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Why Are We Not All Dead Already?

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posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

why does that have to do with the title of this thread.... please start a new thread if you want to discuss radiation effects.

This thread is a discussion about radiation, Re: Fukushima.

Are you implying that discussing radiation is off topic in a discussion about radiation?

I am not implying anything... I am just stating the fact there have been studies done which repeatedly show there is no "safe level of radiation...... it's a simple fact that you just seem to want to ignore.

Then explain why you are giving off ionizing radiation at this very moment.

Increased levels of radiation are bad for humans... it as simple as that

So which level of radiation is bad for humans?

Increased, or ANY?

Because you seem to be trying to move the goalposts because you are being backed into a corner by your own lack of logic.

Because you have been saying CONSISTANTLY in this thread that *ANY* level of radiation is bad for you....

And as SOON as I ask you about your body's natural radiation....

You simultaneously imply that it's not ionizing, which is a blatent lie.

AND change your argument to "Increased radiation is bad for you", because you know that you can't substantiate your previous claim of "ALL RADIATION IS BAD FOR YOU", because of the FACT of the natural ionizing radiation emitted from the human body.
edit on E1Mon, 13 Jan 2014 18:33:39 -060060America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago by ENrgLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by ENrgLee

ANY level of radiation past the point of 0 has negative effects at the cellular level,,,,, that's a known fact an no amount of discussion can change this..... and yes I eat banana's before you bring that up too

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

and yes I eat banana's before you bring that up too


Didn't you know that Bananas have ionizing radiation in them?

Don't you know that "ANY LEVEL OF RADIATION IS BAD FOR YOU"????


posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:42 PM

reply to post by RickinVa

and yes I eat banana's before you bring that up too


Didn't you know that Bananas have ionizing radiation in them?

Don't you know that "ANY LEVEL OF RADIATION IS BAD FOR YOU"????


again, radiation is a slow and deadly killer.... you can't see can't smell it.... you can't taste it...

When you try to compare my body leaking radiation to the the amount of radiation coming from Fukushima... that pretty much says it all...

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

again, radiation is a slow and deadly killer.... you can't see can't smell it.... you can't taste it...

So, how old are you, exactly?

How long have you survived on this planet, while being constantly bombarded by ionizing radiation?

When you try to compare my body leaking radiation to the the amount of radiation coming from Fukushima... that pretty much says it all...

And when you try to compare your dose of NATURAL radiation, to whatever insignificant fraction of a fraction of a percent of e bequerel that reaches you FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET....

That pretty much says it all.

Unless.... you are implying that Fukushima is right next to every human being on the planet, simultaniously?

Here is footage of a nuclear explosion.... from Bikini Atol in the south pacific....

IT released nuclear radiation in HORRIBLE AMMOUNTS...

Why aren't you dead yet?
edit on E1Mon, 13 Jan 2014 18:49:16 -060060America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago by ENrgLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:58 PM

reply to post by RickinVa

again, radiation is a slow and deadly killer.... you can't see can't smell it.... you can't taste it...

So, how old are you, exactly?

How long have you survived on this planet, while being constantly bombarded by ionizing radiation?

When you try to compare my body leaking radiation to the the amount of radiation coming from Fukushima... that pretty much says it all...

And when you try to compare your dose of NATURAL radiation, to whatever insignificant fraction of a fraction of a percent of e bequerel that reaches you FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET....

That pretty much says it all.

Unless.... you are implying that Fukushima is right next to every human being on the planet, simultaniously?

Here is footage of a nuclear explosion.... from Bikini Atol in the south pacific....

IT released nuclear radiation in HORRIBLE AMMOUNTS...

Why aren't you dead yet?
edit on E1Mon, 13 Jan 2014 18:49:16 -060060America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago by ENrgLee because: (no reason given)

I am 55 years old, retired from federal service... I had a TS Nuclear clearance prior to retiring.

Again,,,, radiation from Fukushima is going into the Pacific ocean..... there it will bio-acumulate with the rest of the radiation from earlier nuclear exlposions.... it will move up the food chain, there is no stopping it.

Your agenda is to try and convince people that they need not be concerned about a "little bit" of radiation half a planet away... except its not a half a planet away.... its leaking into the ocean every day and more and more of it is accumulating there.

But don't worry... I guess the way you see it is it is no worse than a ship with 100,000 banana's sinking in the ocean.

there is no winning here.... we are all losers in the end game.

I am done with this thread.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by RickinVa

its leaking into the ocean every day and more and more of it is accumulating there.

There is already plenty of Naturally occuring Radionucleotides in the ocean, that give off ionizing radiation

Why aren't we dead yet?

Ivy Mike (H-Bomb) released on the order of 55,943,604,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bequerels into the environment....

Why aren't we dead yet?

I am done with this thread.

This is not the first time you have said this....

I dare wager that this will not be the last.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Human0815

Thanks for all of the excellent information!

I'll read up on it.

Edit: It's good to see that the seafood radiation levels are below detection thresholds.

Edit 2: Well, except off the fukushima coast....
edit on E1Mon, 13 Jan 2014 19:30:26 -060070America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago by ENrgLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 12:33 AM

Ever heard the saying 'complacency kills' ?

Suggesting that the colossal radiation leaks from Fukishma is unimportant
deserves a Darwin award.
Perhaps trolls of this thread would be
happy to demonstrate their faith in the harmlessness of the Fukushma incident by visiting the site, up close ?
If you want to ignore these warnings.. then go ahead.
But remember... Complacency kills.
edit on 11-1-2014 by bobjtowers because: (no reason given)

Greetings esteemed Member bobjtowers:

Thank you for your time, consideration and participation. May we please address OP first?

Semper Fi, Semperfortis.

We salute you for your effort to gain knowledge, so here we humbly share the following.

If this thread was meant to engender debate and smoke out one of the - "now perhaps lurking, not adding to the discussion and bewildered at the direction the major Japan/Fukushima thread was allowed to degenerate into" - previous contributors, it worked.

We are truly amazed that presenting what is a pure fact - without any spin associated to it - can generate such an outbreak of insecurity and outright fear-driven responses.

Total denial is much more safe for fragile minds to comprehend than the thought of the consequences of the world's largest, most-provable cover-up regarding the true situation at Fukushima.

We had always expected that readers here can receive and interpret facts as presented, instead of demanding filtering for what some deem is unpleasant information.

We urge that sub-segment to immediately and permanently orient their attention to other media outlets that does the pre-filtering for them, per the Federal government's mandate of not spreading panic.

Generally, we don't waste time over here much anymore because of the free-reigning trolls and incomprehensible OP's such as this.

However, we cannot and will not let these ill-advised comments go unchallenged, regardless of the author's SuperModerator position. We are fully well aware of the consequences of crossing swords with an ATS Moderator, well, at least on this forum. [snip]

Without question, the triple nuclear power plant meltdowns at Fukushima Dai-ichi changed the world forever.

Since radioactive water was previously mentioned on this delightful, spirited thread, let's start with the river flowing to the sea underneath the triple meltdowns, although some consider Reactors #1 and #2 to be complete melt-throughs, having breached primary containment and the secondary concrete containment.

The very fact that TEPCO admitted to 300 tons/day "leaking" into the Pacific probably means the real figure is closer to 800-1,000, considering TEPCO's track record for the truth about the real dangers at Fukushima.

Take a median figure of 600 tons/day x 1039 days = 623,400 tons of highly-radioactive water containing Cs-134/137 and Strontium 90 that have very long half-lives.... and these are estimates supplied by TEPCO, as there is no way to measure the actual amount of water flowing beneath the crippled plant.

And the idea of the "Wall of frozen soil" is so stupid that, if the situation was not so dire, it would be laughable and another unbelievable example of TEPCO's 'leadership.'

However, then there's this:

"According to EU bylaws, radiation limits may be raised during a nuclear emergency to prevent food shortages."

To bring it closer to home, how many of you purchase and consume produce from California?

An interesting research project is to investigate how much of the produce - vegetables, fruits, nuts, wine etc. - is grown in California and are subject to the fallout-laden rain.

Guess what?

The radioactive plume emanating from the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant #1 catches a ride on the Jet Stream and saturates North America with radioactive particles (FALLOUT) each and every time it rains or snows - yes, it may have been a mistake to let the little ones out to play in the yellow snow the past few weeks.

And the FDA, Fisheries and NOAA continue with the platitude that "there is no need to test the seafood coming from Alaskan waters."

Check this out:

The following graph in ONLY from March to July, 2011. Today is Day 1036 and the radioactive substances have been emanating from Fukushima - both in the air and water - 24/7/365. And the amounts are based on the TEPCO information given to them at that time, not the updated 'estimates' that are orders of magnitude higher in many instances.

That first paragraph seems to question the OP's inference that atmospheric nuclear weapon tests are/were more catastrophic to the environment than Fukushima.

The horrific reality is, millions of people were made victims overnight by Fukushima. Gigantic stretches of land were made uninhabitable - essentially forever in terms of a human's lifespan. The radioactive cloud spread all over the world and large areas of the world are becoming contaminated by long-lived nuclear elements secondary to catastrophic meltdowns: 40 percent of Europe from Chernobyl, and much of Japan.

No one in America is safe from the fallout-laced winds, but the fact that radioactive hot particles from the triple meltdowns at Fukushima were more prevalent in Seattle than in Tokyo - 5-10 per day in April of 2011 - might be of concern to our brothers and sisters who were sacrificed on the West Coast to placate the nuclear dragon.

And this from 7 June 2012... a peer-reviewed study that leaves absolutely no wriggle room.

According to the Semper OP, the populace of the United States has nothing to concern themselves with and this suppressed information is not relevant to their future well-being.

We challenge your assertions, Sir.

An understanding of the challenges, dangers and solutions of the use of nuclear energy exploded in a countless number of minds worldwide on March 11, 2011.

Even in America, people became sick and died due to the radiation they incorporated into their bodies merely through eating, drinking and breathing, and the largest provable cover-up in history has succeeded in convincing the sheeple that,

"All is well. If there was anything to concern yourself with, the EPA would tell you."

The same EPA that had 20% of the radiation detectors off-line in the early days of the disaster, before they decided to take all of them off-line on 3 May 2011, because "there is no need to monitor as there is no threat of radiation reaching America's shores."

Dr. Helen Caldicott was our first Twitter follower on earthaidconcert and is a treasured member of the Deny Nuclear Roundtable, the Advisory Board of the worldwide multimedia event.
edit on 14/1/14 by masqua because: Edited off topic remark

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

You still don't get it, like so many other People:
between Denial, ELE., Fear and Panic is still enough Place for
Logic, for Physic, Medicine, Experience, Data and HOPE!

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 10:50 AM

Why aren't we dead yet?

Go to japan if your so confident that Fukushima is doom porn, I'm sure they'll let you help clean up.

Safe journey.

I'm doing fantasticaly well thanks. I have a happy 18 month daughter and a bunch of cats too. There's actually nowhere I'd rather live.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Thank you for not sourcing any of your information...

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 08:13 PM
Some interesting though controversial, on ATS anyway, information on this post at Atomic Insights:

As High As Relatively Safe (AHARS) – Sensible radiation standards

In the comments, there is a post by an emeritus professor of biology, who had studied the effects of radiation at low (Hormesis) levels, which are still more than anything measured in the Fukushima evacuation area. Some folk won't like to hear that we are actually radiation STARVED, and that our immune systems need MORE radiation than we now receive in order to be HEALTHIER.

I'm going to get some Hormesis beads for sure. And if anyone has any radioactive fish they don't want, I'll take it!

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 08:23 PM


Why aren't we dead yet?

Go to japan if your so confident that Fukushima is doom porn, I'm sure they'll let you help clean up.

Safe journey.

I'm doing fantasticaly well thanks. I have a happy 18 month daughter and a bunch of cats too. There's actually nowhere I'd rather live.

You live in Fukushima? You are helping the clean up? if not, you missed the point.

And if the answer is yes to both and you think there is nowhere better to live I got a bridge I want to sell you.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Taggart

And I have some Potassium Iodine tablets I want to sell you....

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 11:26 AM


You live in Fukushima? You are helping the clean up? if not, you missed the point.

No. Actually I believe you have missed the point. Wish you all the best though, in misery land :-)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

I really wish all that info you accumulate and post was wrong and that all the pro-nukers were right - but it's a mixed up world and TPTB have done an impeccable job of snowing the masses. No amount of logic, facts, reports, studies, and expert opinions will make a difference - they just resort to personal insults, snips, snipes because they are unable to prove there is no problem... guess its easier to live in denial than reality - will work until everyone around them gets cancer... likely the fate for most, if not all of us - thanks Fuks!

And remember folks, go after the ball, not the player... if you can...

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:20 PM


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 10:47 PM
if your not dead but you have suddenly started growing an extra set of arms... does that count?


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by wishes

Almost everything he posted is wrong and he provided no source material.

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