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ADHD a fake disorder, neurologist-turned-author says

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posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by webedoomed

This "theory" has been brought up in other threads on ADHD. Unfortunately it fails to account for the fact that we have a number of other treatments that don't involve amphetamines. For example how do you explain the success of Strattera in the treatment of ADHD?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

I have no clue what the pharmacological effects of that particular compound are, so can't comment.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

He's saying ADHD is a collection of REAL symptoms - but no one is looking further. Kinda like fibromyalgia, another catch-all "diagnosis" that seems intended to cover up the fact that prions infect muscles, destroy the cells and cause a helluvalota pain. For all we know, ADHD is the first stage of inherited prion disease. But who wants to know the truth when there's no cure or real treatment?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by nugget1

I've already watched that documentary with my wife. Like I said, she's done a LOT of research into this stuff, and brought me begrudgingly along.

I thank her for it all the time.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 08:29 PM
Were you aware that people who are given medication for ADHD or more likely NOT to become drug abusers or addicts than people who are diagnosed and DO NOT take medication for ADHD!

At some point most will seek to self medicate. Do the research, it is out there.

My son has Aspergers syndrome. Under that diagnosis is severe ADHD. So severe it prevented him from learning. He was not able to block out all other stimulus in order to listed and understand what was being taught. He was extremely impulsive and high risk taking behaviors, such as trying to jump out of a moving car!!

He now attends a Special Needs Private school and is doing wonderful! It was not because of us as parents being lazy!! In fact, just the opposite. So many parents give up on their kids and do not keep seeking prof. medical opinions.

I agree diet does help, esp. gluten free and no dyes!! but it was not enough! My son could not sleep until 5:00 am for days at a time then up by 8am. during the night my cabinets and frig. would be ransacked! He would set off alarms trying to leave the house. WE were all effected!

Please do not be so quick to judge. you do not know others circumstances.


posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 08:58 PM

To all those people claiming ADHD was created by Big Pharma to sell drugs you're missing one important key piece of information. ADHD has been around under one name or another long before we had a psychopharmacological treatment for it. For example Sir Alexander Crichton wrote of a condition he called mental restlessness in 1798 which pretty much matches ADD to a T. In the modern era we have George Still clearly describing ADHD in 1902. Big Pharma must be an insidious one indeed to create a disorder before they even existed.

What you fail to understand is that "mental restlessness" is nothing like the fabricated disorder of ADD or ADHD. Nor did George Still describe it either. You are connecting similar "ideas" (outdated ones mind you) to a false invention.

And yes, ADD and ADHD (and many other invented lies) are all supported and created by Big Pharma. Or at least pushed by it.

You go think ADHD is real…take a pill…be a zombie…think you need it cus they say you do.

The majority of psychologists and medical doctors all agree its a farce.

It IS a farce. There is absolutely NO WAY 6% of the population has this "so called disease" or "mental problem". The damn thing shows no physical sign in scans or imaging of any kind. There is no way a scientist can look at the mind of an ADHD "victim" and tell it apart from a "normal" mind.

Why? Cus it has no chemical signature.

Why? Cus its not physical or real.

Why is it pushed? its a billion dollar agenda. And it swept the free nations to make money. Plain and simple.

Until you show me a chemical signature or a physical damage to the brain…you are just drinking the Koolaid.

heck if we are gunna medicate people for "natural mental states and traits"…I say we drug the gullible.


edit on 6-1-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

The damn thing shows no physical sign in scans or imaging of any kind. There is no way a scientist can look at the mind of an ADHD "victim" and tell it apart from a "normal" mind.

That's funny because a quick search turned up numerous studies that showed a psychopathological difference. I think this meta-study sums it up best.

Toward Systems Neuroscience of ADHD: A Meta-Analysis of 55 fMRI Studies

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 09:52 PM
It's pure variation.

We've changed next to nothing since civilization popped up, yet social norms and cultural bounds change over time.

The fact that 6-9% have these symptoms means it's beneficial to the species overall.

Basic common sense trumps sociopolitical propaganda.

Give it up, man.

Not a disease and the only "disorder" that's possible is seen in the eyes of social controllers and their sycophantic minions.
edit on 6-1-2014 by webedoomed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:39 PM
Yuup...I heard I heard on the internet from a zombie (Who's an academic that works at MacDonald's) who heard from someone reaaaaallllly reliable that her sister (who is religious....I swear to god) that ate a twinkie got ADHD. Good lord people, what happened to the academia the would sometime grace this website.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 11:20 PM

Mr Mask
Of course its fake. And it has been argued by leading doctors in various fields for some time as being fake.

Of course everyone diagnosed with it, and then drugged up- will argue it is real. it is not.

And those downing pills to "fix" this fake problem are simply throwing reality out the window and buying big pharma another house, boat, car, at the expense of feeling like a victim to biology.

There has never been, and never will be, a test that shows a physical difference or disruption in the minds of ADHD/ADD folks.

Why? Cus its a fabrication created to hustle and move drugs. Nothing more.

Sadly they will continue to pump our children (and unsuspecting and accepting adults) into thinking they have a special problem that drugs can only fix. Its sad really…but hey, when 90% of all your friends "brag" about their condition as they swallow more and more pills to fix what is not broken, you end up telling this to a blank-eyed wall that has no interest in what is true…they just want to feel like a victim and accept that they are mentally broken.

Swallow some more pills…get those people rich!


Yea, try living with it and then claim it is a fictitious condition.

Once upon a time, I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Why I could literally forget something within moments of reading it, or having it be told to me. Why my mind raced from thought to thought, within moments. Why I couldn't recall the name of a co-worker after working with him for a few months. Working on something important, the phone can ring, and I can utterly forget the last thing I was working on.. because by the time I am done with that call, I have thought of 3 other things I need to do. I have had to learn to make extensive lists just to keep track of things. Once focused, I can do an amazing job. I can get so much more done working from home without distractions.

Simple tasks that have many steps seem insurmountable. To the point where I never start them. I was getting my name changed back (I was adopted) to my family name, and it took 3 years to complete. And it has nothing to do with procrastination. I've left my lunch on my counter more times than I can remember going out the door, because something distracted me on the way out. And even thrown it away a couple of times with the trash on the way to the car. I could go on and on.. you simply have no idea, if you have not had to live with it.

I do not take medication for it. I rather despise taking meds of any sort really. Would it help if I did? Perhaps, who knows. I do know it's hell without it though, although I've learned many coping mechanisms.

Funny thing.. I like many, dismissed ADD. Really, didn't know much about it. I just heard about that condition where lazy parents laced their kids up on meds to not have to deal with kids being kids. So I bought that line, never looked into it. But one day, was chatting with a friend online. She was talking about forgetting things.. I mentioned yea.. very familiar with that. Got into details.. she said "I have a close friend with ADD, you should check it out online."

So, I did. And I was pretty much stunned that not a few.. not a handful.. not even a majority.. but every single symptom listed, I experienced. And most of them to a high degree, well beyond what I would consider normal for your every day, stressed human trying to eke a living in this rat race.

So.. please don't dismiss it out of hand, simply because you feel there is a big pharma involvement. Because they haven't "found it." There are a host of medical conditions that exist, that they really have no idea how it is caused, nor how to cure it. I happen to know for a fact it's a reality. Do parents and some adults jump onto the bandwagon because they have a bad memory, or hyper kids? Sure, probably. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Having to live with this condition is incredibly frustrating. Having someone tell me I am imagining it all is nearly as frustrating.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by redhorse

I have MS and my first neurologist thought it would be a good idea to prescribe for me Ritalin, Topamax and Nortryptolin. OK, I do not have epilepsy, the Topamax apparently helps people lose weight. But I do have tremors, that's why the Nortryptolin was prescribed, but the Ritalin was supposed to give me energy.

Well, the combination made me so high I thought I was dying. After that first dose of all three, I tossed them away. That's what happens though when you have an actual neurological condition, you become a guinea pig.

Ritalin is the same class as coc aine, and if that's what coc aine high feels like, I don't want anything to do with it. I never lost weight with the Topamax, but I never kept taking it after that first time. The Nortryptolin did help with the tremors, but I didn't feel depressed before or after.

I have also been prescribed Provigil, to give me energy. I just got sick with that one. I was also prescribed Percocet after a spinal tap, never again will I have a spinal tap and the Percocet did not help at all.

My 6 year-old niece was diagnosed as Bipolar, I don't know how the doctor determined that, and gave my niece medication for it. ADHD must be real enough, but sometimes these conditions are overdiagnosed in our youth.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:20 AM
Welcome to the New Nazi Germany, speeding up it's children.
Grifter42, a child of the Waco year, sped up for my school days since third grade.

Imperialism. First, the opium wars.
Now, the war for drugs upon it's own citizens.

Cops aren't fighting it. They're just sabotaging the competition.
Ever see Bad Lieutenant? That movie is subdued to reality. Savage and brutality.

REMEMBER Ruben Salazar!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:23 AM
It's real, however it's more about the environment we live in and the rising creative potential and energies among youth today.

Our school systems are boring as hell, and humans need a stimulating environment to put their energy towards. At school, you're expected to study this boring stuff for 8 hours a day, so your energy builds up and doesn't go anywhere. Instead it comes out in unnatural ways (although I guess that's what naturally happens), causing kids to act out, and not being able to focus. I used to have this problem, but NEVER when something was stimulating and interesting. Instead, I would have like an enhanced attention span, and ability to think, when I would focus my attention on something interesting.

Kinda like when you are in solitary confinement and you lose your mind.

That's how I feel anyway.
edit on 7-1-2014 by Cows11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:28 AM

It's real, however it's more about the environment we live in and the rising creative potential and energies among youth today.

Our school systems are boring as hell, and humans need a stimulating environment to put their energy towards. At school, you're expected to study this boring stuff for 8 hours a day, so your energy builds up and doesn't go anywhere. Instead it comes out in unnatural ways (although I guess that's what naturally happens), causing kids to act out, and not being able to focus. I used to have this problem, but NEVER when something was stimulating and interesting. Instead, I would have like an enhanced attention span, and ability to think, when I would focus my attention on something interesting.

Kinda like when you are in solitary confinement and you lose your mind.

That's how I feel anyway.
edit on 7-1-2014 by Cows11 because: (no reason given)

Excellent comparison. School is like prison, except they encourage amphetamine usage instead of beating you with big sticks for it.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Ahhhh!! Thank you burdman!! Talk about cutting to the core of the problem and hitting the nail on the perverbial head!! It truly is that simple and once you add in a little bit of exclusive left brain education and bam, those pesky children trying to use and develop their right sided imaginitive brains are problematic and should be fed pills! Honestly people when it comes to your children do one simple thing, try to stick to what nature provides us and avoid as many medications as possible. Those side effects are not listed only to avoid lawsuits, they are also literally there for your own discernment!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by nugget1

I am torn between what I consider a gift, within ADD, and what I am required to do at work and the normal family life.

Without my medication, my short term memory sucks, and I mean sucks bad.
I could be told something, and forget it literally just 30 seconds later. But, my ability to pull things together say, in debates was uncanny.

Now, with my med, I actually have a short term memory. I can recall processes I create in the manufacturing world and recreate them. I can take what my director tells me about a Telecom Design and actually put it into play.

The bad side affects I see are tiredness throughout the day.
The good are just too many.

It just varies from person to person.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:29 AM


A comedian works well too. I found a lot of my symptoms were simply a result of every adult I interacted with talked out of their ass, talked down to me as a kid, and made life miserable.

Once I purged the seriousness of the world everything came into focus.

Life: Serious business. (Apparently)

I too found that to be helpful.

Also, just coming to the idea that I could really care less what others think of me.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by yamammasamonkey

What if ADD/ADHD is a side affect of Govt attempting to control society and the ADD/ADHD are the fringe people. Like what happened in the movie Serenity?

With all of the things the Govt puts into water, companies put into food, maybe they are putting things in the environment to calm the people in masses and there are the groups of people that don't react normally.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

What kind of drug abuse or drug use are you talking about? Because caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco are all legal narcotics. Alcohol being one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs on the market.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:34 AM

reply to post by webedoomed

This "theory" has been brought up in other threads on ADHD. Unfortunately it fails to account for the fact that we have a number of other treatments that don't involve amphetamines. For example how do you explain the success of Strattera in the treatment of ADHD?

Strattera is what I use and can attest that it works.

Other stimulant based meds did not work well within my life, as they made me hyper-focused and not good in social settings.

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