm not with these peoples. On 2012, something
wonderful happen, or so I thought. Its nothing like the end of the world or new enlightening etc etc, its just - "weather returned to normal".
I happen to born and live near the equator, we dont have seasons, there are only 2 - rainy or no rain.
We do have seasons, its - fruits seasons, what I notice is this - the fruits season return to the 1980s like. In 1980s fruits ripened on our school
holidays at the end of the year, we go back to our villages and enjoy the fruits during the holidays. Later years, it shifted until 2012, "it
returned" to just when I was a small kid. I'm dumb founded on 2012, after all these years it come back - the nostalgia of fruits on holidays, why it
come back ? So I take it as a 30 years cycle, give or take.
This year, the fruit season start mismatched again. What the difference is - its too quick. In my days, it took years for the fruits season to move
away from my end of year holiday but now, merely 2 years to move away, its too fast. Is it me or current weather is nor that predictable anymore ?
Lets remember, I live in the equator, nothing change much here, rain or no rain, 12hr light, 12 hr dark and I still notice these things. Its akin to
watching the clock seconds hand moving and noticed its a bit slow.
I'm starting to get afraid of whats coming next - something big is coming, I dont know what, but its coming slowly and it will affect us globally,
and that we still have time to prepare.
The end is near - what is it - I dont know, but its coming. Classic doom, but signs showing to me, akin watching the clock seconds hand moving, its
The conspiracy,
Does the TPTB knew something about the weather/nature/planet size event before hand and hide it from us ?
Have a look at current unsung mega project - China dam, Ukraine nuclear dome, DNA mapping (why twice ?), seed vault, [insert MEGA
construction/"global effort" here], please add.
Its seems TPTB know something something coming on grand scale, its not sudden but slowly but its coming, they have time to prepare and they ARE
Why do you need DNA mapping, AGAIN ? Single time is not enough ?
Are TPTB looking for something tainted in the DNA ? to preserve ? to archive ? to study ? once is not enough data ?
Why do you need seed vault when you can just disperse the seed worldwide, plant it everywhere ?
Why do you need to stop and hold water/river that been running for thousands if not millions of years ?
Why do you build ghost cities, China ? Prepare various "public regulations/law" USA ?
911 a "test" to see how public response to a catastrophic event ?
Why do you talk about colonizing Mars when actually you have 13T debt at home ?
Why you make debt like theres no tommorow USA ?
Why you help to build a nuclear dome instead helping Greece, Germany ?
Why on earth after 30 years you start poking/shielding Chernobyl (they are building a dome now) ?
Why are you concerned with nuclear waste NOW, Russia - Sayda Bay
Why current weather behave this way ?
Something big and global is coming or am I wrong ? If I'm wrong, its OK, but if I'm right, should not we know about this "impending doom ?". Is
this global warming or something else ?