Love reading this site daily and have wanted to intro myself for months but... Lack of attention span aka ADHD (doesn't really exist, shhh... Wait,
look... squirrel!) always sidetracked me to refresh page here, what's the newest thread? What's active? Has fukushima really gone all out this time?
Where are the aliens and sky booms today? Will I be swabbed for DNA for no reason soon?
I digress...
For any lurkers with similar ATS ADHD symptoms, I encourage you to take 5 minutes and say hello! If a (former) blonde can do it, you can too!
Statistics prove my point.
# of times I started a 'Hello' thread: 24
# of times I finished a 'Hello' thread: 1 (fingers crossed)
Minutes it took me to find the search function: 11
# of times I uploaded a pic for an avatar: 4
# of times it did not work: 3 (see thread on avatar pixels. Changed my life.)
SEE! And I promise, I am actually one of the how do you say, intelligent folk?
Minutes you spent reading this, for absolutely no purpose: 2? But, it's about to be a new year, so who really cares about those 2 minutes?!
Favorite ATS forum: Three way tie. No, six way. Actually, I love them all. As soon as I have time to read up on what a third eye is and how I find
mine, I may just understand them all.
Thank you senior members and long time posters, you have made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion, but best of all, you have made me think.
And that is something us humans can never really do too much of...or should say, need to be doing a lot more of...
Happy New Year and cheers to a wonderful, enlightening 2014!!! Thank you all!
(Disclaimer- the above statistics are presented purely to demonstrate how important I thought my Hello post should be as I highly respect the
intelligence of this community, and in no way reflect this forums functionality or should indicate any changes being requested on behalf of the
poster. This site is the most visually aesthetic, easy to navigate forum I have read. Kudos and thank you!)