posted on May, 22 2003 @ 03:09 AM
This is a theory from RAMPA, so I know that it can be controversy, but anyway, it's an intersting one :
This is it :
In fact, soul and mind are respectively electrical and chimical energies. Soul have a wavelenght and always try to enhance (Increase) his wavelenght
until she (soul) arrive at the light wavelenght speed... (Follow me ?
Rampa (GOD Bless him) describe uiverse as a wavelenght bow (And he is not wrong, according to quantum physics theory) :
These are the wavelenght bow (Lower to upper):
Material World (Sense of taste, touching)
Sound (Sense of Hearing, Feeling)
Radio frequencies (Sense of feeling)
Psychometry (6th Sense, Clairvoyance, t�l�pathy)
Light (Sense of vision)