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Australia sends navy to push asylum-seeker boats back to Indonesia

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:47 PM
Currently Australia's answer to "asylum seekers" (or illegal aliens as we call them in the US) is to use their navy to stop to the boats. Not only stop them but push them back into Indonesian waters.

Australia sends in its navy to push asylum-seeker boats back to Indonesia

Tony Abbott, Australia's prime minister, has deployed the navy to force back boats carrying asylum seekers from Indonesian waters for the first time, leaving the boats to run aground on a remote island.

Indonesian sources said two boats carrying groups of about 45 Middle Eastern and North African asylum seekers were "pushed" back into Indonesian territory by the Australian navy.

Mr Abbott, elected last year after running on a hard-line pledge to "stop the boats", would not confirm the incidents.

While extreme and dangerous I'm going to suggest that countries have the right to secure their borders and shores against anyone not entering in a legal manner. Even up to the use of force.

I'd especially like to hear what our members down under think of this as well as in the UK who are now dealing with a large legal immigration influx. For US members do you agree with force being used to stop asylum seekers and illegal immigration?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:57 PM
Holy crap!!!

It makes me wish I had of voted, If he keeps it up Ill be voting for him next election.

Good on ya Abbot, its about time a Poli kept an election promise

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I take it from your reply you are in agreement with this action. What exactly is the issue with the asylum seekers?

So my questions are, are they simply fleeing Indonesia after arriving there for a better place to live? Are they being persecuted? Why don't they apply for asylum through legal channels?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:25 PM

So my questions are, are they simply fleeing Indonesia after arriving there for a better place to live?

Indonesia does not offer all the social services that Australia does.

Are they being persecuted?

Who knows, but not in Indonesia. Just look at how many countries they passed through between Africa and Australia

Why don't they apply for asylum through legal channels?

Very good question, probably because they cannot go country shopping if they do that.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:28 PM
They are economic refugees, they pass through quite a few countries on their way here,they come for the benefits and handouts

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:29 PM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I take it from your reply you are in agreement with this action. What exactly is the issue with the asylum seekers?

So my questions are, are they simply fleeing Indonesia after arriving there for a better place to live? Are they being persecuted? Why don't they apply for asylum through legal channels?

"Asylum seekers" are in fact economic refugees, they pay a significant amount of money to get into OZ and when there generally take the piss. Ive heard in some cases they pay upto 20K OZ which in any country on the way is a ton of money, enough to make a decent life

If they were genuine refugees there are plenty of places between where they get on the boats and Australia where they could stop and get away from any persecution or danger theyre in. If you were really concerned about your safety would you care where you were as long as you were safe?
If you were genuinely fleeing for your life would you riot when the food you were receiving or the channels you got at the processing centre werent up to your standards?
There are some sincere refugees who come by boat but theyre a tiny minority.

Most of them are from Africa and the middle east, only a very small percentage are from SE Asia, the SE Asians come via plane and then just never leave, in most cases they stay off the radar and live and work with family.

The Africans and ME ones come with the understanding that when they land they will be given homes and welfare.

I have no issue with immigrants to Australia and I am in no way racist but the boat people are seriously taking the piss and its about time something was done
edit on 7/1/2014 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:30 PM

They are economic refugees, they pass through quite a few countries on their way here,they come for the benefits and handouts

So similar to all the illegals swarming the US southern borders.

Do you support stopping them with the navy?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Bassago

After possibly 20+ million.........YES! after all it is an invasion, just slower than normal.
edit on 7-1-2014 by teslahowitzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Bassago

So basically the story here is: boat-people are sending boats to stop to the boats of more boat-people?

Kind of ironic. Just saying.

***eta: (It's not my place to criticize the boat-peoples immigration policies towards boat-people ofc.)
edit on 7-1-2014 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:42 PM

The Africans and ME ones come with the understanding that when they land they will be given homes and welfare.

This is how they behave when they do not get what they demand...

The riot came hours after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced his hardline crackdown on boat people, although authorities are denying a link. The riot is believed to have been contained by 10pm on Friday night after detainees spent almost five hours trashing the facility, setting fire to the buildings and pelting guards and police with rocks and sticks. On Saturday morning freelance photographer Clint Deidenang described it as a "war zone". "Smokes (sic) can be seen from the torched storey buildings... 95 per cent buildings burned out." He said workers clad in orange shirts could be seen going though the wreckage, including new sleeping quarters worth tens of millions of dollars. "All burned buildings are now unliveable. Total waste of moneys... 385429

FOUR asylum seekers who took part in a violent uprising which caused $9 million in damage to the Villawood detention centre have been jailed for their parts in the 2011 riots. Serco’s detention centre staff were pelted with roof tiles and threatened with uprooted soccer goalposts as detainees repeatedly chanted "freedom’’ during the wild protests, the Supreme Court heard today.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:49 PM

reply to post by Bassago

So basically the story here is: boat-people are sending boats to stop to the boats of more boat-people??!

Kind of ironic. Just saying.

Ha, when you put it that way I see your point.

Still the new boat people don't have the firepower the old boat people probably had.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 12:08 AM
Im in Perth and over the last 2 years my area has been filled up with asylum seekers infact theres one fam of them next door, they don't even need to work because they receive so much government help & benefits its pretty shocking considering that our elderly here dont even receive nearly enough with their benefits and our schools have had all cuts of much needed programmes and costs but yeah no worries we will keep handing out all our homes (did i mention theres a massive housing shortage here) and all our money to asylum seekers..? Its about time someone did something and if thats what it takes then so be it they need too know that if you come here illegally you cant stay. Its not fair on us tax paying Australians to support it all when theres enough that needs fixing here as it is
edit on 8-1-2014 by Shana91aus because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Bassago

It'd be a good thing if it weren't done as a publicity stunt for either government in Aust to sneak back door laws and such while keeping the sheep here focused on the big bad boat people.

Both governments have had problems with boat people, even though statictically more illegals arrive by plane than do by boat.

IKnowStuff is 100% correct in saying these are not true asylum seekers or political refugees, just people that want a free ride in this country while all the while moaning and bitching about how it isn't like the country they left behind and trying hard to make it more miserable for the people who do come here legitimately. Hell, there's been a campaign to replace Australia Day with Citizens Day for a while now, supposedly not to offend those that come from other countries or some BS. Can you imagine renaming Independence Day in the US just to keep a few religious nuts happy?

The problem is, the government gives them free handouts once they're in the country, and they leech off the system, or send the money they make here home to their countries, so let's face it, why wouldn't they want to come here and get fat doing nothing?
edit on 8/1/2014 by 74Templar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 12:11 AM
Im not a fan of Tony Abbott at all but this is about the only thing he has done right for us and he kept his promise.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:07 AM

Im in Perth and over the last 2 years my area has been filled up with asylum seekers infact theres one fam of them next door, they don't even need to work because they receive so much government help & benefits its pretty shocking considering that our elderly here dont even receive nearly enough with their benefits.

It's the same in Norway as well. Heck, it's the same across Europe. And what you highlighted is one of the main reasons why so many are growing extremely wary of mass immigration. They're economic immigrants that want a better life through more money. Instead of working for it, they simply decide to go to a Western country that they know have liberal hand-outs.

I personally know of three Somali immigrants who came here for the sole purpose of getting "free money" from the government and get schooling only to move back. All of them are also "undocumented" asylum seekers. (I.e., they threw their passports in the trash upon arrival.) Norway is literally paying for another countries schooling.

Mass-immigration is a problem dressed as a solution. It's only causing more issues that places like Norway cannot handle nor cope with. It's damaging to both parties involved!

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by Bassago

So similar to all the illegals swarming the US southern borders. Do you support stopping them with the navy?

I would like to see the US Navy, sailing across a dessert. That would be awesome.


posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:38 AM
These 'economic' refugees may pay between Ten and Twenty Thousand Dollars for each person, to get here by boat.

In the countries they come from, that is an awful lot of money. They throw their IDs overboard before arriving. They lie about where they come from.

For most of these 'economic' refugees, the only way to have that much money to spend on getting here is if they were involved in Drug Running, Human Trafficking and Gun Running. I do not want those people in my country.

There are legal means to seek asylum. These people cannot use the legal means because they are not exactly Stirling citizens in their home land.

Economic refugees - Bollocks! Turn them back!


posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Bassago

The only reason why Indonesia is kicking up a stink is because they don't want the refugees palmed off to them, and frankly they'd be better off here considering the conditions over there.

But that's not the point, some of these refugees get better treatment then some of our own citizens. I have a friend who's going to be sleeping on my couch because he can't find a place to live yet some of these refugees get housing, job placement, etc, There are people on the streets who don't get one iota of assistance except a food van handing out meals (which have to be funded by NPO's because the govt won't lift a finger.)

I do feel for the children though, it's not their fault, they are just being used as pawns to guarantee asylum for their parents.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Auricom

Can you not see the New World Order of "wealth distribution" in these policies that effect all of us "hard-working, tax paying middle class" of all of the "wester/industrial first world" countries?

Then ask yourself - who's having 13 babies these days? The middle class, first world, industrial/western world people? No - the slaves of the "welfare class" that are put in the position of stealing from the dwindling - former middle class slaves of the first world countries. It's not just the US, or Austrailia - it's Europe - and anywhere else there's still a literate and hard-working "middle class" in the world.

Communism, poverty, New World Order.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:04 AM
I support this action.
The boats used to come way back before the media got hold of the chicken and started strangling it.
We used to just blow 'em out of the water and nobody knew or cared because we all love the sweet sounds of silence.

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