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Billionaires Dumping Stocks

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posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I honestly don't get how bonds work but I know that US treasuries just broke the 3% yield mark. At least ZeroHedge had an article on it a few days back. But (and I stress) my understanding of bonds is pretty low. I would recommend talking with an expert on this. Might save your investments.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by beezzer

reply to post by Bassago

I was under the impression that the bond market would rise.

Perhaps I'm just screwed.

Here's how it works in my humble opinion.

If we experience total financial collapse and a new currency is ushered in, you are screwed. Unlikely.
If we experience a massive financial crisis which TPTB have been attempting to avert for several years which results in a haircut, you're somewhat screwed. Probably not likely.
If we experience a financial crisis, interest rates will rise and you will either break even, or make a profit. Very likely.

It is my opinion you have positioned yourself somewhere between decent and good.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:02 AM



Gold & silver, Guns & bullets, Food & water

Forget gold and silver....they have long been move to the speculation market. Gold at 1500 an ounce is at that price only because speculators have driven it. Gold now follows the stock market and if the stock market falls so does gold.

One thing that never looses value is bullets...

Gold and silver are artificially depressed by intervention of WESTERN GOVTS and international banks in the futures markets.

All suppression schemes work until they dont, these assets are cheap as dirt - China, Russia and many others are buying and hoarding gold like crazy right now. The Indian Govt (part of the anglo-american empire) recently raised import duties on gold to 10%!! The flow of gold into India was so large it was crushing the rupee - that is a loss of faith in the currency was being experienced, and it was being met by a rush to quality - by the people of India.

Holding gold is a bet against the US dollar, and its a bet against the entire western world. I firmly believe that bet will pay off extremely well within the next few years.

There are many people of course who say 'Oh, the doom sayers are at it again, but nothing bad has happened.'

Quantitive easing is TOTAL FAILURE of the monetary system, it is nothing else - also have a look around Europe and see how well places like Greece and Italy are doing. The collapse isnt coming, it is happening right now - and its well advanced.
edit on 6-1-2014 by Amagnon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by Ameilia


Thank you for some conformation!

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 06:25 AM
wonder if they are also buying up large amounts of bitcoins

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Bassago

The market has become a bit over bought and may show symptoms of being overweight. Keep in mind people like George Soros who throw around billions of dollars have to sell on the up because they hold such hefty positions. If they sold after the market topped (or too close to the top) liquidating their positions would kill the prices before they even could liquidate fully.

If it wasn't for savvy players the market would get out of control and have massive blowouts because many people are too greedy to operate the market responsibly.

The stock market is doomed to turn bearish eventually, but as for now it looks to be floating accommodatingly thanks to the couple trillion dollars in freshly printed cash and liquidity gained from the crisis.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

I disagree. I think that gold prices have been inflated and the severity of the late bear trend concurs with that notion. Gold is a bubble that is propped up by the fiat monetary system, realize that the true value of gold in relation to hard currency compared to other commodities is probably somewhere in the realm of $50-500 an oz. Central banks currently have a very low exchange rate on their gold reserves, last I heard it was somewhere around $50 an oz. This is why there is such a disparity between gold and silver prices, it's not that silver is being suppressed, it's that gold is (or was) being pumped up and silver is actually reflecting its' true value.

I think gold declined for the most part because the supply is very large and traders can't afford to sustain high prices. There are so many people who bought so much gold who are now looking at a loss and will sell if the price holds down for long enough. There are also people who hold vast amounts of wealth in gold and when they get the idea that prices will drop they will turn much of that into cash. It's a supply avalanche, probably the main reason their has been something of a panic on gold prices for people. Eventually gold gets to the point where big money is holding enough of it, then the only thing left for them to do is sell it. Small money can't hold up against big money. Especially not when it comes to gold.

On a side-note I think the gold bubble should reach around $2,500 before it tops permanently, as long as their isn't another money printing binge before then. IF you were to crunch the numbers $2,400 would come out to be an appropriate value for gold although I doubt that price would last very long.
edit on 6-1-2014 by On7a7higher7plane because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by On7a7higher7plane

There are so many people who bought so much gold who are now looking at a loss and will sell if the price holds down for long enough. There are also people who hold vast amounts of wealth in gold and when they get the idea that prices will drop they will turn much of that into cash.

Perhaps, if you are talking about individuals. When it comes to sovereign gold ownership or bullion holdings within the banks or Comex I disagree. Not talking about paper gold ETF's but physical bullion.

JPMorgan's Eligible Gold Plummets 65% In 24 Hours To All Time Low
The Chinese Don't Want Dollars Anymore, They Want Gold - London's Gold Vaults Are Empty
Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practically Empty

It appears to me that TPTB are desperately trying to keep the lid on gold prices ETF vs Bullion because once physical gold price breaks free of the paper gold their fiat money empire will fall apart. India's 10% premium on gold imports is a sign of this as well as the current premiums up to 3%+ required to buy physical gold right now in the west.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 12:55 PM
Just for fun, to celebrate the new year.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:22 AM

reply to post by Fearthedarkforiaminit

Ok so how about helping us with the skills we will need while we still have electricity and computers to see it on. Would love to see pdf series on survival skills. I say that because you can print them and have them to follow when you no longer have electricity.

That would be a worthwhile endeavor and really help others. What you think.

The Bot

Funny you mention it. I am working on an E-Book and digital companion right now. You can always use solar to charge your table and watch the videos or print the chapters. Thanks Bot.

Edited to add: I have compiled a massive pile of PDF's on Survival. I am currently working on integrating them into my book/companion, however if you contact me personally I will share them with you. I dont intend to make a ton of money off the book. Targeting a .99 cent download for both book and companion when complete. But always willing to help good peeps.

edit on 138907954301bTue, 07 Jan 2014 01:25:43 -0600America/ChicagoTuesdayTuesdayam C by Fearthedarkforiaminit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:38 AM


reply to post by Fearthedarkforiaminit

Ok so how about helping us with the skills we will need while we still have electricity and computers to see it on. Would love to see pdf series on survival skills. I say that because you can print them and have them to follow when you no longer have electricity.

That would be a worthwhile endeavor and really help others. What you think.

The Bot

Funny you mention it. I am working on an E-Book and digital companion right now. You can always use solar to charge your table and watch the videos or print the chapters. Thanks Bot.

Edited to add: I have compiled a massive pile of PDF's on Survival. I am currently working on integrating them into my book/companion, however if you contact me personally (Wall Me) I will share them with you. I dont intend to make a ton of money off the book. Targeting a .99 cent download for both book and companion when complete. But always willing to help good peeps.

edit on 138907954301bTue, 07 Jan 2014 01:25:43 -0600America/ChicagoTuesdayTuesdayam C by Fearthedarkforiaminit because: (no reason given)

Wall Me for the PDFs
edit on 138910558701bTue, 07 Jan 2014 08:39:47 -0600America/ChicagoTuesdayTuesdayam C by Fearthedarkforiaminit because: Wall Me for the PDFs

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by On7a7higher7plane

But that's not a problem? That if certain whales don't alter the market then it will fail? And the market the is safe now because the fed pumped trillions of dollars into it? Or am i just massively over simplifying things and it makes it seem worse?

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Bassago

There is a black supply that can keep such situations restrained.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

I think you underestimate the professionalism of high finance. This is a good thing, it's not like the Fed trillions are being used to rape the economy in order to enrich people. Only so many and as much as to keep a reasonable pace of inflation. If this was anything other than a power grab then the dollar would be hyper-inflating. It's not so basically the proof is in the pudding. Consolidating the shares, the cash and the power in the hands of the more responsible. Leaving the rest at the wayside living in luxury. It's a classy system.

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