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End times -UFO/alien intervention and the Anti-Christ.

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posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 06:17 AM
Hey guys, been diving deep into the New World Order topics, and I feel The sudden UFO/ Alien phenomena that is taking us in the alternative media industry by storm is by design, it's following an ancient blueprint and plan that coincides with prophecies being fulfilled.

I keep having a reoccurring dream, and have had it for some time now. In my dream I am with my brothers, and some friends and their is a massive invasion. We have to take cover its so bad. And In my dream I am always shouting out to my brothers, "They're not who you think they are" I can remember encountering UFO objects, and chaos was ensuing.
I've long believed that there is going to be a disclose date. I've always believed their is otherworldly intervention. The biggest belief I have is that the Grey type aliens are actually demons, that will come playing the invaders ( bad cop), whereas the stage and conditions will be perfectly set for the emergence of the NWO led under the reign of the anti-Christ who in this case will play the role of "Good Cop" and defeat the invaders with his host of an army. This will vault him into a state where his emergence as "King of the World" will be easier to access because everybody will revere him as the Messiah. ( Satan is obsessed with trying to replicate God, So Because the actual Jesus Christ who came and died on the cross for us all, Satan has to come in the same light in this case trying to re-enact himself as Jesus the Light of the World. If you remember in the bible, it states that Lucifer fell in the very beginning because of "Pride" , he said I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' Isaiah 14:14 . This hints to you that Lucifer was enraged when pride overcame him and he realized he was under God, not the other way around. It would have taken the most bold, brazen attitude, stance and hatred towards God to unleash an all out attack in the Heavens, while turning 1/3 of the angels to your side.

Could you imagine the deceit, the manipulation, the cunning to get you to turn your back on the one who created you, loved you. The very first event that catapulted every form of energy into all the evil we see in the world now originated with a thought, that thought transpired into the domain of emotion- HATE and that hate turned into an action- VIOLENCE. and this was the blueprint for everything we see now being passed down into the elect of this world.

Do you guys really believe when you look into the eyes of Barack Obama, The Queen of England, George Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, J.P Morgan, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, the Pope, Tony Blair, John Kerry you can't see the evil? If you are open and honest you would all admit that there is something very eery about how all the world's elect gather together in "secret meetings" and always seem like they are philanthropists, caring and charitable on the outside through their media outlets, yet completely heartless on the inside, and would wage war on their own people just so they can live excessively wealthy.

- It all has come down from Lucifer. And because he tried to overthrow heaven, the elect are now trying to de-populate us, microchip the remaining of us and create a slave race that serves them and them alone. They want to be as "Gods", because in their darkened hearts, souls and minds they believe they have that divine right to rule ( precisely because this is how the devil always thought, he is simply sending forth his legion to influence world leaders to side with him, so they could be a vessel for him to begin to try re-enact his rebellion one earth like he did in Heaven.

You guys remember the infamous Ronald Reagan speech? here - He was one of the main players in setting the stage with that speech. It sounds so utopian , just like the new age movement. About how if their was a threat from a species from "another planet" how quickly we would forget our differences and unite as one. Well that uniting on a global level can only come when all the worldly support seems to have no choice but to accept the new leader and savior of that movement.

Sounds similar?? where have we heard that before? Nazi Germany! A broken, shattered people ravaged by a previous war, uncertain, scared, confused, poor and desperately in need of a change- onto the scene comes the charismatic, psychopath Adolf Hitler. Who's rallies and speeches are so epic, and stirring that the energy the moment just overwhelms the senses and you believe he is the answer to all your pain and suffering. Hitler only was accepted because the stage was set for him to be accepted. And A vulnerable people were his target. they felt they had no choice but to fall in line, completely to naïve to the true agenda behind the Nazis.

it would be the exact same scenario during an Alien Invasion. Whoever prevents it, would be deemed the "Messiah" himself by the UN, every major news outlet would be on it, it would go viral on you tube. You need to think Justin Bieber hits times 1,000 viewers, people in the streets would be cheering for joy, every world leader would be caught in the trance and endorse this new world figure.

The bible said the devil was the first liar, Jesus said he was a "Murderer from the beginning", the bible also says the devil disguises himself as an "Angel of the Light" meaning it would be the perfect stage for him to merge onto , because if you don't truly know God you can be easily mesmerized and blinded by the beauty and grace of this new charismatic leader- and drink the Kool-Aid that is promised you.
* check this link out of a drawing made by Aliester Crowley of an entity he summoned up ( remember this guy was a full blown occultist, and luciferian- in other word he had contact with the satanic world) and tell me their are not STRIKING similarities to the new modern day "Grey Alien".

* if the picture in that website doesn't load the picture of him, just google this - Aleister Crowley's drawing of entity LAM.. -

With all the movies and music in the entertainment industry molding and conditioning our impressionable minds with movies such as Independence Day, Men in Black, "V" Visitors, The Cabin in the Woods, TV shows like "The Event", all the music you'll hear when you throw on the radio is " Welcome to the New age, Radioactive, Radioactive!" , Monster- Rihanna and Eminem- I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed, get along with the voices inside of my head ( demons)- The elite are just throwing in our faces now and laughing at us, because they've initiated end game protocol, so they're trying to go out with a bang, ( the devil knows he's going to lose, but can't bring himself together to believe it)

The top left image below shows the infamous occultist’s Aleister Crowley’s portrait of a being which was conjured initially in 1918-1919 AD.

Here is the thing. We live in crazy times, where anything is possible in this an age where UFO hover around the skies. I certainly will be the first to admit I could be off in my theory. I just believe though their are mysteries the Bible is the source that can answer exactly why this UFO phenomena is happening, how the end times will unfold etc.. It's all in there!
edit on 4-1-2014 by freedom7 because: fixing sentence structure

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 06:48 AM
In my opinion (please note: opinion), you've fallen victim to the opposite extreme of conventional social conformity.

MianStream Media loves to tell you what and how to think.
Fringe sources will give no pause in detailing this as luridly and often as possible.
Thing is, Fringe Media ALSO loves to tell you what and how to think.

When it comes down to it, however, if you ever become a student of History, you'll find that people and Civilization in general, since the Sumerians, for 60000 years of recorded History, have been waiting for the "Return" of gods in one or some form or another.

All that time waiting for someone to come save us, make life better, give everyone sparkley magic wands that grant wishes, whoosh them off to some magical wonderland, whatever; all that time waiting, and, have we ever got anything from it?


Had we sat round and waited, and just waited, and not done anything for ourselves, we wouldn't be where we are today.

In essence, we've 6000 years of recorded Historical precedence of waiting for gods to show up and save the planet, and we've 6000 years of NO Gods making everything wonderful and super duper fantastic for everyone always.

No gods/aliens are coming.
Accept it.
... or, one can get into the time honored tradition of waiting.
The Sumerians waited. The Christians have been waiting for how long now?
Some people rather enjoy waiting.


posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by freedom7

If you remember in the bible, it states that Lucifer fell in the very beginning because of "Pride" , he said I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.

Did you know that Lucifer actually means "Bringer of Light"? That's a pretty weird name for the most evil being in the universe to have.

If you read the story of the snake in Genesis, Lucifer could quite easily be seen as the good guy. What was his crime? He gave mankind knowledge while the almighty apparently wanted man to be kept in ignorance. I really do think the good guy just might have been demonized (pun intended) in this case for millenia.

Do you guys really believe when you look into the eyes of Barack Obama, The Queen of England, George Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, J.P Morgan, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, the Pope, Tony Blair, John Kerry you can't see the evil?

Absolutely, but I attribute that evil to the duality of human nature, not a being who makes us do bad things for bad things sake. I've seen good people do bad things and some bad people do good things, and I never saw a devil behind them while they did it.

The whole "alien invasion NWO" thing has been around ATS for quite some time. I hesitate to say that they would'nt do it, in fact I believe they just might do something along those lines.

Here is the thing. We live in crazy times, where anything is possible in this an age where UFO hover around the skies. I certainly will be the first to admit I could be off in my theory. I just believe though their are mysteries the Bible is the source that can answer exactly why this UFO phenomena is happening, how the end times will unfold etc.. It's all in there!

And what about all of the other Christian manuscripts that were excluded from the Bible, are they totally irrelevant? You do know there are over thirty books of Revelation right?

edit on 4-1-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I accept the premise that no Gods or Aliens are about to turn up and give us all salvation. However I do believe in there existence, we are more than just the sum of our parts, more than just clever monkeys. Personally I lean more toward the Ancient Astronaut theory than the organised religious mumbojumbo!

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

Did you know that once upon a time matches were called Lucifers for the same reason. Bringer of light.
I have no issue with the thought that we are not alone in the entire universe. We can't see very deeply into space so we don't know for sure but since we exist there is no need to assume that the same set of circumstances that put us here would not repeat the process on another planet under the same conditions. Science is bearing out that there are other earth like planets out there when not too long ago we thought the nine planets circling our Sun were the only ones and that all the other sparkely lights up there were distant stars. Now as to whether they are here or have been here in the past I can't say. The evidence is anecdotal at best.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 07:35 AM

The biggest belief I have is that the Grey type aliens are actually demons

We have no proof of neither. Until whatever beings reveal themselves, we can only assume.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by skyblueworld

Even if the alleged Grey species do turn out to go by the name or utilise the word "Demon" what does that really mean? Ile answer absolutely nothing considering in their language or dialect the word could mean absolutely anything.

We must also consider that one mans Demon is simply another's Mans God.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by freedom7

the devil knows he's going to lose, but can't bring himself together to believe it

Ever wondered if Judgement Day is just an alias for 'Operation Cleanup' where the devils slaves are going to obey the Bible and remove all sinful spirits from this world ?

If the devil was a 'true rebel' wouldn't he be drinking piña colada's with sexy nephil spirits (horny demon babes) in the sunshine on the planet Zarg right now ?

The devil is programmed to lose, because his task is to cleanse this planet; not rule it for eternity. He already knows this.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 09:13 AM
The light is a lot more subtle than people realize..

The world is an ideology based battle ground..
Who can convince the most people that "their" idea is the one..

If we look at the concept of the future in terms of leading ideas formulated by the biggest idea generator (the internet) we see only two possibilities..

Within these two main themes there are numerous sub plot ideas.. but ultimately there are just two..

The New World Order and the Spiritual Evolution of Mankind..

They are both ideas pitted in a race against each other and against time..

The forces of Darkness and Light..

The subtlety enters when the choice of light is offered to us as the good option!

The question is, is it really the good option?

Having read over many years extensive articles and books on the new age and the occult it is obvious to me that Luciferians believe that Lucifer is the bringer of light and the good deity and that the god of religion is the bad deity.

To accept the ideas of being born again, awakening, oneness, synthesis, the age of aquarius, the world teacher, a new utopia means simply accepting the second ideology..

The truth is that The New Age Movement is the most dangerous lie to humanity. It is the ultimate deception. In truth you offer your being up willingly to the notion of brotherhood, peace and love, enlightenment and spiritual evolution. In doing so you have given yourself to an idea. One that you did not create and one that will not serve you in any way other than feeling connected to the whole/light.

This is the point at which when tshtf you realize only too late that you were duped and are now in fact part of the new world order...

If you doubt what i say just study blavatsky (the one lady who changed the thinking of the world the most).

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 10:28 AM

I keep having a reoccurring dream

Stopped reading there. You are not special and your dreams have no meaning.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 12:54 PM
This is not the end times. Throughout recorded history (study it) it was ALWAYS the last days (like 2012 for example and just ONE of them-of-my-gosh-we-gotta stash supplies RIGHT NOW for sure) and "here comes the anti-Christ". ITs not, and HE's not. (At least not yet).

And youre making a huge mistake thinking the aliens are coming. Im of the opinion with the advanced tech and probably anti-religious-governmental beliefs they either had a millions years ago or don't care about now.....we aren't gonna realize they are around until its too late BECAUSE we've been looking for them with signs on rooftops saying WELCOME!

I think they are here and have always been here. Additionally, with a quad-zillion star systems out there with tons and tons of stuff they could use....I don't think we have anything they'd want. They don't need slaves or to eat us either....

So, this isn't the end times, the Anti-Christ is not here or on the horizon just yet, and these days...not unlike all the others and the civilizations screaming it...are not the ENDTIMES.

Its always BEEN the end times.
edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: fix

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

The whole "alien invasion NWO" thing has been around ATS for quite some time


i think the whole false-flag is Project blue-beam....

however ... i just don't go in 100% with the religion & theology Matrix that we have been immersed in to believe.

disembodied spirits are the ET & aliens the religion matrix calls Satan Lucifer demons and angels as the counterpart beings

the end-times will be manipulated and orchestrated to happen, it will happen by the will & deeds of men not supernatural beings who are countless ages of evolution beyond our capabilities

a contrived 'alien' savior or attack by demons are both possible in the theater of Earth

the prime timeline is very soon.. i.e.: the 4 blood moons then the triad blood moons with an eclipse right smack dab in the middle and all occurring in a 42 month period and all moons coinciding with Jewish feast days...
thats a primo set up for all the world to go against the modern State of (misnamed) Israel
edit on th31138886477104462014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by freedom7

Amen brother im glad to see that you are not blind, continue to walk in the light in the name of our Lord, King, God, and savior Jesus Christ.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by freedom7

I think you are on the right track but I have a problem with the war between the aliens and antichrist. IMHO I believe Revelation 16:13 is referring to disclosure: Rev 16:13 " Then I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs. They were coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the false prophet. They are the spirits of demons that perform miracles. These three spirits go out to all the kings of the world, to bring them together for the battle on the great Day of Almighty God."

If you look at a picture of a frog, with its two little nostrils and large eyes and shiny skin it looks a bit like a grey or vice versa actually - to me at least. I might be wrong of course and this scripture has nothing to do with aliens.

Then it says in Rev 16:15 But that will be the day of God's great victory. Remember that Christ says, "When I come, it will surprise you like a thief! But God will bless you, if you are awake and ready. Then you won't have to walk around naked and be ashamed."

So I don't see the Antichrist fighting against them but them supporting him and his wars.

reply to post by freedom7

Amen brother im glad to see that you are not blind, continue to walk in the light in the name of our Lord, King, God, and savior Jesus Christ.


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:06 AM
A great deal of comments just show how far most have moved from God and how satan's plan is working a treat. Thats my opinion.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:29 AM

A great deal of comments just show how far most have moved from God and how satan's plan is working a treat. Thats my opinion.

You have concluded that from the 13 or 14 posts in this thread?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:27 AM

This is not the end times. Throughout recorded history (study it) it was ALWAYS the last days (like 2012 for example and just ONE of them-of-my-gosh-we-gotta stash supplies RIGHT NOW for sure) and "here comes the anti-Christ". ITs not, and HE's not. (At least not yet).

And youre making a huge mistake thinking the aliens are coming. Im of the opinion with the advanced tech and probably anti-religious-governmental beliefs they either had a millions years ago or don't care about now.....we aren't gonna realize they are around until its too late BECAUSE we've been looking for them with signs on rooftops saying WELCOME!

I think they are here and have always been here. Additionally, with a quad-zillion star systems out there with tons and tons of stuff they could use....I don't think we have anything they'd want. They don't need slaves or to eat us either....

So, this isn't the end times, the Anti-Christ is not here or on the horizon just yet, and these days...not unlike all the others and the civilizations screaming it...are not the ENDTIMES.

Its always BEEN the end times.
edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: fix

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:29 AM
Hey guys, thanks for every reply. Just getting back to the Poster who posted that , " It has always been the END TIMES" While I am compelled to agree with you on so many levels, because every generation seemingly feared the apocalypse in documented history. You need to know that while what you say is true, there isn't much if anything that can discredit the word of God ( the bible) that has prophecies depicted to unfold only in the end times- and they are playing out exactly how the prophecies said they would .. I will send links to backups my sources... - they are from the bible

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by freedom7

You are not understanding our POINT. There have always been people like yourself, bible in spouting this is the end times. You are not the 1st no matter what you think lines up with current events or not.
You have to realize that. And that is why we say that this is only ONE of the many endtimes that were right around the bend.
We are not deluded in anyway in telling you, that this is not the 1st...nor the last...and once you realize that about your must stand in line behind all the other bible events and prophets who were claiming the same thing lining up "just as the bible says".

Once you accept youre not the 1st, nor the last, and this is not "IT" could be a great asset in helping people understand what the endtimes is supposed to be, and not when. (From the Bible: "No one knows...etc")

But you first have to realize that.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by freedom7

PS We dont need "links" to your "sources". They would only be prejudiced to your view and that of the Bible. You do not address any Muslim or Hebrew friends, nor anyone else of any different beliefs to prove your point. Only Christian Bible prophecy.

And not everyone believes or has even read the bible. There are many children on this earth, not only Christians. And the endtimes coming affect them all.

Now, send us some "links' to Torah passages or from the Koran to go with your Bible prophecy...then you'd have something. Until then, you are just one of many for thousands of years convinced they were right (and here we are now to allow YOU a voice to proclaim it again!)

They too were wrong.

MS (and YES I am a Christian myself)

edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

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