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Who Killed Superman? The George Reeves Death Conspiracy.

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posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:22 AM
For conspiracy speculation ... an oldie but a goodie ... Superman George Reeves.
Murder conspiracy or suicide? Questions and speculation remain.

The Players -

George Reeves ... Superman star. Shot to death. Ruled suicide. Divorced. Involved in long affair with Toni Mannix while she was married to Eddie Mannix. Everyone knew about the affair. He dumped Toni Mannix for a younger woman named Lenore Lemmon. Reeves died of gunshot to the head three days before he was to marry Lenore.

Toni Mannix ... Former Ziegfeld Follies showgirl 8 Years older than Reeves. Had long affair with him. She worried about 'younger women' and the affair ended when Reeves met younger Lenore Lemmon. Toni was said to be possessive, protective, and jealous.

Eddie Mannix ... husband of Toni Mannix. MGM Producer. MUCH older than Toni. Died four years after Reeves and his wife ended their long affair.

Lenore Lemmon... Divorced. Quickly entered into a relationship with Reeves and became engaged to him. Also said to be possessive, protective, and jealous. Was in the home the night of the death.

Carol Von Ronkle ... Guest at the home the night of the death.
William Bliss ... Guest at the home the night of the death.
Robert Condon ... Guest at the home the night of the death.

Other information -
- George Reeves Last Will left everything to Toni Mannix. His fiance wasn't mentioned.
- Other bullet holes were found around the death room.
- Reeve had a volatile relationship with both women.
- Toni Mannix was known to stalk Reeves after their affair ended.

The Mysterious Death of Superman - George Reeves

- No fingerprints were found on the gun.
- There were no powder burns on the head wound, which would imply the gun was held several inches from the head at the time it was fired. This is unusual for a suicide. The victim usually has the gun held directly against the head.
- His hands were not tested for gunpowder residue, so that's no help one way or the other.
- The spent shell was found under his body. How could that have happened?
- Other bruises were found on his body. How did they get there?

- The gun was found between his feet. In nearly all suicides involving a gun, where it falls is usually consistent. If the victim is sitting or standing, it falls to his or her feet. If he or she is lying down, it would fall next to the head. It is believed that Reeves was lying down at the time.

- The police were not called for at least half an hour to 45 minutes after the death. The theory is that Leonore and the houseguests had to sober up so they could get their stories straight.

- Over the years, the general assumption has been that Reeves was depressed over the Superman show's cancellation, and this depression caused him to take his own life. He was supposedly unhappy over being "typecast" in the Superman role and unhappy over not being able to get any other roles. However, his supposed "slump" was over by the time of his death, and his friends agreed he was happier than had been in years. He was looking forward to his marriage and to another season of the popular TV show, which had just been rescheduled for the following season. Money wasn't a problem either; he got residuals from the Superman reruns and other sources. In addition, he had reportedly signed a five-picture deal with Paramount Pictures.

The Guardian - The Mysterious Death of George Reeves

In 1999, Beverly Hills publicist Edward Lozzi claimed on the tabloid-TV show Extra that before her death a bedridden Toni had confessed to her priest, while Lozzi was present, that she had had George killed. Lozzi said that none of the thugs who worked for Eddie Mannix were alive any more and he now felt safe to talk. Recently he told the LA Times Toni had confessed "because she was absolutely terrified of going to hell". Again, her confession provides no practical explanation of how the TV star was killed with a house full of witnesses.

Other mysterious bullet holes were found in the house. Two were in the floor, with one bullet lodged in the wall of the downstairs living room. Lemmon claimed they'd got there after she fired the gun in an argument with Reeves. Lemmon's volatile nature and Vesuvian temper tantrums have long made her a prime suspect in projected murder scenarios, but here again there is no satisfactory evidence. She did however claim, 30 years later to a young reporter when she was in her declining years in New York, that Bliss had concocted her step-by-step "predictions" of Reeves' suicide.

Who Killed Superman?

The police report would have you believe that while entertaining his fiancée (Lenore Lemon) and three friends in the house, George suddenly and with no explanation impulsively decided to commit suicide.
"The LAPD report said he simply went up to his bedroom, placed a pistol above his right ear and pulled the trigger."

Weissman says Reeves was playing one of his favorite practical jokes -- firing a blank pistol to needlessly alarm party goers.

Weissman believed the blank bullet was replaced by a live round by either MGM tough guy exec EDDIE MANNIX or his 25 years younger sexbomb wife TONI who had been carrying on an affair with Reeves right under the nose of her powerful hubby.

George Reeves Basic Info

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Good thread! For those of us who liked the old "Superman" series with a simpering Jimmy Olson, a '50s prim and proper Lois Lane, and a gruff editor, Mr. White, to think that someone other than Lex Luther could kill Superman is an affront to nature.

Have you seen the movie portraying Reeve's death (if I missed it in your OP I intend to go back and read it closer)?

Full disclosure: I am actually typing this while in my Fortress of Solitude.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

" In 1999, Beverly Hills publicist Edward Lozzi claimed on the tabloid-TV show Extra that before her death a bedridden Toni had confessed to her priest, while Lozzi was present, that she had had George killed. Lozzi said that none of the thugs who worked for Eddie Mannix were alive any more and he now felt safe to talk. Recently he told the LA Times Toni had confessed "because she was absolutely terrified of going to hell". Again, her confession provides no practical explanation of how the TV star was killed with a house full of witnesses."

So , one of Eddie Mannix's Goons did the Dirty Deed at the Request of Toni or Not ? Where is the Evidence other than Toni's Death Bed Confession ?
edit on 6-1-2014 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:50 AM

Have you seen the movie portraying Reeve's death ...

I haven't seen it but would like to. It's on my 'to do' list at some point ...

Zanti Misfit
Where is the Evidence other than Toni's Death Bed Confession ?

Anecdotal evidence ... the fiance was upstairs at the time of the shooting.
She supposedly told people to say she was downstairs ...
And they took 45 minutes to get their stories straight before calling the cops.
The anecdotal evidence against Lenore is interesting.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Awesome thread! I can't believe I really didn't know any of these details. I watched the show as a kid but never really questioned what was reported. I was vaguely aware of the conspiracy aspect, but never pursued it. Thanks!

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 11:45 AM
lex luther did dooms day did as well .
a few other villans got close .
after a night of birotos Superman betetr stay clear of me as well.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Good thread S&F.

Never really read into the Superman conspiracy before, its very interesting.

They took 45 mins to call police?, that if true is very telling.

BTW, is that 2 million stars you got or am I seeing things?.

edit on 6-1-2014 by restless genius because: off topic question

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 12:05 PM
Life imitates art - the new girlfriend's initials, just like the love interests in the comic book, were L.L.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 12:53 PM

restless genius
They took 45 mins to call police?, that if true is very telling.

The anecdotal evidence on that is that Lenore was upstairs when the gun went off and that she came down and told the other guests to say she was downstairs ... that it took 45 minutes for them to get their stories straight because they were all so drunk.

BTW, is that 2 million stars you got or am I seeing things?.

The star system here at ATS is busted. I have no idea how many stars I really have.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 01:31 PM
So what your saying is, if your last name is Reeves, stay away from any superman roles?

BTW, just random thought, but are both Reeves related? Anyone know?

Evidence collection back then was kinda shady so it wouldn't surprise me if something was lost or tainted that could have helped solved this crime.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:13 PM
Hollywood Kryptonite ,a book published in 1996 , points to Toni Mannix as the only person
with a good motive...
I read it when it came out ...I've read a lot of books about Hollywood death mysteries...The Laurel Canyon series is

also interesting.....

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:45 PM

Hollywood Kryptonite ,a book published in 1996 , points to Toni Mannix as the only person
with a good motive...
I read it when it came out ...I've read a lot of books about Hollywood death mysteries...The Laurel Canyon series is

also interesting.....

Yes...Laurel Canyon...I recall reading that LOTS of people were playing with, recording, and providing studio time to a semi-obscure musician named Chuck Manson. After the murders, it was like, "No, I never knew the guy..."

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 03:16 PM

BTW, is that 2 million stars you got or am I seeing things?.

The star system here at ATS is busted. I have no idea how many stars I really have.

Busted for others, maybe, but you deserve every one of those two million stars. And I think I can see Sirius among them.

When Superman died I bet every little boy in America felt it, likely one of their first brushes with death on a major scale. If only he had lived and married Annette Funicello then all would have been right with the world.
edit on 6-1-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

This is an oldie ! I watched the show as a child. I will keep my eye on this thread. I was two when it happened so my only opinion was where my next bottle was and I wouldn't have understood if my parents spoke about it. I read about his murder when I was older but I don't remember the details so this will be a refresher course for me.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 05:50 PM
Well here's my opinion for what it's worth.

1) Question. Who would commit a murder when the house is full of guests?
Answer. No one. The cover of multiple suspects still puts you in line for interrogation and discovery. That he otherwise lived alone is an assumption by me. The best and smart thing to do would be to wait for a night that he was alone and then come in and do the deed without the threat of a witness.
The possibility of an intruder could be introduced here also.

2) Question. When someone commits suicide do they want visitors?
Answer. Probably not. That is something usually done in private. Unless there was some emotional catalyst that occurred that night. An argument or confrontation at dinner or something.
It's a little like an Agatha Christy novel no?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 05:54 PM
Wait what? No finger prints were found on the gun? Question . How does a dead man wipe his fingerprints off the gun ? Answer. HE DOESN'T

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

It's also ingesting that two actors with the last name Reeves have played Superman and both succumbed to an early death.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 07:45 AM

1) Question. Who would commit a murder when the house is full of guests?

Considering that the guests were exceptionally drunk ... any one of them could have.
Lenore was loaded. So were the other guests. This is according to police reports.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 08:39 AM

So what your saying is, if your last name is Reeves, stay away from any superman roles?

BTW, just random thought, but are both Reeves related? Anyone know?

No, I had thought they were too. %3Dbizarro-files&ei=j2LNUqadFZSosQSlhIDIDQ&usg=AFQjCNG_FIPBcXs7nPuZJKgEPKAka1iTww&bvm=bv.58187178,d.cWc

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 11:21 PM
The murder of George Reeves is an interesting case.I have found some details about it in this thread that I never knew about.Didn't know about just how long they took to sober up and call the LAPD.I still think Toni had him killed.

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