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Dad ‘Furious’ After He Switches to Obamacare Only to Find It Didn’t Cover His Children

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

So, in order to not "drain their income," they are being taught to become dependent on government where they previously were not, and they become a drain on an already overburdened and deeply in debt system instead?

Do you not see the problem with this? Take one independent person, and out of misplaced "compassion" you force him to become dependent on a system that cannot afford to take care of him.

edit on 10-1-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:04 AM

reply to post by ketsuko

I for one enrolled, and have insurance for the first time since I lost my job a year and a half ago. I realize that there are some down sides to all of this, but I guess I am one of the lucky ones. I honestly hope they fix all of this BS sooner than later....You said (CHIP) what did you mean by that?

Would you mind disclosing what your premiums are now vs then and are you now on MEDICAID vs MEDICARE. What are the details of your circumstance? Are you a smoker? A student?

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

It depends on your definition of independent and dependant.

Either way I still say we are not getting the whole story here so it is really hard to say what is really going on.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by chiefsmom

Thanks like I said I have no idea how they get paid that doesn't sound half bad.If you are correct about that then with the money saved hopefully it can go towards better things.

I certainly can understand if he wants to pay as a matter of honour but if that is the case I think I remember a saying, pride goes before the fall. Or something like that anyway this is much better news than hearing that someone cant feed their family because their healthcare bill is to much.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Good grief! You sound exactly like someone I was arguing health care with before who hadn't ever bought it for himself even though he could have afforded it because he "wanted to buy more fun stuff." Then, he got diagnosed with diverticulitis and got outraged at the medical bills and the insurance premiums he would then have to pay (after getting sick). I told him we had always carried it because I had migraine and going without was not an option. And he replied that single payer would be better and I should want it because then I could use that money to "buy all kinds of cool stuff."

You sound little different. Oh, so the money he is not using on premiums can be saved. Great! I have to lose more in taxes so he can save. I won't be able to save so that he can. How is that fair?

He was paying his way before, and there is no reason that he should be rendered incapable of paying his way now ... oh, except for this law which made it so that he and a lot of other people can't pay their way.

So, I repeat - How is this law an improvement if I am being forced to take even more food off my table (I live the SNAP challenge now) to subsidize them when they were previously self-sufficient.

People should be self-sufficient. It is not a good thing to be dependent. This isn't about honor. It's about being responsible for yourself and your family and the government actually legislating that ability away from you. That's freedom lost.
edit on 10-1-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:34 AM
Is this Pastor really complaining because he does not have to pay for his children's Health Insurance?

I'm sure that if he contacts any of the Insurance companies directly they would be more than happy to take the Congregations donated money.

Of course, said Congregation may think it could be put to a better use. However looking at the Pastor's bio we can make an educated guess on his Sermons, so they probably don't.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:41 AM



Time and time again, I hear these horror stories of Obamacare. Time and time again, these horror stories get debunked.

They do now? Want to show some proof to your statement?

Let me Google that for you
edit on 10-1-2014 by LeatherNLace because: (no reason given)

Tit for Tat..

Interesting how the internet works, you but letters in and you get alot of junk that comes out..

So tell me again how signing up is a good thing? They still fine you if you don't have ins? So you keep your doctors and such? Is it cheaper than the system we had in place before? Usually when you sell something it is supposed to be better than what you have already.. Obamacare is like Cash for clunkers.. a big letdown...

What is the good in Obamacare? Last i checked you get fined if you don't have ins(Yaya ruby ridge Al Capone and Wesley Snipes) although its not enforced..

I have land in the sky for sell, real cheap to.. want some... Only problem is I cant tell you where it is because the clouds and things move all the time..
edit on 1/10/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Because I am "low income" only have to pay $200 per month 0 copays for Meds and Visits. Now once my income is back to where it was 2 years ago (sooner the better) I Will have to switch plans....Really I could not afford anything before, and now I am covered. It sucked not having insurance for 2 years. I took for granted my Keiser insurance and my Blue Cross PPO I had before Keiser. Never again will I do that. I just hope to God I have a Job soon where I am making great money again (or at least decent) with great insurance...It would be nice to only have to pay $25 per paycheck.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by kurthall

Yikes. $200 a month for low income? That sounds about like what I'd have to pay if I went and applied for Obamacare. Except I don't qualify for subsidies and would also have a $5000 deductible.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

People are getting "fined" because there should be no reason not to have insurance, and why should the Hospital have to pay for your medical bills if you have a major medical emergency that cost $1000's and $1000's of dollars. I am "low income" for the first time and hopefully only temp in my 42 years of life, but I have insurance.

Now I do see many issues with this...for instance My sister and brother in law are going to have to pay allot of money I think like $500 per month for insurance. That is allot of money for them right now. So no I do not think this is great for everyone.

The MAJOR problem I have with this law, is well simply put the ILLEGALS. These people still walk in to any emergency room with no insurance and get free health care. Even if billed, do you think they are going to pay? NO! If you walk into a County hospital here in LA County, they are OVERRUN with Illegals! It makes me sick. Why should an Illegal get any treatment for free (Unless Life theatening) I just do not get it. These Illegal people who do not even BELONG HERE and yet once again they seem to be exempt from the same laws US citizens have to follow..

So these people who are Illegal drive up our medical cost, because they can not pay for their health care, and they also cause us to have to wait longer in our own emergency rooms, because they use them as their regular doctors office. If we did not have this Illegal immigrant problem, do you realize how much money states like California, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, would save per year? I do not know the numbers, But I do know they would be HUGE.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:19 PM

reply to post by ThichHeaded

People are getting "fined" because there should be no reason not to have insurance, and why should the Hospital have to pay for your medical bills if you have a major medical emergency that cost $1000's and $1000's of dollars. I am "low income" for the first time and hopefully only temp in my 42 years of life, but I have insurance.

Hmm interesting, since I was 17 I went to the doctor 1 time, my wife made me go after we got married to see if i was ok..

Doctor visits... 1 since 17...
I am 40 now.

Need for ins... Not really.. You statement here is fail on so many levels.. Prior people had to pay if they went to see a doc or hospital.. This reason should still in place.. so what they hospital gets paid.. whether it be up front or in payments...

Freedom to do what you want in the land of the free doesn't come from a barrel of a gun.. (Ruby Ridge tax evasion which is what this fine is cause the IRS will deal with it.) Just ask the Afgani's and Iraqi's..

Now I do see many issues with this...for instance My sister and brother in law are going to have to pay allot of money I think like $500 per month for insurance. That is allot of money for them right now. So no I do not think this is great for everyone.

What is thier ins plan now? courios...

The MAJOR problem I have with this law, is well simply put the ILLEGALS. These people still walk in to any emergency room with no insurance and get free health care. Even if billed, do you think they are going to pay? NO! If you walk into a County hospital here in LA County, they are OVERRUN with Illegals! It makes me sick. Why should an Illegal get any treatment for free (Unless Life theatening) I just do not get it. These Illegal people who do not even BELONG HERE and yet once again they seem to be exempt from the same laws US citizens have to follow..

So these people who are Illegal drive up our medical cost, because they can not pay for their health care, and they also cause us to have to wait longer in our own emergency rooms, because they use them as their regular doctors office. If we did not have this Illegal immigrant problem, do you realize how much money states like California, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, would save per year? I do not know the numbers, But I do know they would be HUGE.

And welfare people who have ins through welfare and go to the hospital every time they fart wrong.. I know a couple people who spend more time in the drs office than at home(I would say or at work but who we kidding..) so this is another reason...

I never needed ins and I still dont need ins because well I am healthy and I dont need the government to tell me or steal from me things i have to do just because I dont need it.. if i wanted something I didnt need I would go see a hooker down on Liberty ave in pgh...
edit on 1/10/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/10/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

This is the part I can totally agree with you on.

People should be self-sufficient. It is not a good thing to be dependent. This isn't about honor. It's about being responsible for yourself and your family

Nothing else needs to be added after that statement.

Now we probably do disagree on what self sufficient or financially independent actually means. But I think we can agree the definition would somehow incorporate something about not having to rely on others.

But for some reason you believe you have all the information you need to completely understand his circumstances and feel he has the means to be self sufficient and not depend on others to pay his way. Well I am sorry but I disagree.

Not about his circumstances or whether or not he is actually independent enough. What i disagree about is the information provided to actually come to that conclusion. For me that article isn't enough I don't think we are getting the whole story, actually I am pretty sure that we aren't. I have a bit of healthy skepticism and I like to be able to verify things from different sources because I have found that sometimes, but not always that news sources are not always truthful in how they portray things or they leave out crucial details.

But hey if you feel The Blaze wouldn't slant or portray a story for their own reason that's fine then you go ahead and chew on that story. As for me, I took a look at some of the other stories they were running so I am going to take it with a pinch of salt so I don't need something stronger like a shot of whisky later on the get the taste of foot out of my mouth.

So have at it if you want because we all know how forthcoming and honest the media is The Blaze doesn't seem like they lean too bad but when I read articles citing Glen Beck like he is a credible source it throws up a red flag.
edit on 10-1-2014 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:38 PM


reply to post by ThichHeaded

People are getting "fined" because there should be no reason not to have insurance, and why should the Hospital have to pay for your medical bills if you have a major medical emergency that cost $1000's and $1000's of dollars. I am "low income" for the first time and hopefully only temp in my 42 years of life, but I have insurance.

Hmm interesting, since I was 17 I went to the doctor 1 time, my wife made me go after we got married to see if i was ok..

Doctor visits... 1 since 17...
I am 40 now.

Need for ins... Not really.. You statement here is fail on so many levels.. Prior people had to pay if they went to see a doc or hospital.. This reason should still in place.. so what they hospital gets paid.. whether it be up front or in payments...

Freedom to do what you want in the land of the free doesn't come from a barrel of a gun.. (Ruby Ridge tax evasion which is what this fine is cause the IRS will deal with it.) Just ask the Afgani's and Iraqi's..

Now I do see many issues with this...for instance My sister and brother in law are going to have to pay allot of money I think like $500 per month for insurance. That is allot of money for them right now. So no I do not think this is great for everyone.

What is thier ins plan now? courios...

The MAJOR problem I have with this law, is well simply put the ILLEGALS. These people still walk in to any emergency room with no insurance and get free health care. Even if billed, do you think they are going to pay? NO! If you walk into a County hospital here in LA County, they are OVERRUN with Illegals! It makes me sick. Why should an Illegal get any treatment for free (Unless Life theatening) I just do not get it. These Illegal people who do not even BELONG HERE and yet once again they seem to be exempt from the same laws US citizens have to follow..

So these people who are Illegal drive up our medical cost, because they can not pay for their health care, and they also cause us to have to wait longer in our own emergency rooms, because they use them as their regular doctors office. If we did not have this Illegal immigrant problem, do you realize how much money states like California, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, would save per year? I do not know the numbers, But I do know they would be HUGE.

And welfare people who have ins through welfare and go to the hospital every time they fart wrong.. I know a couple people who spend more time in the drs office than at home(I would say or at work but who we kidding..) so this is another reason...

I never needed ins and I still dont need ins because well I am healthy and I dont need the government to tell me or steal from me things i have to do just because I dont need it.. if i wanted something I didnt need I would go see a hooker down on Liberty ave in pgh...
edit on 1/10/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/10/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

1st reply to paragraph, although it is great you have only been to the DR 1 time, at the age of 40 you are at an age where cancer is not so uncommon. With no insurance how do you think if you got cancer you would pay for treatments? My exs mother had cancer and after all was said and done her total bills were over $500,000. Without those she would be dead. So if that happened to you do you really think you could afford $500,000? I know I sure as hell could not.

What if you were in a car accident? Broke you neck and needed several months of therapy and medications? Could you afford it? I know I could not. Look Maybe you will never have any of those things happen, but the fact of the matter is at some point in time during their lives MOST people need major health care. Even having your appendix out would cost $20,000 easy.

2nd question...Not sure what plan my sister and brother in law have to be honest.

Your comment about the people on welfare, well that has NOTHING to do with the Illegals. If someone is on welfare, they are legal and obtained it, in most cases....Wait for it...LEGALLY...I am not saying there are not people who abuse the system, clearly there are, HOWEVER they at least belong in this freaking country. Where you see a hole in that I have no idea. PLEASE go to an LA county hospital, and see what I am talking about. If you have not seen it first hand you have no idea what I am taking about. There are FAR more illegals in those hospitals than US citizens on welfare. Who do you think pays for those people and there health care? We do. Why should we pay for these people who have not payed on dime into our system? Some people on welfare may have worked here there whole lives and payed taxes, and then had something happen to them and they ended up on welfare.

I am sorry, but I do not feel the need to foot the bill for someone who is not even legal citizen of my country. It drives our medical cost up, which in turn drives our premiums up. Its bad all the way around. The US could save an awful lot of money if this problem were addressed. This by no means I do not agree with immigration, but these people need to do it the legal way, and that is go through the process and learn our constitution and some BASIC ENGLISH.

edit on 10-1-2014 by kurthall because: added

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by BritofTexas

Just my thoughts here...but having seen people close to me on the Medi- programs? I'd give anything and pay anything, if possible, to keep anyone I love OUT of them, if ANY choice exists.

Why? Well... The folks I know who carry private policies can say no if treatment doesn't suit them or doesn't make sense to them. They can request second opinions and even fire their doctor with confidence of finding another one.

On the Medi- programs, and most especially in the current times? You can say no...and you may well be fired by your doctor. I've seen that happen 1st hand to people I do care about and more than once in the past few years. Most recently...? Do you have a problem with vaccines? Well, you may have a choice..and then, you may NOT be given a choice. That carries across to damn near everything vs. private insurance where money talks and the one with it, sets the topic.

Medi- programs may be free.....but no, they really aren't either. Whatever the cash side though? There is a VERY HIGH cost many flat won't be willing to pay. You WILL lose choice, freedom and ability to influence your own care or standard of care.

The Pastor here may simply not be happy about seeing his kids become victi....err...patients of the state system.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

I understand what you're saying, but s*** can happen so easily. I'm kind of in a similar boat to you, but maybe more poor and precarious. Yet I could very easily fall sometime and break a bone in my foot and then what? Do I go to the doctor and pay an enormous bill because I don't have insurance? And what happens when I'm in my 40's or 50's or 60's and a myriad of health problems potentially show up as result of aging? At any rate, going through life without setting aside money for health care is tantamount to suicide. I realize some people just don't have the money for it, but those that do should either set aside money or pay for insurance.

Odds are if a person is over 20 they'll live to be 60 and this was true 200 years ago. But 200 years ago that might have meant living 20 years with only 1 good leg. Or maybe it meant living with a large abnormal growth on your back. Or maybe it meant living with partial blindness. Or more likely you'd live with several missing teeth and soreness in the mouth. And in many cases people back then have multiple problems like this. Healthcare back then was abysmal and people had to live with things we can avoid today because of healthcare advances. People these days can still experience pains and problems, but not as much.

So many things can go wrong with health. I lose a tooth some years ago. I was about 29, I think. Since I'm poor, I didn't go to the dentist. I haven't made money. I'm gambling and there's a risk I'll do permanent damage by not filling that empty cavity with a denture. In any case, going through life this way is dangerous and not smart. 200 years ago or more they didn't have a choice, but there's not any excuse now. I guess I got a lot of issues though and this is just one.

I don't like obamacare on a variety of levels. It's pushy to me. It seems some people decided they wanted a nationalized healthcare system and rammed it through the legislation system. And why? Probably because other nations do it and everybody thinks it's the magic answer. But a lot of those countries may face different circumstances and so the reason their healthcare works for them might not apply here in the US. It's hard to find one answer for every country.
edit on 10-1-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Add to that:

With a little research in claims denial, you can discover that Medica re was consistently one of the worst for claims denials.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

All I know is that he had insurance for himself and his family prior to this, and now half his family is on Medicaid and wards of the state for health care.

That is no improvement and their situation financially has not changed. It was the law that did.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 03:19 PM

I don't like obamacare on a variety of levels. It's pushy to me. It seems some people decided they wanted a nationalized healthcare system and rammed it through the legislation system. And why? Probably because other nations do it and everybody thinks it's the magic answer. But a lot of those countries may face different circumstances and so the reason their healthcare works for them might not apply here in the US. It's hard to find one answer for every country.
edit on 10-1-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

The stuff I didnt add.. I have ins cause my wife gets it from work..

This part.. There is a difference on why nationalized healthcare works in other countries.. These places all the docs get the same amount of money and it isn't some crazy amount either..

Here in the US dr's get paid crazy amounts then they get kick backs from drugs you dont need.. 80% of the worlds prescription drugs are taken in the US.. If they set the drs to get so much all the same it might work here.. Also.. Obamacare.. Think VA then think obamacare... They couldn't even get thier site right.. But apparently this is what people want........ not really but..

These are a fast google search above.

And to the other guy Kurt.. The last statement you made about illegals and constitution is rich coming from you considering you are for this bill that forces people to get heathcare.. Last i checked that wasn't in the constitution... Just saying...

I think if their was something wrong with my body I am sure it would let me know.. as for not having Ins prior to my wife.. I really didn't worry about it like I don't worry about it now. It isn't like these people can be trusted when they try to sell you all kinda drugs you don't need.. and then when you need something they don't give it to you for some reason or another...

The game in the US is to keep people sick because in the end healthy people don't turn a profit..
edit on 1/10/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 04:03 PM


reply to post by ketsuko

I for one enrolled, and have insurance for the first time since I lost my job a year and a half ago. I realize that there are some down sides to all of this, but I guess I am one of the lucky ones. I honestly hope they fix all of this BS sooner than later....You said (CHIP) what did you mean by that?

Would you mind disclosing what your premiums are now vs then and are you now on MEDICAID vs MEDICARE. What are the details of your circumstance? Are you a smoker? A student? [/quote
again I ask.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 04:13 PM
ACA is a wonderful thing- for those living at or below poverty level; however, the burden of healthcare has been transferred to the middle class to pay for their care.

Why wouldn't theose that don't qualify for help be upset? Their higher premiums, out of pocket expenses, and deductibles are putting them MUCH closer to poverty level, and running the risk of losing everything they've worked so hard for.

I don't like the fact that politicians can have a much better healthcare plan than the citizens do. It IS our money, after all.

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