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reply to post by EA006
What's your point?
Maybe his point is that Commercial aircraft don't have near miss incidents with philosophy.
Hi. That's a straw-man you have there.
MISHLOVE: One of the things that Jung pointed out in his book is that we must pay attention to the research that Dr. J.B. Rhine was doing at that time at Duke University in ESP and psychokinesis, and that even if UFOs had a physical reality, could be photographed or could be weighed and measured, that they still might in some manner be projections of the human mind.
McKENNA: Oh yes, this is an important point to make, which the flying saucer people are forever misunderstanding, and that is that saying the flying saucer is a psychic object does not mean it is not a physical object. Jung in Mysterium Coniunctionis is at great pains to say that the realm of the psychic and the realm of the physical meet in a strange kind of never-never land that we have yet to create the intellectual tools to explore. This is where the mystery of synchronicity is going to come to rest, the mystery of all kinds of paranormal activity on the part of human beings, and the mystery of the flying saucer.
edit on 5-1-2014 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)
I like some of your ideas but to ignore the physical aspect of the phenomena is like throwing out the baby with the bath water.
People who have had personal, experiential "proof" of mystical aspects to existence are at a disadvantage when trying to prove that to the "liminally disadvantaged."
Hey B.M.
This aspect to the UFO bag o' fun will garner tons of flack, as usual, due to the murky, fledgling aspect to sciences' understanding of ... erm, reality...
I, however, refuse to join what I like to refer to as the "woo-woo" crowd.
What UFOlogy requires is for non-scientists to stop saying what UFOlogy needs.
reply to post by draknoir2
"Perhaps this Erm Reality of which you speak will be embraced once science frees itself from the shackles of actual reality."
You're being sarcastic about science then not being science and running off into fanciful mental suppositions... OR
you, I suppose, could mean once science frees itself from any notion of a real reality being anything more than a mental construct...or, well, that view comes from both quantum physics and mystical experience... (trails off... then finds train of thought) but then all our views of how reality works must, or should, be supported by a scientific process, or at least ... well, depending on one's relative understanding of the possibly existing framework... er (loses thought train again in infinitely regressive circular logic) ?
Eh, I'm going to go bask in the sun ...
Ophiuchus 13
@ 2:54 the transparency is observed. As one of the UFO go from left of tether to right mear 2:58 mark it appears to go below tether and shrink or moved a large distance down then up towards camera to change its visible scale reference. Don't know if affected by field.
I posted this data to share how non material these ufo appear but are physically observable interacting with the em field generated that attracted them. Whatever they are... @ 3:45 described as star like things and things swimming in the foreground "illuminated debris"
NAMASTE*******edit on 1/5/14 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)
I have done some experimentation which could have an impact on the analysis of the tether video. In particular, I have studied the images formed by tiny particles close to the camera when brilliantly lit, in this case by a flash, but in the case of the shuttle video, lit by the sun. It turns out that very tiny particles can make very large, generally round, images whch have the characteristics of "diffuseness," often with a strange (diffraction) pattern running through it and (sometimes a hole in the middle if the image forming optics is of a certain type).. If you go to you will see a paper about "orbs". These are "flash orbs" detected only when a flash is used with a normal flash camera. (This des not refer to self-luminous orbs.) If you replace the flash with the sun (a very bright source) and imagine small particles close (cm to a meter or so) to the lens, you can see a comparison between these images and those of the tether video. This also explains how an orb" could seem to be behind an object. If the light from the orb particle is less than the light from the distant object (satellite in th tether case) the orb image will seem to disappear where the orb image overlaps the bright image. This makes it appear that the orb object (particle) passed behind the bright object.
Incidently, please don't ask for detailed analyses of the space shuttle "UFOs" that are
round "discs, often with a "notch" in one side and almost always with a hole in the center
and brightness "structure" throughout the luminous area. These "objects" are most likely
to be ice crystals traveling close to the camera and therefore severely out of focus. Even the
famous "tether satellite" object (that seems to pass behind the tether satellite after the
tether satellite had broken free and traveled away from the shuttle) is most likely a result of
tiny objects out of focus combined with brightness saturation of the CCD detector by the
solar reflection from the. tether satellite.
reply to post by JadeStar
Hey Jadestar. When you're through cheerleading for Alice and poisoning the well, maybe you could answer my question.
reply to post by JadeStar
Hey Jadestar. When you're through cheerleading for Alice and poisoning the well, maybe you could answer my question.
What question is that?
If you want me to change my mind on the subject it's easy. Just provide one iota of evidence.
What, that's it? One iota and you'll change your mind? That's easy. Why didn't you just say so in the first place? :p
I'm looking forward to hearing from you when you've changed your mind.
PS - the MDC is merely a publicity stunt
edit on 5-1-2014 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)
The results support the null hypothesis that psi does not exist. The brains of our participants—as a group and individually—reacted to psi and non-psi stimuli in a statistically indistinguishable manner.