Sup Ats, this is my first post in a long while.
I was thinking of an event(or strange phenomenon) that I had only seen once on a clear blue sky summer day in my area. I cannot remember the exact
date, but I believe it ether 08, or 09 when I had saw this. I think there was a huge air force show at the exhibition in toronto, however this quite a
distance from Toronto, and personally I'd rather not say where I had witnessed it.
Anyways, I kinda of out luck with job searching for sometime, so I used to kill time by going for some long walks enjoying the heat, instead of being
home all the time.
When one day, a strange thunder cloud, which I would say small(even though clouds are massive regardless of size). However, the reason why I'm writing
about the thunder cloud, is that the lightning was "Yellow". The storm cloud was containing itself, but would let of a noise here and there.
I was pretty much facing south west walking, when I turned my head and saw this cloud taking it time going across the sky in my area. And I had
paused, and was guessing to myself "How...?"
Now what was even stranger then the cloud was the plane following it. It was one of those big military planes, the ones that can carry tanks, and
heavy packages. Not only that, it was green, big, and very loud, so military was a good guess.
Anyways, as I'm standing for a few minutes, seeing this plane being out raced by this dramatically, wandering thundercloud on clear blue day.
I just felt like sharing this experience, cause it has been in the back of my head for sometime.
And yes, I have very exciting walks sometimes.
edit on 4-1-2014 by Specimen because: (no reason given)