posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 03:25 AM
Greetz to all in the forum.
This is just a line to intro myself.
Here's where I sit in on the political compass:
See where you sit here:
I'm 34 and a veteran at gaming online; mostly shooters, like Rainbow6, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Call of Duty, BFV, BF1942, and UT (All of them).
I also play alot of RPG's as well like Divine Divinity, and Sacred (Diablo-esque)
Rise of Nations and Age of Mythology have also been known to waste my life. My gaming nick is disruptive or Anti|-|ero.
My roots in music come from 80's rock like Van Halen, punk like The Clash, and new wave like dDepeche Mode. I listen to everything except most rap
and most country. (All your base are belong to The Pixies!)
My perfect world would have a new non-government organization formed with the sole task and supreme power of investigating and prosecuting, not only
corrupt government officials but corporations as well.
Good times.
[edit on 11/20/2004 by Libertine]