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DHS Insider Warns “Preparations Have Been Finalized To Respond To A Crisis Of Unprecedented Magnit

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posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Cows11

You really need to get a grip on reality. From me (a real ATS "insider" at DHS/FEMA)...stop being critical of us preparing to save your butt in the end.

See, we're ready. Yes we prepare. And all the fear mongering because we PREPARE TO SAVE YOU in that eventual really silly. We have to be prepared

We train-you think we know something. We have logistics movings things to train...must be something up. Order new med supplies, food...even ammo...look out you think something up.

Something IS up...and it has been. That's why we prepare. Study up on this and stop the fear. Its ridiculous and counter-productive.

Better yet? Why don't YOU volunteer and help us? Then you'll see....

Mysterioustranger -ATS -First Responder EMT/ERT Advanced Disaster Life Support
DHS-Dept. of Homeland Security/FEMA/Citizen Corps
Bio-Defense Network
Region 2 South
Wayne County, Michigan

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:47 AM
If the US economy goes many others will be following right behind.As such I would be keeping my soldiers close to home if that happens.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:35 AM

reply to post by Cows11

You really need to get a grip on reality. From me (a real ATS "insider" at DHS/FEMA)...stop being critical of us preparing to save your butt in the end.

See, we're ready. Yes we prepare. And all the fear mongering because we PREPARE TO SAVE YOU in that eventual really silly. We have to be prepared

We train-you think we know something. We have logistics movings things to train...must be something up. Order new med supplies, food...even ammo...look out you think something up.

Something IS up...and it has been. That's why we prepare. Study up on this and stop the fear. Its ridiculous and counter-productive.

Better yet? Why don't YOU volunteer and help us? Then you'll see....

Mysterioustranger -ATS -First Responder EMT/ERT Advanced Disaster Life Support
The fact that another industry is created to ride herd on a people who already have the highest prison population in the world?
This doesnt ring your bells?
The 3000 or so anti ied mraps (armourd cars )disributed all over America?
The billion plus rounds of dum dum bullets (hollow points)Illegal in war but acceptable because they are for shooting civillians?
A grip is what were gonna get, but we aint gonna take it lying down sport.....

edit on 5-1-2014 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by stirling

This really strikes me as a situation where The Government (should I spell it "the gub'mint"?) really can't win. There are two possible courses of action for The Government:
1) They do nothing to prepare for a serious emergency. Result of this course of action? Take a quick look at the back-blast from Hurricane Katrina...acres of newsprint and terabytes of bandwidth devoted to excoriating The Government because they didn't do enough.
2) They engage in extensive planning, set up stockpiles of supplies in advance, and rehearse procedures for dealing with a serious emergency. Result of this course of action? Acres of newsprint and terabytes of bandwidth excoriating The Government because They (tm) are plotting to engineer a catastrophe and use it as an excuse to grab power.

What, exactly, should The Government do? I'm asking because as far as I can see, they're going to get slagged no matter what they do.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:10 AM
From a different viewpoint......

What if.......? A collapse due to a crisis of unprecedented proportions due to a change in the weather systems......

Current weather is appalling and set to worsen with around 140 Million Americans affected by it.

Meanwhile, Austrailia (opp side of planet) is melting with extraordinary temps......... Has Earths Axis tilted ever so slightly...? I remember reading a suggestion that the sun had risen two days later than expected and those whom noticed were the Inuit / Eskimo who rely on such things for their survival etc.

There has been a series of storms, flooding and rainfall over UK & Irl plus Europe - a pattern likely to continue.....

Just chucking this out there.....



posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Brother Stormhammer

What, exactly, should The Government do? I'm asking because as far as I can see, they're going to get slagged no matter what they do.

Poor babies.

That's why the get the privilage, big salaries and positions of influence mate.

If they can't handle the public slagging them off, don't go into politics...they really should know, that the watchful eye and criticism of the citizenry IS democracic and is an actual duty...can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen. Simple.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

On the other hand PD, it IS actually Winter here in the Northern hemisphere and Summer in the South..usually follows that cold and wet is normal for Winter as hot and dry is for Summer.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:45 AM
I understand that a lot of people are saying this information
is not worth considering but, if I may, here are some facts
about the last time this so-called DHS insider "warned" us.

Back in early 2013 he said "Watch the metals, when they dip. It will be a good indication that things are about to happen."

In April gold started to tank.

One fine morning on April 15th 2013,
member komp_uk made a thread titled

ATS Thread: "DHS INSIDER" - He said watch the metals, it is the start! - GOLD Slammed.
posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 09:14 AM

While that thread was still being discussed,
the Boston Marathon Bombing happened.

During the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, two pressure cooker bombs exploded at 2:49 pm EDT

wikipedia / Boston Marathon Bombing

Before the dust had even settled (4:07 pm)
CNN publishes information that gold has hit it's two year low.

And just as the DHS insider had warned,
we saw armored vehicles on the Streets of America.

For myself,
I take the warning very seriously.

Mike Grouchy

edit on 5-1-2014 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by MysterX

I'm fairly certain that any career politician can 'take the heat' generated by ATS. My point was that there seem to be two kinds of DHS / FEMA related threads here...the ones that claim that they didn't do enough, and the ones that claim they're trying to take over the world when they do anything at all. It strikes me as an odd / amusing standard, and I was just wondering if anyone could suggest some course of action that might be satisfactory to all parties.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:25 AM
This supposed DHS Insider stuff is a load of absolute nonsense. I've seen many of these threads and NOTHING has happened yet, not even remotely close to what the supposed insider is leaking. The website in which these stories are posted on looks rather mediocre thus raising more questions then answers to the veracity of the website and indeed the articles it posts. These stories appear to be written just to feed the starving minds of conspiracy theorists who believe that martial law is going to happen.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Interesting but seems that gold has been on the decline since 21 December 2012. I wonder why it started to decline around that time? Could it be that the folks who, worried about NIBIRU or Mayan Calendars, dumped the gold? Naw, that can't be it...

Using your logic, the gov't dropped the price of gold so that two people could explode bombs during the Boston Marathon, allowing the gov't to drive armored vehicles around for a few hours.

What was the point of it all? Was it simply a show of force by the gov't or a failed attempt by them to usher in nation-wide martial law? Perhaps the failure was due to websites such as this one that exposed the lie? No, that can't be it. No, it must have been to document the citizens reactions to martial law. Now they can use that information to bring their plans to fruition.

I get it, always be vigilant and prepared because you never know. But, that said, I'm more concerned about ice storms and mother nature than I am about this gov't or DHS Insiders.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Cows11

Any post that contains 'XXX insider Warns...' has the same credibility has even less credibility than those that start with 'Once Upon A Time...'

They are both fiction.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 10:57 AM


And just as the DHS insider had warned,
we saw armored vehicles on the Streets of America.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 11:00 AM


And just as the DHS insider had warned,
we saw armored vehicles on the Streets of America]

That could just be the Duck boys go in hunting

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by stirling

Sure you will take it. The point is you'll expect me and others to come to save you. And I may not like your opinions...but I still will.

And when I come to help you, your mom and dad, kids, friends and family...then we'll talk.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 03:35 PM

PurpleDog UK
Meanwhile, Austrailia (opp side of planet) is melting with extraordinary temps......... PDUK

I live in Australia. It's the middle of summer yet for a couple of weeks it's been freezing. We have had minimal days (a lot less than usual), of hot weather for this time of year, and nights are as cold as frost. I've seen reports of it being hotter than ever but I don't see it actually occurring (at least it's not at my house!). Only last night I said jokingly "its the middle of summer and I need to cut wood for the fire!".

My wife works in an industry that requires detailed weather records. Her weather-stations (spread over a number of states), over the past 14 years, have shown no upward trend in temperatures but do show nights being slightly cooler than the norm. This summer has been the coldest I can remember in years and even our grandparents are saying the same.

I've begun not trusting "official" reports on weather trends. I'm suspicious of them "doctoring" figures so they can keep charging us a carbon tax...

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 05:16 PM

reply to post by stirling

Sure you will take it. The point is you'll expect me and others to come to save you. And I may not like your opinions...but I still will.

And when I come to help you, your mom and dad, kids, friends and family...then we'll talk.

Question for you: In the worst of situations, if you're given orders to collect firearms or arrest U.S. citizens without due process what will you do? Be honest with us please.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by wills120

Tough one. You ask a very good question here I'd like everyone understand.

All us First Responders, FEMA and HOMELAND SECURITY and ERT members everyone is afraid of dragging you off to "camps"? We all have families... And in that time...I wouldn't be afraid of us coming to help you.

We too are firearm owners, and most have families at home with weapons. I have 450 team members on our Emergency Response Team. 3/4 of us have permits and carry ourselves.

1 owns a gun shop, and another is an NRA training instructor, and several are police officers and in other areas of law enforcement. But, Im thinking I don't know of even ONE of us...who would turn in or give up our own weapons.

We TOO are afraid that in a Marshall Law scenario...the military will come and take ours as well.


edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:04 PM

reply to post by xuenchen

If they cause a massive computer outage, Obamacare won't work anymore. He isn't going to purposely sabotage his own creation. Maybe the whole web, other than government sites, will be shut down.

You think Obama care is working now? He always sabotages his own creations.. Show me one that has worked according to his stated purpose that it would do..

Even without computer or network outages and BILLIONS of dollars he paid his friends to pretend to build websites that ended up paying someone else a small fraction of they got paid, to build a broken website that is still broken and error ridden.

Remember also how when Obama says something that it really means the opposite, and this universal rule has become an axiom for the entire planet to know.. The word Obama care really translates to Obama doesn't care.

Everything Obama has done has been a pure smokescreen to hide his real goal to steal as much money as possible from the taxpayers, and the treasury, and destroy everything else in the process.. The only thing he has been successful with is being the best thief in modern history.

edit on 5-1-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

You left out the billion hollow point bullet purchase..:

I have friends who work for DHS and they are genuinely good and honorable people, but I am sure if there is nefarious plans, that they are not shared with the entire DHS workforce. If they do have Black Ops planned, it would be quite heavily compartmented knowledge, so it is really difficult to know what, if anything nefarious is planned.

The best clues available to something being up have been some large ammo purchases of ammo and the type that are the most expensive and they said they were for target practice when these bullets were not made for target practice, which is a big carrot to dangle in the noses of the conspiracy theory crowd, (and most everyone else).. Plus other scary on the surface purchases like body bags and train cars with shackles, and 6 person mass grave coffin liners.

I for one appreciate your honorable service at DHS, and we sure need more like you in this county today..


edit on 5-1-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

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