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Growing up unvaccinated: This is what happens when your parents refuse

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+25 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:01 AM

"I am the 70s child of a health nut. I wasn’t vaccinated" I was brought up on an incredibly healthy diet: no sugar till I was one, breastfed for over a year, organic homegrown vegetables, raw milk, no MSG, no additives, no aspartame. My mother used homeopathy, aromatherapy, osteopathy, we took daily supplements of vitamin C, echinacea, cod liver oil.

I had an outdoor lifestyle; I grew up next to a farm, walked everywhere, did sports and danced twice a week, drank plenty of water. I wasn’t even allowed pop; even my fresh juice was watered down to protect my teeth, and I would’ve killed for white, shop-bought bread in my lunch box once in a while and biscuits instead of fruit like all the other kids.
We only ate (organic local) meat maybe once or twice a week and my mother and father cooked everything from scratch – I have yet to taste a Findus crispy pancake and oven chips were reserved for those nights when mum and dad had friends over and we got a “treat.”
As healthy as my lifestyle seemed, I contracted measles, mumps, rubella, a type of viral meningitis, scarlatina, whooping cough, yearly tonsillitis, and chickenpox, some of which are vaccine preventable. In my twenties I got precancerous HPV and spent 6 months of my life wondering how I was going to tell my two children under the age of 7 that mummy might have cancer before it was safely removed.
So having the “natural immunity sterilised out of us” just doesn’t cut it for me. How could I, with my idyllic childhood and my amazing health food, get so freaking ill all the time?

My mother was the biggest health freak around–she would put most of my current “crunchy” friends to shame. She didn’t drink, she didn’t smoke, she didn’t do drugs and we certainly weren’t allowed to watch whatever we wanted on telly or wear plastic shoes or any of that stuff. She LIVED alternative health. And you know what? I’m glad she gave us the great diet that we had, I’m glad that she cared about us in that way.

But it just didn’t stop me getting childhood illnesses.

My two vaccinated children, on the other hand, have rarely been ill, have had antibiotics maybe twice in their lives, if that (not like me who got so many illnesses which needed treatment with antibiotics that I developed a resistance to them, which led me to be hospitalized with penicillin-resistant quinsy at 21–you know that old fashioned disease that killed Queen Elizabeth I and which was almost wiped out through use of antibiotics).

My kids have had no childhood illnesses other than chickenpox, which they both contracted while still breastfeeding. They too grew up on a healthy diet, homegrown organics etc. Not to the same extent as I did, though, as I was not quite as strict as my mother, but they are both healthier than I have ever been.

I really wish I could post the rest of the article HERE for everyone to read. The thing is T&C says we cant do that so I can only hope people take the time to open the link and read the rest of her story. For those who refuse too she goes on to list people she knew that died or were permanently injured/hurt from vaccine preventable illnesses in her life. She explains the irrationality of the anti-vacc mentality that she once had and her decision to protect her children from those illnesses through vaccine instead of having them endure the pain she did.

Even if you do not read the article there are two quotes below that deserve attention.

“If you think your child’s immune system is strong enough to fight off vaccine-preventable diseases, then it’s strong enough to fight off the tiny amounts of dead or weakened pathogens present in any of the vaccines.”


Those of you who have avoided childhood illnesses without vaccines are lucky. You couldn’t do it without us pro-vaxxers. Once the vaccination rates begin dropping, the less herd immunity will be able to protect your children. The more people you convert to your anti-vax stance, the quicker that luck will run out.


A simple vaccine can spare a child suffering but for some strange reasoning some parents would rather see their children look like the ones in those pictures.
edit on 3-1-2014 by Grimpachi because: be nice

+38 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

There is a tipping point with vaccines. If enough people refuse to be vaccinated, diseases now thought to be rare or extinct will come roaring back. Don't let some idiot tell you that polio isn't bad.

+29 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

That's fine. It just makes me uneasy when a child/baby is given 20 vaccines (exaggeration) in a short amount of time.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Good post! I've always thought that people who are 'germaphobes' were ridiculous, if you truly are scared of them then let your body come in contact! You build up an immunity, your body learns how to fight the germs off! This is exactly what a vaccination is, a tiny part of the disease/virus injected into the body so the white blood cells learn how to fight it off FOREVER.

My parents told me that they never gave me the MMR jab, because they were concerned it was the government's attempt at 'dumbing down the masses', whilst I am always cautious about what the Government suggests what we should do, healthcare is something you should consider listening to, children die too easily.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:16 AM
This has been something that I have struggled with for about the last decade. I have not been blessed with children yet, so at least their is that.

Their are several issues related to Thimerosal and neurons. And then their is my personal religious rejection of anything dead fetus related being in an injection.

These choices will have consequences not just to ourselves, or our children we make decisions for, but also the rest of the herd.

For now the Thimerosal issue can be gotten by, strictly by making sure any vaccine you use is a single dose. You will have to have an honest discussion with your healthcare provider so they understand and honor your objection to the Thimerosal containing multi-dose vials.

As far as aborted/dead fetal tissue related risks, rumors, conspiracies I have not been able to get very far with that. So I really can't offer anyone help on that front.

Fact is this. If you do not immunize and a large portion of everyone else stops their will be a return of diseases that will be nearly un-treatable with life long consequences. I say tread lightly, do your own research and make an informed choice.

On a final note the other claimed bi-products of vaccination such as Guillian-Barre, or Autism or a handfull of other issues needs to be scientifically addressed by an international 3rd party, and it needs to be an on going study with no expiration.

Their is to much business and money involved with these things we discuss so it makes it harder for an end user to make informed choices. And that isn't even including one ounce of conspiracy. Once you do it gets really hard to do anything.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:20 AM
I had my fare share of long replies so far today so i will keep this minimal.

I am way past the vaccine era.

Not acceptable anymore although i had when i was young and in the army.

The time of the innocent vaccines is gone for ages now. Not sure still if even mine were completely what they are meant to be.... They are way ahead of us and you learn this by the day...

Best regards,

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:27 AM
I agree that vaccinations have been good for mankind and being a young Dad, I ensured my son was vaccinated.

However, there have been cases of babies receiving the MMR who have later been diagnosed with autism. Is it a risk worth taking? Many say yes, but what if it did cause autism in your child? The argument I have read is that the vaccinations given separately are not as harmful, but obviously comes at a higher cost, including cost of the vaccination and time of the Doctors to administer the vaccination.

I must admit the link wasn't reported before my son was vaccinated, if it was, would I have still gone ahead? Probably, but I guess it's easy to say in hindsight.

I grew up in the seventies and vaccinations were not available at that time, or if they were, I know I didn't receive any. I did receive a polio vaccination on my 17th birthday though and as my Grandmother was affected by this illness when she was a child, and seeing first hand how this affected her all her life, then it was a no brainier for me.

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:27 AM

reply to post by Grimpachi

That's fine. It just makes me uneasy when a child/baby is given 20 vaccines (exaggeration) in a short amount of time.

Exactly! I understand that these vaccines have been lab tested and everything, but injecting 5-10 shots in one visit? How can that be good?

And how can we know for sure, the long term effects, when long term testing has never been done on children < 4 and pregnant women? How can people feel safe injecting their children with something that isn't tested?

I had my normal vaccines as a kid, after that, I never had another. No flu vaccines, nothing. I haven't been "sick" (needing medical care) in 8+ years. I've caught a cold, two or three times, but that is all. On the other hand, I know quite a few people who received their annual flu shots, who ended up catching the flu.


posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Sounds like they were just cheap people. I was vaccinated eat store bought food and lounged in front of a tv. I am seldom sick. What's her point? Her parents deprived her? Couldn't afford a regular lifestyle?
edit on AMu31u0110157312014-01-03T09:57:04-06:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

+41 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by six67seven

The OP is an anecdote, not even approaching science or actionable information.
26 injections before 15 months. This is fact.

schedule linked here

other little known facts:

0% of these substances have been safety tested on babies. No test has been done on multi-vax interactions on adults or children. You might ask then, why does the CDC believe they are safe to put in the psuedo-mandatory regime?

1. The single blind tests of a single vax on adults, conducted and documented by the drug companies do not show a "significant" number of serious side effects. There is no burden of proof of efficacy of protection against pathogens. Zero.

That's it. Feel safe yet? Welcome to the experiment on babies, you are probably participating. Sorry if you are one of the insignificant number of serious side effects. Prepare to be denied and victim shamed by the drug company PR machine.

Get profit motive out of health care science. It's a fundamental conflict of interest.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:35 AM

reply to post by Grimpachi

That's fine. It just makes me uneasy when a child/baby is given 20 vaccines (exaggeration) in a short amount of time.

You do know that they don't need to have all the vaccines until they are ready for school . You can pace the vaccines
And 20 vaccines? No deary not anywhere near that number. Not even if you include booster shots.
MMR, DPT, VARICELLA, TB, hepatitis a and b. There are a few others but these are the required vaccines for school.

Ok just noticed the word exaggeration sorry.
edit on AM000000310000000110137312014-01-03T09:37:19-06:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:42 AM

reply to post by six67seven

The OP is an anecdote, not even approaching science or actionable information.
26 injections before 15 months. This is fact.

schedule linked here

other little known facts:

0% of these substances have been safety tested on babies. No test has been done on multi-vax interactions on adults or children. You might ask then, why does the CDC believe they are safe to put in the psuedo-mandatory regime?

1. The single blind tests of a single vax on adults, conducted and documented by the drug companies do not show a "significant" number of serious side effects. There is no burden of proof of efficacy of protection against pathogens. Zero.

That's it. Feel safe yet? Welcome to the experiment on babies, you are probably participating. Sorry if you are one of the insignificant number of serious side effects. Prepare to be denied and victim shamed by the drug company PR machine.

Get profit motive out of health care science. It's a fundamental conflict of interest.

Wow, surprisingly I wasn't exaggerating. Scary. I don't have children, so that's why I assumed 20 was an exaggeration.

And you're right! I work in clinical research and news flash everyone: There are no clinical trials for infants!!

Which means this newborn vaccination schedule IS the clinical trial. The hard part is making decisions for your baby. Every single parent wants to protect their child. Question is - what is the best course to follow? No one knows for sure. (Though many act like they do) I wish, for better of society, this wasn't the case.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

you know its funny, i had had all of the normal vaccinations that a person should have 3 times yes thats right, ive had every single shot 3 times, and sofar the only problems medical wise that i have is the lack of cartalidge in my knees, and a sleep cycle issue (sofar undiagnosable). you see my parents were military, so i obviously got all the shots, but when my brother was born the military somehow mixed my brothers and my social security numbers, so i got them all again because the documentation said i had to have them, then when i was 16 they managed to fix our ssn issue just in time for me to not be able to file my taxes properly (woops!!) so then i joined the USAF when i was 20 and you know what? they couldent find my records again, someone in the military had lost track of them, so i got all the shots again! was so fun, and not a week later they found the old records, so now my shot record is 6 pages long, where most people get a page and a half. the only problem i have with shots is the stupid flu shots, years i get them i get sick and years i dont get them i dont get sick, why? i have no idea but thats how the game happens to run for me. i also dont like taking my kids in for shots, because they are too young to comprehend why i took them somplace to get hurt, i remember my daughter actually apologized to the nurse! like she had done somethign wrong, she was 2 so you could forgive her for not understanding, but it really upsets a man when his kid gets hurt, through no fault of their own and somehow they assume its their fault. but with that said, vaccinations are what have allowed humanity to get to where we are today, the steady progress of medical technologies have allowed us all to live much longer lives then otherwise. if you want a world where vaccinations didnt exist, you would have a world where 13 year olds married 15 year olds and had 15 children only 4 of which survived. i think anyone would agree that that is not a world anyone would really enjoy living in.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:48 AM
I'm not allowed to put what i think up here as it will contravene the t&c's.

All i'll say is woooo, one person out of thousands who have also had a similar upbringing, although i will admit i haven't fully read the report, from what is there, there is still info missing, like we lived next to 3 mile island etc, Porton down or any other number of god forsaken chemical / agro/ pharma / nuclear testing sites.

I will however go back and read the entire article. On the other hand, my parents were against vaccination and i wasn't vaxed, thank god. However i did have slightly more relaxed parents when it came to the rest, so perhaps the lesson should be; Everything in moderation and nothing to excess.

Oh and btw havent vaxed my son either, only ever gets a cold and hates me because he doesn't get as much time off school as all his other (vaxed) friends do, due to illness.

Also, go do some studying about vaccines, all the diseases they keep threatening you with coming back as big bogey men disease, were already in decline before the vaxes, try using a different search engine to google and try and go beyond the first few pages
edit on 15/09/2011 by FFS4000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by six67seven

The hard part is making decisions for your baby. Every single parent wants to protect their child. Question is - what is the best course to follow? No one knows for sure.

Oranges and natural unmodified food in a balanced died of no drugs and non processed food.
That's all it takes.

So there is your answer. Simple enough? Or too complicated to grasp? You decide.
I have a funny feeling you or others may disagree, but here lies the problem. Brains have already been fried too much to see the obvious. Everyone is free to follow his path. Free you are too.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:48 AM

reply to post by Grimpachi

you know its funny, i had had all of the normal vaccinations that a person should have 3 times yes thats right, ive had every single shot 3 times, and sofar the only problems medical wise that i have is the lack of cartalidge in my knees, and a sleep cycle issue (sofar undiagnosable). you see my parents were military, so i obviously got all the shots, but when my brother was born the military somehow mixed my brothers and my social security numbers, so i got them all again because the documentation said i had to have them, then when i was 16 they managed to fix our ssn issue just in time for me to not be able to file my taxes properly (woops!!) so then i joined the USAF when i was 20 and you know what? they couldent find my records again, someone in the military had lost track of them, so i got all the shots again! was so fun, and not a week later they found the old records, so now my shot record is 6 pages long, where most people get a page and a half. the only problem i have with shots is the stupid flu shots, years i get them i get sick and years i dont get them i dont get sick, why? i have no idea but thats how the game happens to run for me. i also dont like taking my kids in for shots, because they are too young to comprehend why i took them somplace to get hurt, i remember my daughter actually apologized to the nurse! like she had done somethign wrong, she was 2 so you could forgive her for not understanding, but it really upsets a man when his kid gets hurt, through no fault of their own and somehow they assume its their fault. but with that said, vaccinations are what have allowed humanity to get to where we are today, the steady progress of medical technologies have allowed us all to live much longer lives then otherwise. if you want a world where vaccinations didnt exist, you would have a world where 13 year olds married 15 year olds and had 15 children only 4 of which survived. i think anyone would agree that that is not a world anyone would really enjoy living in.

you obviously didn't get the run-on sentence vaccine!!


posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

My sister in law disinfected every surface in her home daily. I cleaned but was never a fanatic and sure didn't bleach every surface in the house. Her kids were constantly sick and mine never were. I mean literally my kids never got sick except for a rare cold. Hers were hospitalized with strep, constantly had ear infections, and always leaked. I told her her kids had no resistance to germs. Her brother is my husband so it couldn't be hereditary. She and he have the same genes. My husband is seldom sick either.
I will say this though. They live in Pittsfield Mass. The love canal of new england thanks to G.E. They have also been plagued with several types of cancer which they have recovered from. Thankfully.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by six67seven

sorry, not quite here today and i didnt really get time to proofread.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:53 AM

reply to post by Grimpachi

There is a tipping point with vaccines. If enough people refuse to be vaccinated, diseases now thought to be rare or extinct will come roaring back. Don't let some idiot tell you that polio isn't bad.

Not to mention small pox which has been eradicated in the US to the point that we don't even have to vaccinate against it any more.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 09:53 AM
I believe in vaccinations vs. risk. If there is sufficient risk get vaccinated, you will survive the flu but you will not certain other diseases.

I do not however believe in over-vacinating or nor do I trust Drug companies...

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