posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 12:21 AM
The rebuttals I harbor regarding the generally accepted "story of us" can't be substantiated by known facts. At least not known by myself or the
general masses. All I have are strong hunches and aggravating suspicions derived from my own brand of logic and rationale. And these reservoirs of
logic and rationale are fed by the overwhelming evidence of past civilizations beyond those we are taught were the first. I believe the Great Pyramids
of Egypt, as well as the Sphinx are not creations of who we know as "ancient Egyptians" of perhaps 4 or 5 thousand years ago. I believe those people
stumbled upon these remarkable structures much the same as Napoleon did. By accident. Maybe the Mayans as well. I believe remnants (survivors) of
advanced civilizations taught the Sumerians what they knew, and that our 'ancient Egyptians' learned what they knew much the same way. I don't believe
they were the grand architects responsible for the awe-inspiring creations in Egypt. They simply did not have the expertise, the manpower, the
resources or the time. Nor is there any credible evidence that they built them. No detailed records, no "stories" or even myths or legends that can be
proven as factual, beyond what today's Egyptologists tirelessly and shamelessly attempt to convince us of. Coupled with the fact they will not even
begin to entertain any other theory or consider any other facts as they are discovered. Their steadfast "story" remains the same in spite of all the
evidence to the contrary. Therefore I consider much if not most of their 'findings' and determinations as suspect as any speculator. However, I do
believe they do in fact know far, far more than they tell us or will allow the world's private scholars, archaeologists and other who seek the truth,
learn from what they may have stashed away or deemed "off limits" to all but themselves.
Lastly, I believe we are simply another recovering civilization of many before us who have been destroyed by one catastrophe or another. I believe
there have been perhaps several advanced civilizations over millenniums past. We're just the latest. And there may be many more, after us. And
perhaps, just perhaps, this is just one of the 'Great Secrets' known and hidden by secret entities throughout the world today.
edit on 1/8/2014
by be4ne1 because: (no reason given)
edit on 1/8/2014 by be4ne1 because: (no reason given)
edit on 1/8/2014 by be4ne1
because: spelling corrections