It depends on who ATS is in competition against.
Do we compete against the main stream media,
disinformation and propaganda,
corporate multinationals and their pop culture,
modern legends and myths.
Each existing forum is competing against some topic already.
What is being suggested here,
(In my opinion)
is that we are in competition with ourselves.
Here is what I mean.
breaking news forums
Breaking Alternative News
Breaking Political News
2012 US Elections
World War Three
ATS Live
conspiracy theory forums
US Political Madness
Aliens and UFOs
9/11 Conspiracies
Posse Comitatus
General Conspiracies
The Gray Area
Secret Societies
New World Order
Area 51 and other Facilities
Military Projects
Education and Media
Social Issues and Civil Unrest
Deepwater Disaster
Really Above Top Secret
Deconstructing Disinformation
Conspiracy Theorists
ATS Skunk Works
Geo-Engineering and Chemtrails
political issues forums
The Bully Pulpit
Regional Politics
Above Politics
Political Ideology
Politicians & People
Political Issues
current events forums
Other Current Events
Middle East Issues
War On Terrorism
Global Meltdown
Political Conspiracies
Diseases and Pandemics
Peak Oil
Disaster Conspiracies
mysterious subjects forums
Conspiracies in Religions
Ancient & Lost Civilizations
Origins and Creationism
Paranormal Studies
Predictions & Prophecies
Philosophy and Metaphysics
science and technology forums
ATS Videos
Member PODcasts
Links & Other Resources
The View From Marrs
Scott Creighton
information and
collaboration forums
Freshman's Forum
Research Forum
Debate Forum
Short Stories
Collaborative Writing
Board Information
Notice that
collaboration is
already an
entire category of forums unto itself. Further, that that is where
[HOAX!] threads go to die.
What is required is the opposite of that [HOAX!] category.
A category in the
Information and Collaboration forums where threads
go when Verified.
How does a thread become verified?
That ... is the purpose of a small team. Not turning inwards and competing
against each other, but putting a feather in the cap of a thread that the team
has checked and found the same results, reproducible results, for.
For in my limited experience here,
we are neither in competition against trolls, each other, or the mainstream.
Only against ignorance.
Mike Grouchy
edit on 10-1-2014 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)