posted on May, 22 2003 @ 06:01 AM
Wow, comparing yourself to Gallileo and Copernicus, quite the stretch.
First, you are on a completely different level from those two. Their ideas completely changed the idea of the universe and caused a scientific
revolution. If true, your idea would make people say "Oh, thats intresting" and completely forget about it.
Second, you are going on the idea that because people do not believe you, you are right. If everyone said I was wrong, I would tend to believe them,
especially if they back it up with evidence. I could be seeing a six foot bunny named harvey, but I am I wrong when I tell everone about it and they
deny it? Guess who else was "TOLD THEY WERE WRONG": All of those doomsday cults, you, creationists, Lee at Gettysburg, need I go on?