posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 09:08 PM
It is a New Year's Show Like we have never planned....
Music, Fun, Conversation and Your Calls of New Year's Resolutions.
Tune In by the usual means or at
How to call in to the show
UK Users can call into the show from landlines by ringing
0113 8150068
Calls will be charged at Local rates if you live in the Leeds area, or national rates from elsewhere
dependant on your call package
Calllers in the USA can call into the show from landlines by ringing
(954) 903-0748
Calls will be charged at Local rates if you live in the FT.Lauderdale area, or national rates from elsewhere dependant on your call
Be sure to join us in the ATS Chat Room as well during the show, and get your views heard.
Shows also appear as podcast feeds on;
We are also now on IHeart Radio
ATS Live Radio - virtually everywhere
edit on 12/31/2013 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)
edit on 1/1/2014 by
semperfortis because: (no reason given)