posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 03:24 PM
this probably does not belong into the paranormal category, and maybe not on ATS at all. So I'll keep it short, it's also always an effort for me to
speak or write in english language:
Something unusual has happened last night. Either somebody came into my appartment while I was sleeping, or I left my appartment while I was sleeping.
Not via astral beam, but through the door. It's ridiculous, but at the moment, and after thinking about it for hours, the facts and circumstances
lead me to the assumption that I sleepwalked, which scares me as much as the thought of a possible intruder (Who obviously did or steal nothing). I
can't find a third explanation.
Now my question is:
Can a sleepwalker find his keys, or let's say put on his shoes? Finally find the way back into his bed? I must have found and worn my houseshoes,
otherwise my feet should have been dirty...
I presume you find this story insane and/or just boring. Be assured that I'm not writing this in fun. Any feedback is appreciated, but hopefully I
won't catch too many "consult a doctor" -style responses.