posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 10:37 AM
Let me break it down as best as I can. Racism is by definition the belief that the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or
abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. I looked up the definition on google
as to be accurate. So now lets look at this 'reverse racism'. It's claiming that people of races that are of a different skin color than white need
benefits and help that people of white skin color do not need; thus implying that the races that are getting the benefits are inferior to the races of
people with white skin. Simply put, races with dark skin color need extra help because they are inferior to white races. Hence, racism. not reverse
racism. Just plain and simple racism. It takes a little critical thinking to come to that conclusion, but just a little, not much at all. So, there
you have it, racism is racism, no matter what TPTB decide to change the word to, it is still racism. This political correctness is making us all so
dumb it's sad. Please see past it people, for the future of our children.